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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Cyrodiil Mages Guild

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Joining the Cyrodiil Mages GuildEdit

You can join the Cyrodiil Mages Guild by talking to any guildhall's highest ranking officer.

Cyrodiil Mages Guild RanksEdit

Rank Required Attributes Required Skills
0. Associate Intelligence 30 Willpower 30
1. Apprentice Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 10
2. Journeyman Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 20
3. Evoker Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 30 and two at 5
4. Conjurer Intelligence 30 Willpower 30 One skill at 40 and two at 10
5. Magician Intelligence 31 Willpower 31 One skill at 50 and two at 15
6. Warlock Intelligence 32 Willpower 32 One skill at 60 and two at 20
7. Wizard Intelligence 33 Willpower 33 One skill at 70 and two at 25
8. Master Wizard Intelligence 34 Willpower 34 One skill at 80 and two at 30
9. Arch-Mage Intelligence 35 Willpower 35 One skill at 90 and two at 35

Cyrodiil Mages Guild QuestsEdit

Tisia's Quests, Anvil Guild
Sielle Eumand's Quests, Brina Cross Guild
Lysandra Draco's Quests, Charach Guild
Ardavan Caralus' Quests, Charach Guild
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