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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Citisorus

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People
Citisorus (PC_m1_Citisorus)
Home City Anvil
Location Temple of the First Breath
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 12 Class Monk Service
Other Information
Health 86 Magicka 110
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great Faiths 5(Disciple)

Citisorus is an Imperial Monk and the head of the Order of the Breath of Kyne in Anvil. Accordingly, he can be found in that city's Temple of the First Breath. He hails originally from Vengheto in the Valley of Altars.

As the Order venerates Morihaus, the Winged Bull, Citisorus is elated if, during A Place to Serve, you encourage the minotaur Kuram to serve within the temple.

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