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Skyrim:Blackblood Marauder

< Skyrim: People

The Blackblood Marauders are a group of bandits living in Broken Oar Grotto who also appear at the Wreck of the Icerunner during Lights Out!. They are led by Jaree-Ra, his sister Deeja, and Captain Hargar. During the related quest, their leader, Jaree-Ra, arranged for the light in the Solitude Lighthouse to be extinguished by you, causing The Icerunner to run aground near the west shore. They then boarded the ship under command by Deeja, massacred the crew, and stole all the cargo, which they shipped to their base of operations at Broken Oar Grotto to keep the loot safe. They can be easily recognized by their signature black tattoos, mimicking the blood vessels, on the sides of their necks and faces.

Blackblood Marauder
(RefID: 0008E750)
Location The Icerunner
Race Nord Gender Male
Level Radiant (1-25) Class Bandit Wizard
RefID 0008E750 BaseID 000DC8D8
Other Information
Health 35-441
Magicka 100-294
Stamina 50-150
Essential No
Voice Type MaleCondescending
Respawns No
Faction(s) MS07BanditFaction
Blackblood Marauder (Bandit Wizard)

These two Marauders are both Nord bandit wizards, differing only in their appearance. They wear a leveled set of black mage robes, which will be enchanted to either fortify Alteration, Destruction, or Restoration or to regenerate magicka. They are armed with an iron dagger and may also carry a small amount of gold. Each can cast a leveled set of spells from the Alteration, Destruction, and Restoration schools, including one armor spell, one ward spell, one healing spell and one elemental damage spell.

Blackblood Marauder
(RefID: 00088F4F)
Location The Icerunner
Race Nord Gender Male
Level Radiant (1-25) Class Bandit Wizard
RefID 00088F4F BaseID 000DC8D9
Other Information
Health 35-441
Magicka 100-294
Stamina 50-150
Essential No
Voice Type MaleCondescending
Respawns No
Faction(s) MS07BanditFaction
Blackblood Marauder (Bandit Wizard)
Blackblood Marauder
Location The Icerunner
Race Nord Gender Male
Level (?) Class Bandit
RefID N/A BaseID 000DC8DA
Other Information
Essential No
Voice Type MaleCommonerAccented
Respawns No
Faction(s) MS07BanditFaction
Blackblood Marauder (Bandit)

This Marauder is a Nord bandit. He wears leather armor with matching boots and defends himself with a random leveled two-handed weapon, up to elven in quality. He also may carry a small amount of gold.

Blackblood Marauder
Location The Icerunner
Race Nord Gender Male
Level (?) Class Bandit
RefID N/A BaseID 000DC8DB
Other Information
Essential No
Voice Type MaleEvenTonedAccented
Respawns No
Faction(s) MS07BanditFaction
Blackblood Marauder (Bandit)

This Marauder is a Nord bandit. He wears leather armor with matching boots and bracers. He defends himself with a leveled one-handed weapon, which can be up to elven in quality; and a leveled shield, which can be up to steel in quality. He also may carry a few lockpicks or a small amount of gold.

Blackblood Marauder
Location The Icerunner
Race Nord Gender Male
Level (?) Class Bandit Archer
RefID N/A BaseID 000DC8DC
Other Information
Essential No
Voice Type MaleNord
Respawns No
Faction(s) MS07BanditFaction
Blackblood Marauder (Bandit Archer)

This Marauder is a Nord bandit archer. He wears leather armor with matching boots and defends himself with a leveled bow with twenty leveled arrows, both of which may be up to elven in quality. The bow is also supplemented by a leveled one-handed weapon, which also may be up to elven in quality. Additionally, he may carry a few lockpicks or a small amount of gold.

Related QuestsEdit


  • The archer does not have a unique facial model, he instead uses the default male Nord face, albeit with a shaved head and the identifying face tattoo. He shares this quirk with numerous other NPCs, including Erikur, Briehl, Lynoit, Barknar, and many other generic NPCs.