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Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Idvir

< Mod / Morrowind: Project Tamriel: Project Cyrodiil: People
Idvir (PC_m1_Idvir)
Home City Anvil
Location All Flags Inn
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 6 Class Sailor
Other Information
Health 113 Magicka 74
Alarm 90 Fight 30

Idvir is an old Imperial Sailor found within the All Flags Inn in Anvil. She once sailed with Urri the Red, a pirate-turned-privateer, but has spent the days since those voyages drinking heavily at the inn. Urri is unhappy that Idvir's last days will be spent like this, and during The Blind Share will ask you to find Idvir a place at the Sailors' Home in Charach on the island of Stirk. Idvir will happily accept that proposition, and will follow you to the island if asked.

Related QuestsEdit

Order of Itinerant PriestsEdit

  • The Blind Share: Assist a home for old sailors by collecting a donation from a former pirate.