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Online:Skeletal Flame Knight

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Skeletal Flame Knight
Location Dragonscours in Northern Elsweyr and Southern ElsweyrDragonhold
Race Skeleton Gender No Gender
Health 119538 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Sun Mage
Other Information
Condition Undead
Skeletal Flame Knight

Skeletal Flame Knights are Khajiit skeletons that are summoned by fire dragons who use the Raise Dead shout.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Quick Strike
A basic melee attack that does minor physical damage.
The sun mage imbues their weapon with flames before striking their target three times back to back, dealing low flame damage each.
The sun mage plant their weapon into the ground, summoning two orbs of solar energy near them, which then move towards their target and launch themselves at them, dealing moderate flame damage followed by low flame damage over time. This attack can be interrupted.
The sun mage plants their weapon into the ground, creating a flaming field at their target's feet, dealing continuous low flame damage. Then, multiple smaller fields of solar energy emerge from the larger field and travel in a straight line in either four directions in the shape of a cross, dealing low flame damage each.