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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Anvil Marina

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Places: Cities & Towns
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AnvilFort TelodrachGarden QuarterGoldstoneLittle ArenthiaMarinaPort Quarter
Added by: Project Cyrodiil
Alignment: Kingdom of Anvil
Region: Strident Coast

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:



Guild Guide:

The streets of the Marina
The Bazaar of the Abecean and the Trident Exchange
"The Marina is Anvil's largest quarter. Most of the city's guilds and businesses can be found there, along with the Temple of the First Breath and the Bazaar of the Abecean."Palagrius Vinicius

The Marina encompasses the northeastern area of Anvil, including the city's main gates, the vast majority of its stores, all of its financial institutions, and the marina from which it gains its name. Of the stores that are located here, those north of the city gates tend to be aimed more towards the common people while those to the south of the gates cater toward the interests of the wealthy nobles of the Garden Quarter. It is also to the south where the aforementioned financial institutions can be found, including the Briricca Private Bank, Chamber of Commerce, Red Treasury, and Trident Exchange. Besides these locations, the Marina is also home to the city's Guild of Mages and Fighters, the Temple of the First Breath, and the Conservatory of Saint Laeca, all of which can be found around or near the crossroads immediately southwest of the main gates. Southwest of city gate lies the marina proper, home to a number of small ships and the stalls of several merchants hawking their wares at all who pass by.


The head of the Imperial guilds found in the Marina are Palagrius Vinicius, continuing a long-standing Vinicius family tradition of stewardship over the guildhall, and Tisia, ex-battlemage of the Imperial Legion, heads of the Fighters and Mages Guilds, respectively. Other notable figures include Gebriel Varache, the director of the Conservatory of Saint Laeca; Wolli Antipodine, Dean of the Imperial Geographical Society; Hago Millirius, the Praetor of the Red Treasury; Vari-Vedis Ophilius, head of Anvil's branch of the Briricca Bank; and Federicus Lesius, who handles the buying and selling of stocks at the Trident Exchange.

Getting There and AroundEdit

The Marina lies adjacent to the Garden Quarter to the south, Little Arenthia to the northwest, and the Port Quarter to the southwest, with a gondolier on the marina docks providing transport to these quarters as well. The quarter is directly connected to the Gold Road and all the cities that lie along it, while a road that branches off of it to the southwest just past the caravan stop connects the quarter to the town of Hal Sadek.

Transit out of the city can be arranged by Saquerilla in the marina aboard her ship, the Stargazer, or by Rexus Serperian outside the gates by the caravan stop.

Places of Interest Around the MarinaEdit

Anvil's modest graveyard can be found outside of the city's walls to the north, within which is located the Chapel of Solemn Echoes and the crypts of the prestigious Conomorus, Hadrach, and Thimistrel families. The crypt of the Benirus family can be found east of the quarter, near Ossius Ranch. Both locations can be easily reached by following the roads leading northeast and southwest off the Gold Road just outside the city's gates.

Related QuestsEdit

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