This page lists the Trainers added by Project Cyrodiil. For general information on trainers, see the Morrowind Trainers page.
Acrobatics TrainersEdit
Alchemy TrainersEdit
Alteration TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
100 | Carlonus Tarus | Vallanytha Grotto | Destruction (61) | Illusion (55) | Hostile |
80 | Euratia Valodius | Anvil, Marina, Imperial Geographical Society | Speechcraft (75) | Alchemy (75) | |
55 | Carahil | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Destruction (60) | Restoration (46) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild Member Faction members only? |
50 | Anotus Molian | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Illusion (71) | Mysticism (48) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild Member Faction members only? |
46 | Huliha | Archad, Huliha's House | Restoration (75) | Alchemy (50) |
Armorer TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
85 | Damola Protia | Charach, Damola Protia: Smith | Light Armor (80) | Blunt Weapon (60) | |
46 | Telli Twice-Told | Anvil, Guild of Fighters | Marksman (57) | Blunt Weapon (48) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild Member Faction members only? |
Athletics TrainersEdit
Axe TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
70 | Githel Nylaen | Fort Heath, General Quarters | Athletics (66) | Heavy Armor (60) | Cyrodiil Imperial Legion Member Faction members only? |
67 | Khafiz | Anvil, Marina, Chamber of Commerce: Vaults | Long Blade (77) | Blunt Weapons (67) | |
55 | Idron | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Fighters | Spear (50) | Block (50) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild Member Faction members only? |
46 | Obbru gro-Shara | Brina Cross, Colovian Wagoners Association | Spear (41) | Long Blade (41) |
Block TrainersEdit
Blunt Weapon TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
76 | Palagrius Vinicius | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Fighters: Master's Office | Hand-to-hand (100) | Long Blade (76) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild Member Faction members only? |
72 | Ansolda Tantha-Face | Pale Bay Cave | Athletics (62) | Light Armor (60) | |
67 | Khafiz | Anvil, Marina, Chamber of Commerce: Vaults | Long Blade (77) | Axe (67) | |
60 | Damola Protia | Charach, Damola Protia: Smith | Armorer (85) | Light Armor (80) | |
58 | Christophe Marane | Brina Cross, Crossing Inn | Speechcraft (65) | Sneak (44) | |
52 | Ofelius Karius | Anvil, Garden Quarter, Saint Amiel Officers' Club: Top Floor | Long Blade (57) | Spear (47) | West Navy Member Faction members only? |
48 | Telli Twice-Told | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Fighters | Marksman (57) | Armorer (46) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild Member Faction members only? |
Conjuration TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
100 | Anaryan | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Enchant (81) | Destruction (81) | Only after Escort Anaryan; Cyrodiil Mages Guild Member |
52 | Plascus Aldertius | Anvil, Imperial Astrological Society | Mysticism (80) | Illusion (52) |
Destruction TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
81 | Anaryan | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Conjuration (100) | Enchant (81) | Only after Escort Anaryan; Cyrodiil Mages Guild Member |
61 | Carlonus Tarus | Vallanytha Grotto | Alteration (100) | Illusion (55) | Hostile |
60 | Carahil | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Alteration (55) | Restoration (46) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild Member Faction members only? |
Enchant TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
90 | Sielle Eumand | Brina Cross, Guild of Mages | Alchemy (73) | Unarmored (68) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild member Faction members only? |
81 | Anaryan | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Conjuration (100) | Destruction (81) | Only after Escort Anaryan; Cyrodiil Mages Guild member |
44 | Dandryn Arethyn | Charach, Dandryn Arethyn's House | Alchemy (75) | Restoration (44) | After completing the first part of Plants for Dandryn Arethyn |
Hand-to-hand TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
100 | Palagrius Vinicius | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Fighters: Master's Office | Long Blade (76) | Blunt Weapon (76) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild member Faction members only? |
85 | Hallne Fifth-Fire | Anvil, Fort Telodrach, East Tower | Long Blade (100) | Light Armor (90) | West Navy member Faction members only? |
75 | Icirus Beruvius | Anvil, Garden Quarter (Near the Temple of Dibella Estetica's outdoor pool) | Unarmored (75) | Restoration (75) | Great Faiths member Faction members only? |
64 | Nebi | Anvil, Marina, Temple of the First Breath | Acrobatics (51) | Sneak (45) | Great Faiths member Faction members only? |
53 | Addhaani | Anvil, Marina (Outside the Guild of Fighters) | Athletics (55) | Medium Armor (50) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild member Faction members only? |
Heavy Armor TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
70 | Tiranius Calvus | Fort Heath, Armory | Medium Armor (65) | Athletics (65) | Cyrodiil Imperial Legion Member Faction members only? |
67 | Aelus Almiron | Anvil, Goldstone, Solar | Long Blade (76) | Block (67) | Kingdom of Anvil Member Faction members only? |
65 | Corella Jacta | Charach, Guardhouse | Long Blade (75) | Medium Armor (65) | Kingdom of Anvil Member Faction members only? |
60 | Githel Nylaen | Fort Heath, General Quarters | Axe (70) | Athletics (66) | Cyrodiil Imperial Legion Member Faction members only? |
47 | Allian Katral | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Fighters | Block (50) | Long Blade (47) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild Member Faction members only? |
Illusion TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
85 | Cularyia | Anvil, Marina, West Wind Suites: Cularyia's Suite | Mercantile (100) | Speechcraft (90) | |
71 | Anotus Molian | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Alteration (50) | Mysticism (48) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild Member Faction members only? |
55 | Carlonus Tarus | Vallanytha Grotto | Alteration (100) | Destruction (61) | Hostile |
52 | Plascus Aldertius | Anvil, Port Quarter, Imperial Astrological Society | Mysticism (80) | Conjuration (52) |
Light Armor TrainersEdit
Long Blade TrainersEdit
Marksman TrainersEdit
Medium Armor TrainersEdit
Mercantile TrainersEdit
Mysticism TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
80 | Plascus Aldertius | Anvil, Port Quarter, Imperial Astrological Society | Illusion (52) | Conjuration (52) | |
48 | Anotus Molian | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Illusion (71) | Alteration (50) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild Member Faction members only? |
47 | Lysandra Draco | Charach, Guild of Mages | Alchemy (65) | Light Armor (50) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild Member Faction members only? |
Restoration TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
75 | Huliha | Archad, Huliha's House | Alchemy (50) | Alteration (46) | |
75 | Icirus Beruvius | Anvil, Garden Quarter (Near the Temple of Dibella Estetica's outdoor pool) | Unarmored (75) | Hand-to-hand (75) | Great Faiths member Faction members only? |
58 | Amia Ivrol | Salthearth, Ivrol Manor | Speechcraft (54) | Alchemy (54) | Kingdom of Sutch member Faction members only? |
46 | Carahil | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Mages | Destruction (60) | Alteration (55) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild member Faction members only? |
44 | Dandryn Arethyn | Charach, Dandryn Arethyn's House | Alchemy (75) | Enchant (44) | After completing the first part of Plants for Dandryn Arethyn |
Security TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
67 | Caspus Quillan | Duskwatch Keep, Interior | Light Armor (72) | Sneak (67) | Cyrodiil Thieves Guild member Faction members only? |
59 | Antarillion | Abecean Sea [-136, -42] (On the deck of the Crypsis) | Sneak (59) | Short Blade (59) | Cyrodiil Thieves Guild member Faction members only? |
55 | Adalafire | Anvil, Little Arenthia, The Anchor's Rest | Speechcraft (60) | Light Armor (46) | |
49 | Lucan Ternius | Anvil, Little Arenthia, Sailor's Fluke | Speechcraft (62) | Mercantile (57) | Cyrodiil Thieves Guild member Faction members only? |
48 | Charles Agerne | Duskwatch Keep, Interior | Short Blade (48) | Acrobatics (48) | Cyrodiil Thieves Guild member Faction members only? |
42 | Foroch | Gosha Inn | Mercantile (44) | Speechcraft (42) |
Short Blade TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
79 | Cassanda | Charach, Cassanda's House | Speechcraft (74) | Sneak (74) | Cyrodiil Thieves Guild Member Faction members only? |
67 | Ania | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Fighters: Top Floor | Medium Armor (55) | Athletics (55) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild Member Faction members only? |
52 | Challa | Anvil, Garden Quarter, The Abecette: Inner Hall | Speechcraft (47) | Sneak (47) | |
48 | Charles Agerne | Duskwatch Keep, Interior | Security (48) | Acrobatics (48) | Cyrodiil Thieves Guild Member Faction members only? |
Sneak TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes |
Spear TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
65 | Hakit | Charach, Chapel of the West Wind | Medium Armor (60) | Heavy Armor (60) | |
50 | Idron | Anvil, Marina, Guild of Fighters | Axe (55) | Block (50) | Cyrodiil Fighters Guild Member Faction members only? |
47 | Ofelius Karius | Anvil, Garden Quarter, Saint Amiel Officers' Club: Top Floor | Long Blade (57) | Blunt Weapon (52) | West Navy Member Faction members only? |
41 | Obbru gro-Shara | Brina Cross, Colovian Wagoners Association | Axe (46) | Long Blade (41) |
Speechcraft TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes |
Unarmored TrainersEdit
Level | Trainer | Location | Other Skills | Notes | |
95 | Mysta Mirtuni | Hal Sadek, Spearmouth Inn | Speechcraft (52) | Mercantile (52) | |
75 | Icirus Beruvius | Anvil, Garden Quarter (Near the Temple of Dibella Estetica's outdoor pool) | Restoration (75) | Hand-to-hand (75) | Great Faiths member Faction members only? |
68 | Sielle Eumand | Brina Cross, Guild of Mages | Enchant (90) | Alchemy (73) | Cyrodiil Mages Guild member Faction members only? |