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Online:The Weeper

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
This character only appears during the Witches Festival.
The Weeper
Location Roads around Tamriel
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly → Hostile Class Spirit Master
Other Information
Condition Spirit
The Weeper

The Weeper is a Wood Elf who can be found on the roads around Tamriel during the Witches Festival as a part of a random encounter. She is found weeping at an Ominous Gravestone. When the player approaches, she takes on a purple ghostly form and becomes hostile.

The Ominous Gravestone will periodically spawn zombies, with a maximum of two in the fight at any time. After defeating her and destroying the gravestone, you will be able to dig up the burial mound where the gravestone was. Inside is the Worn Child's Doll which can be given to Mother Semuzi in another encounter for unique dialogue as part of Khal H. Hughez's story.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

Ice Arrow
A basic ranged attack that does minor frost damage.
Summon Burdening Eye
The enemy summons a Burdening Eye that moves toward the player.
If the Burdening Eye touches the player, it explodes, temporarily rooting the player in place and doing moderate magical damage.
Spell Absorption
The enemy channels a shield on an ally that greatly reduces magical damage taken. This spell can be interrupted to knock the enemy off balance.


  • The Grieving Bosmer encounter is similar to the Weeper in that it also features a Bosmer crying over a grave.
