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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Abilities

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: Magic
For abilities from Morrowind or Tamriel Data that can be found in Cyrodiil, see the Morrowind or Tamriel Data articles.

This page lists all the abilities added by Project Cyrodiil that are obtainable by the player.

This page only list abilities that can be obtained through normal gameplay. For a list of all abilities, including those normally unobtainable, see this page.

List of AbilitiesEdit

Ability Effect Source
Fins of St. Naharine
  Swift Swim 10 pts on Self Reward from Lily during The Broken Shrine.
Planar Disassociation [nb1]
  Damage Health 30 pts on Self Inflicted by Barubi during Advanced Reading if you:
  • Attempt to banish them by saying "UBI-XERHEGA!"
  • Attempt to banish them by saying "RHANDIBBAR UBI-XERHEGA!" when your willpower is below 60.
  • Attempt to release them after saying "RHANDIBBAR UBI-XERHEGA IPHENDOMNK!" when your willpower and conjuration are below 50.
Varla Stone of Forceful Accords [nb2]
  Fortify Blunt Weapon 5 pts on Self
  Fortify Mercantile 5 pts on Self
  Drain Illusion 5 pts on Self
Gained while holding the Varla Stone of Forceful Accords.
Varla Stone of Mental Exegesis [nb2]
  Fortify Intelligence 10 pts on Self Gained while holding the Varla Stone of Mental Exegesis.
Varla Stone of Pervasive Intent [nb2]
  Fortify Long Blade 5 pts on Self
  Fortify Mysticism 5 pts on Self
  Drain Sneak 5 pts on Self
Gained while holding the Varla Stone of Pervasive Intent.
Varla Stone of Plicate Mending [nb2]
  Fortify Restoration 5 pts on Self
  Fortify Armorer 5 pts on Self
  Drain Hand-to-hand 5 pts on Self
Gained while holding the Varla Stone of Plicate Mending.
Varla Stone of Reified Desires [nb2]
  Fortify Luck 10 pts on Self Gained while holding the Varla Stone of Reified Desires.


  • ^1There doesn't seem to be a way to remove the Planar Disassociation ability, besides using the RemoveSpell command on the player. Players with low conjuration and/or willpower should avoid attempting to banish or release Barubi and instead stick to more convention means of dispatching daedra.
  • ^2These abilities are lost if their corresponding varla stone is dropped or removed from your inventory.