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Kuram (PC_m1_Kuram)
Added by Project: Cyrodiil
Location Swordmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Outside Lindasael (After Parvo's Problem)
Anvil, Port Quarter (after Lindasael (quest))
Anvil, Marina, Temple of the First Breath (after A Place to Serve)
Species Minotaur Soul Grand (300)
Level 30 Type Humanoids
  • 16-32 pts melee
  • 25-60 pts melee
  • 12-48 pts melee
Other Information
Health 1200 Magicka 0

Kuram is a Minotaur initially found inside the Swordmoth Legion Fort. He is a Itinerant Priest and a close friend and traveling campanion of fellow priest Haela Ysonian.

Related QuestsEdit

Order of Itinerant PriestsEdit


Kuram responds in a sign language when speaking with him, making it difficult to understand what exactly he is trying to say. However, text in the construction set attached to his responses indicates what his gestures are trying to convey. The following is a list of topics you can ask him about, followed by his signed response, and then the translation provided in the construction set.


Before reaching Anvil:

"[Kuram points west, and mimics the motion of a crashing wave with his arm. He draws a dome over his head and puts his hands to his heart.]" translates to "It's not far to the west, along the Abecean coast. Haela says that we might find a home at the grand temple there."

After reaching Anvil:

[Kuram raises an eyebrow at you and points down.] translates to "We're in it."


Upon meeting him for the first time:

[Kuram makes the sign of the horns with his hands, and then touches one of his own. Then he gestures to form the rough shape of a human woman, and puts out his hand as though standing at her side. He strikes a heroic pose and bows theatrically.] translates to "I am Kuram, a descendent of the Breath-of-Kyne and companion of Haela Ysonian. We are Itinerant Priests, and we perform holy works together. Pleased to meet you."

Upon subsequent meetings:

[Kuram makes the sign of the horns with his hands, and then touches one of his own. Then he gestures to form the rough shape of a human woman, and puts out his hand as though standing at her side. He nods, solemnly.] translates to "I am Kuram, a descendent of the Breath-of-Kyne and companion of Haela Ysonian. We are Itinerant Priests, and we perform holy works together."

Upon reaching the Temple of the First Breath:

[Kuram makes the sign of the horns with his hands, and then touches one of his own. Then he gestures to form the rough shape of a human woman, and puts out his hand as though standing at her side. He points up at the statue of Morihaus and puts his hands together in prayer, and then nods while smiling.] translates to "I am Kuram, a descendent of the Breath-of-Kyne and companion of Haela Ysonian. We are Itinerant Priests, and we perform holy works together. And now, we also serve the Temple of the First Breath."

Cyrodiil CityEdit

[%Name draws a diamond shape on his chest with one of his fingers, and then presses his hands together. He lifts them towards the sky, as though in prayer, and looks to the right while smiling, putting his face in profile. Then he looks to the left, and sneers.] translates to "It's the heart of Empire -- seat of the Ruby Throne, and home of White-Gold. With all the good and bad that entails."

Gosha InnEdit

[%Name winces a little. He forms his hands into the shape of a little box, and presses them inwards. Then he shrugs.] translates to "That place was... not great. They did my best to accommodate me, but everything was just too small! Haela prefers it to camping, though. so [sic] what are you gonna do?"

Itinerant PriestsEdit

[%Name mimes figures walking around him in seemingly random directions, and nods approvingly. His expression goes stiff as he forms a dome over his head with his arms, which splits when he brings them down into a gesture of prayer. He draws a woman in the air beside him, and extends a hand to her. He steps into her position, makes a stubborn face, and puts his head down as though he's about to gore someone. Then he goes back to where he was standing and smiles.] translates to "I like them. They're less structured than most of Cyrodiil's other stuffy cults and orders, and have more of a chance to actually help people. Haela talked me into joining -- sometimes, she just gets an idea into her head, and won't budge until she can make it happen. That's a good part of why I like her, too."


[%Name nods.] translates to "Yep, that's me. What do you need?"

local PriestsEdit

Before reaching Anvil:

[Kuram gestures at himself and shrugs. He points towards the road, holds up one finger, and puts his arms over each other to make a cross. Then he draws a woman in the air beside him and extends a hand to her.] translates to "We only just got here. We did meet another Itinerant Priest on the road, though. I believe she said she was heading to Brina Cross. As for Haela, she and I stick together."

After reaching Anvil:

[%Name motions at the area around him and holds up two fingers. Then he lays one arm out flat in the air and puts the other on top of it to form a cross, and holds up another finger. Finally, he draws a woman in the air beside him, and extends a hand to her.] translates to "Two of them are here in Anvil. Another is staying in Brina Cross right now. As for Haela, she and I stick together."

my tradeEdit

[%Name thinks for a moment, and then holds out one of his fists.] translates to "Hm. Right now, you could probably call me Haela's guardian. I think that's good enough."

Parvo HersusEdit

Upon starting Parvo's Problem:

[%Name nods. He touches one hand to his collarbone, almost absent-mindedly. Then he shrugs.] translates to "Don't know much about him. But he was always putting his hand to his neck, as though something was missing there."

When you've returned Parvo's amulet and killed the bandits who stole it:

[%Name makes a fist, opens it, and places it to his collarbone. He nods approvingly.] translates to "Good job getting his amulet back."

When you've returned Parvo's amulet without killing the bandits who stole it:

[%Name eyes you skeptically. He holds one of his hands out and places it to his collarbone. Then he makes a fist with his other hand and puts it down while looking regretful.] translates to "Good job getting his amulet back. Shame you didn't kill those bandits, though."

If you killed Parvo Hersus before completing Parvo's Problem[verification needed — Will he give this response if Parvo Hersus is killed after the quest?]:

[%Name folds his arms and eyes you suspiciously.] translates to "I don't like that look you had on your face when you told Haela he was dead."

serve a local templeEdit

Upon reaching Anvil, but before the Temple of the First Breath:

[%Name holds up four fingers and counts them off one by one while looking at you. Then he shrugs.] translates to "I think there are four temples here in the city. If you can't figure out where to go, you might as well just check all of them."

Upon reaching the Temple of the First Breath:

[%Name gives a wry smile. He extends a hand to you, and then puts both over his heart.] translates to "I wonder what the other priests will make of me. But however things turn out, thank you for all that you've done."

If Citisorus is dead or dies any time after starting, but before completing, A Place to Serve[verification needed — Will he give this response if Citisorus is killed after the quest?]:

[%Name grunts angrily and waves you away.] has no translation.

varla stoneEdit

After finding Haela in Lindasael:

[%Name wrinkles his brow. He shrugs and stretches a hand towards the sky while looking at it with a dramatic expression, before dropping it back to his side. He draws a dome over his head, and mimes two walking figures crossing paths beneath it. Then he pulls his arms back so that they are crossed over his chest.] translates to "That's what she went in there for? I guess I can understand why the Dibellans might want some kind of pretty relic, but I'm not sure I share Haela's optimism -- it seems like the bigger temples aren't so friendly to Itinerant Priests."

Upon reaching Anvil, but before the Temple of the First Breath:

[%Name looks frustrated. He stands up very straight and mimes taking an item from someone, all the while looking down his nose at them. He puts a finger to his chin and makes an exaggerated gesture of thinking, before vehemently shaking his head.] translates to "They barely even pretended to consider letting us serve them, and after that we didn't bother sticking around in a place where we obviously weren't wanted."

Upon reaching the Temple of the First Breath:

[%Name looks a little frustrated, but then he shrugs. He puts his hands to his heart.] translates to "It doesn't matter so much anymore. We have another home now."


  • A script attached to Kuram causes Haela to become hostile if you attack him. A similar script on Haela causes Kuram to become hostile if you attack her.
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