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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Light Armor Trainers

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Services: Trainers

For a list of all skill trainers, see the Trainers page.


  • The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. Trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100.

MW-icon-skill-Light Armor.jpg Light Armor TrainersEdit

Level Trainer Location Other Skills Notes
90 Hallne Fifth-Fire Anvil, Fort Telodrach, East Tower Long Blade (100) Hand-to-hand (85) West Navy member, trains faction members only
80 Damola Protia Charach, Damola Protia: Smith Armorer (85) Blunt Weapon (60)
72 Caspus Quillan Duskwatch Keep, Interior Sneak (67) Security (67) Cyrodiil Thieves Guild member, trains faction members of Bandit rank and up only
70 Caldia Acon Anvil, Goldstone, Dungeons Marksman (63) Mercantile (57)
70 Raco Derrissa Anvil, Garden Quarter, The Abecette: Inner Hall Speechcraft (75) Sneak (65)
70 Rulus Gorintius Anvil, Marina, Census and Excise Office: Coast Guard Barracks Long Blade (75) Medium Armor (65)
64 Jonunius Pagius Charach, Abecean Trading Company (Charach): Tower Speechcraft (69) Sneak (59)
64 Suralian Astinius Anvil, Little Arenthia, Astinius Residence Sneak (59) Short Blade (59)
62 Perella Anvil, Five Fathoms Flophouse Sneak (62) Acrobatics (56)
60 Ansolda Tantha-Face Pale Bay Cave Blunt Weapon (72) Athletics (62)
60 Hakit Charach, Chapel of the West Wind Spear (65) Medium Armor (60)
60 Odorica Meviata Anvil, Port Quarter, Navy Officer Lodgings Long Blade (54) Athletics (54) West Navy member
56 Elroy Strident Coast [-123, -46] (At a camp along the road north of Thresvy, near the ruins of Beldaburo) Long Blade (64) Mercantile (54)
56 Leoto Veriil Thesigir Chasm Speechcraft (62) Sneak (52) Hostile
56 Loriat Mato Thesigir Chasm Speechcraft (62) Sneak (52) Hostile
56 Ugenring Charach (near the huts by the docks) Sneak (56) Acrobatics (50)
55 Midrago Fort Heath (Next to the Iron Man Tavern) Marksman (65) Sneak (49) Cyrodiil Imperial Legion member
55 Prilius Berianus Anvil, Marina, Royal Haafingar Company (Anvil) Speechcraft (60) Sneak (50)
54 Earmionre Charach (outside the Abecean Trading Company's warehouse) Sneak (54) Acrobatics (49)
51 Filhallil Anvil, The Abecette: Fight Pit Sneak (51) Acrobatics (46)
50 Dro'jit Anvil, Little Arenthia, Sailor's Fluke Marksman (56) Sneak (50) Cyrodiil Thieves Guild member
50 Lysandra Draco Charach, Guild of Mages Alchemy (65) Mysticism (47) Cyrodiil Mages Guild member
50 Taetia Pinder Anvil, Little Arenthia, Lusha: Pawnbroker Speechcraft (56) Sneak (46)
49 Ferginus Ura Hal Sadek, Ferginus Ura's House Sneak (44) Short Blade (44) Cyrodiil Thieves Guild member, trains faction members of Footpad rank and up only
46 Adalafire Anvil, Little Arenthia, The Anchor's Rest Speechcraft (60) Security (55)