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Find a way for Haela Ysonian and Kuram to serve an Anvil temple.
Quest Giver: Haela Ysonian
Location(s): Anvil
Prerequisite Quest: Lindasael
Reward: Traveler's Walking Stick
Disposition: +10 (Haela Ysonian)
Reputation Gain: +1 (Cyrodiil Reputation), +10 Order of Itinerant Priests
ID: PC_m1_IP_HY4
Haela and Kuram have arrived in Anvil.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Haela Ysonian in Anvil's Port Quarter about works and serve a local temple.
  2. Speak to Citisorus in the Temple of the First Breath with 30+ disposition about serve a local temple.
  3. Return to Haela.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

After your run-in at Lindasael, you'll next encounter Haela and Kuram in Anvil's Port Quarter, by the piers. It seems that Haela's gift of a varla stone to the Temple of Dibella Estetica did not secure her a chance to serve there. Both Haela and Kuram now find themselves in the city without a temple to attach themselves to. Haela asks that you find one.

Anvil's temples include the Chapel of the Tranquil Sky, which is dedicated to Kynareth and her facets; the Temple of Dibella Estetica, which favors Dibella; the Chapel of Solemn Echoes, which honors Arkay; and the Temple of the First Breath, which venerates Morihaus.

The Chapel of the Tranquil Sky is in the Port Quarter, but lacks room for a minotaur - they'll refer you instead to the Chapel of Solemn Echoes. The Temple of Dibella Estetica has already seen its primate, Hiral Varollus, say no to adding Itinerant Priests to its ranks, and will say no to you also. The Chapel of Solemn Echoes lies outside the city walls in the graveyard, but does not find a minotaur to be an appropriate presence for the many that enter the chapel seeking solace. They'll refer you to the Temple of the First Breath by Anvil's main gate. Citisorus, the leader of this temple, will enthusiastically accept the two priests (with 30+ disposition) - not least because Kuram is a minotaur, a descendant of Morihaus.

Return to Haela and Kuram to give them the good news. Haela, while worried that all the veneration for Kuram may go to his head, will be thankful - and passes on her Traveler's Walking Stick to you, on the grounds that she will no longer need it. You can find the two in the Temple of the First Breath in future.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Place to Serve (PC_m1_IP_HY4)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I met Haela Ysonian and Kuram in Anvil's Port Quarter, where Haela frustratedly told me that the Temple of Dibella Estetica had taken her gift of the varla stone and then refused to allow them to enter its service. She wants me to find a way for her and Kuram to serve a local temple, and suggested that I ask around the city to see if anywhere else would be interested in taking them on.
20 Citisorus, the head priest at the Temple of the First Breath, told me that he would be glad to have Haela Ysonian and Kuram take up service at his temple. He was especially excited at the prospect of having a minotaur priest there.
100 Finishes quest  Haela Ysonian thanked me for finding a way for her and Kuram to serve a local temple. She said that the two of them would head to the Temple of the First Breath immediately and rewarded me with an enchanted walking stick for all my assistance.
110 Finishes quest  Haela Ysonian was angry to hear of Citisorus' death.
120 Finishes quest  Haela Ysonian was furious to hear of Kuram's death. She has no more tasks for me.
A Place to Serve (PC_m1_IP_HY4A)
10 Alva Egotia, the priest at the Chapel of Solemn Echoes, refused to allow Haela Ysonian and Kuram to take up service at her chapel. She suggested I try asking at the Temple of the First Breath, just inside the city gates.
A Place to Serve (PC_m1_IP_HY4D)
10 Dalia Lasalian, a priest at the Temple of Dibella Estetica, told me that Haela Ysonian and Kuram's offer of taking up service there had already been refused and that the Primate's decision would not be reconsidered.
A Place to Serve (PC_m1_IP_HY4K)
10 Jabethius Lorus, the head priest at the Chapel of the Tranquil Sky, declined Haela Ysonian and Kuram's offer to take up service at his chapel. However, he recommended I instead ask at the Chapel of Solemn Echoes, to the north of the city gates.