The Reach is an area ruled by the Reachmen from their capital city of Markarth. It sits above the underground expanse known as Blackreach: Arkthzand Cavern.
The geographic region is surrounded by High Rock, Skyrim and Hammerfell. Near the southwestern corner, the former Dwemer stronghold of Markarth emerges from the living rock of the Druadach Mountains, which transition into the Jerall Mountains near the hold's southeast corner.
See also:
Player Houses:
Stone Eagle Aerie
— A player manor in Markarth. (map)
The plans for some of these furnishings can be obtained from the following Furnisher Documents:
The ReachEdit
Image | Name | Type | Cost | Source | Achievement of Quest | Description |
Dwarven Crystal Receptacle (page) | Workshop (Machinery) |
15,000 | Reward for: The Reach Cave Delver | Though its pronged receptacle stands empty, this pillar once housed some form of Dwarven stone or crystal. | ||
Dwarven Tonal Cascade (page) | Workshop (Machinery) |
15,000 | Reward for: The Reach Master Explorer | "Dwemer devices are precise instruments. Usually. This, however, appears to emit tonal forces in a torrent. Catastrophically dangerous. Never turn it on. If there were a control mechanism, maybe, but I can't fathom what could tune it."—Neramo | ||
Dwarven Tonal Manacle (page) | Workshop (Machinery) |
15,000 | Reward for: Defender of the Reach | "This Dwarven gewgaw tethers … something. Trust me, I know plenty about tethers. Can smell 'em on a guard at more than fifty paces away, and this thing reeks of tethers…manacles…that sort of thing. Let's avoid it."—Gorthuth, Dwarven Ruins Delver | ||
Falmer Totem of Dominance (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
7,000 | Reward for: Gloomreach Explorer | "I would ask the scholar who wrote 'I discovered Falmer mark their territory with such totems' more about this ill-scented column and these Falmer she mentions, but she died after penning this entry in her journal. How inconvenient."—Scholar Tuintaatel | ||
Harrowstorm Mists (page) | Miscellaneous (Environment) |
40 |
Vendor: Buoyant Armiger Crate
This is a large house item. | ||
Horn of the Reachclans (page) | Parlor (Instruments) |
50,000 | Reward for: Falkreath Hold Vanquisher | This great horn might come from the extinct Markarth musk ox—or it might be from a particularly large minotaur! | ||
Reach Effigy of Turnabout (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
10,000 | Reward for: Vateshran Hollows Conqueror | The bones, twigs, and hide that make up this effigy all receive blood-blessings from the clan's witchfolk, who claim it sends spirits with ill intentions back to plague their erstwhile masters. | ||
Reach Totem, Twig Archway (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
10,000 |
Vendor: Luxury Furnisher
This is a large house item. | ||
Reach Totem, Twig Crescent (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
3,000 |
Vendor: Luxury Furnisher
This is a standard house item. | ||
Reach Totem, Twig Raven (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
3,000 |
Vendor: Luxury Furnisher
This is a small house item. | ||
Reach Totem, Twig Symbol (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
2,500 |
Vendor: Luxury Furnisher
This is a small house item. | ||
Reachwitch Protective Totem (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
4,000 | Reward for: The Reach Master Angler | This totem sees use only in places where Reach clans intend to set up camp for more than a few weeks or around Markarth. Some witches claim that subversive uses for this totem abound among bloodthirstier clans. | ||
Red Eagle Cave Painting (page) | Gallery (Art) |
7,500 | Though this cave painting stands tall, the legend of Red Eagle stands taller still among those living in the Reach … and beyond. The visceral impact of this piece may just haunt your dreams. | |||
Totem of the Reach (page) | Undercroft (Sacred Pieces) |
4,000 |
Vendor: Listens-to-Sea in Riften
Reward for: Reach Crusher | This totem doesn't seem to carry the usual death curse. No one's died yet, at least. | |
Tree, Reach Totem (page) | Undercroft (Symbolic Decor) |
5,000 | Reward for: Briar Rock Ruins Explorer | "Above us, the limbs stretch to the sky. Below us, the roots spread throughout the ground. Where both meet in this tree, place your bone offerings. Renew them with oils after every rain or the tree's spirit will seek your doom."—Reachwitch Eoinellgen | ||
Vampiric Stained Glass (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
60,000 | The dramatic reds and blacks of this stained glass form striking iconography, making it a must-have for any vampire seeking to decorate their sanctuary. |
Image | Name | Type | Cost | Source | Achievement of Quest | Description |
Blackreach Geode, Iridescent (page) | Conservatory (Crystals) |
Crafting: Sketch: Blackreach Geode, Iridescent | This is a standard house item. | |||
Fungus, Gloomspore Ghost (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
100 |
Vendor: Gloomspore Crate
This is a standard house item. | ||
Mushroom, Giant Glowtendril (page) | Conservatory (Mushrooms) |
20,000 |
Vendor: Luxury Furnisher
This is a large house item. | ||
Mushroom, Glowing Trumpet (page) | Lighting (Enchanted Lights) |
1,000 |
Vendor: Luxury Furnisher
This is a large house item. | ||
Mushroom, Large Glowtendril (page) | Conservatory (Mushrooms) |
20,000 |
Vendor: Luxury Furnisher
This is a large house item. | ||
Painting of Blackreach, Rough (page) | Gallery (Paintings) |
40 |
Vendor: Gloomspore Crate
This is a standard house item. | ||
The Deception of Light Painting, Wood (page) | Gallery (Paintings) |
530 |
Vendor: Housing Editor
This is a standard house item. |
- Furnishings listed without a Source may not yet have been found in-game; while some of these may be rewarded through certain activities, such as fishing, theft, or pickpocketing, many are simply not yet available.
- Items sold at the luxury furnishing vendor are sold during the weekend only, and are then replaced with new items the following weekend.