# of Zones | 2 | ||
Clearable | No | ||
Respawn Time | 10 days | ||
Level | Min: 6 | ||
Occupants | |||
Warlocks; either Imperials or Stormcloaks | |||
Important Treasure | |||
Catalogue of Armor Enchantments Spell Tome: Bound Bow |
Console Location Code(s) | |||
FortAmolExterior, FortAmolExterior03, FortAmolEntrance, FortAmolEdge, FortAmol01, FortAmol02, FortAmol03, FortAmol04, FortAmol05, FortAmol06 | |||
Region | |||
Eastmarch | |||
Location | |||
Southwest of Windhelm Northwest of Darkwater Crossing |
Special Features | |||
# of Alchemy Labs | 1 | ||
# of Arcane Enchanters | 1 | ||
# of Cooking Pots/Spits | 1 |
Fort Amol is a medium-sized fort southwest of Windhelm initially occupied by warlocks. It contains two zones: Fort Amol and Fort Amol Prison.
The fort will be taken over by the faction that wins the Civil War, or by the faction currently holding Windhelm if you first clear it of warlocks.
Related QuestsEdit
- The Battle for Fort Amol: Prepare for the final assault on Windhelm by taking Fort Amol for the Imperials. (radiant)
As you travel down the White River, a small stone cairn will mark the path to Fort Amol. Its walls are easily visible from the riverbank. Four hostile elemental mages are outside, in and around the courtyard. If you approach from the road, one will attack you before you even enter the fort. Two others may join the fray from inside the courtyard. A final mage can be found on top of the barracks performing some type of ritual. Corpses of slain Stormcloaks can be found throughout the fort exterior, as well as an alchemy lab. There is a chest and a shrine of Julianos next to the alchemy lab. Another chest can be found in the eastern tower.
After you clear out the mages, Stormcloaks will retake the fort. If you follow the Imperial Civil War questline, a battle will be fought here, after which the garrison will change to Imperial. If you are not aligned with the faction controlling the fort, they will consider you to be trespassing if you enter either of the two interior zones. However, if you are allied with the faction controlling the fort, you can get rest, food, and a horse here.
Fort AmolEdit
As you enter from the ground level in the courtyard, a mage will be standing in the next room. Any sound of battle with him will likely cause the other two mages from upstairs to join the fray. This can make for a very warm welcome. Be very wary of the fire mages, as they can do large amounts of damage very quickly, especially if carrying items such as a staff of firebolts. The downstairs entrance room contains a cooking pot by a fireplace, and a table holding a potion, a dagger, and a set of blue mage robes. The room to the northwest hosts an arcane enchanter and a large number of potions, poisons, and alchemical ingredients. A copy of the Enchanting skill book Catalogue of Armor Enchantments is lying on the cupboard along with an apothecary's satchel. A locked chest can be found in the northwest corner on a wooden platform. The upstairs room contains some iron armor and weapons lying around, as well as two medium coin purses, three loose gold coins, various ingredients, a poison next to a bed in the northwest corner, and a second (unlocked) chest.
Fort Amol PrisonEdit
The central guard chamber contains two mages that will attack as soon as they spot you. They are much tougher than the weaker ones in the courtyard. In this entry chamber, a scroll, a potion, and a soul gem are on and near the central table, while two more leveled soul gems are on a set of shelves to the northeast. In the western corner, to the right of the two bookshelves, pick up or move the lantern inside the bucket to discover a Spell Tome: Bound Bow underneath. Otherwise, the prison holds nothing of interest, not even lockpicking practice, since all the prison cells are already unlocked.
- If you're aligned with the Imperials, after completing the related quest:
- The fort will be occupied by Imperial soldiers, as well as a Fort Commander who oversees the fort's operations.
- A forge, an anvil, a workbench, and a grindstone will replace the shrine of Julianos.
- Earlier in the game's development, the quest Dragon Rising was tied to the factions of the Civil War, and you seemingly chose a side before you could first encounter dragons. If you chose the Imperial Legion, General Tullius would send you with Captain Metilius to investigate reports of a dragon at Fort Hraggstad. If you instead joined the Stormcloaks, Ulfric would send you along with someone named Sifnar (this person might have been Sifnar Ironkettle, but the latter may have been named after the former) to investigate a similar disturbance at Fort Amol. Little evidence of this remains in the game's files, with only a few markers (
), AI packages, and leftover scripts (MQ104Script
) still referring to this iteration. The DialogueViews files hold two player-only topic lines that internally still refer to Sifar,MQ00DragonbornSifnarB1
, which read "I don't know what happened to me." and "I think you may be right.", respectively. These are the same lines you can use when the unnamed Whiterun guard approaches and names you Dragonborn after you kill Mirmulnir in the final version of the quest. - Fort Amol also appears in Arena and ESO.
- When the Imperials occupy the fort, the alchemy bench will become embedded in a workbench. Similarly, there will be one chest embedded within another right next to it.
- The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 1.3.2, fixes this bug.
- The Stormcloak corpses and the ritual circle atop one of the towers will remain after the hostile mages are expelled.
- The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 2.0.1, fixes this bug.
- Sometimes when you clear out the fort of the hostile mages, the Stormcloaks will not regarrison the fort. Instead, everything will respawn, including the mages, containers, and the dead Stormcloaks outside (marked as corpse), with all of their loot intact.
- There was supposed to be an Amulet of Julianos near the shrine; however, it is incorrectly embedded within the shrine itself, and is not directly accessible.
- The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 2.0.9, fixes this bug.
- Explosive effects can dislodge it and make it accessible again.
- The Bound Bow spell tome may not be inside the bucket when you enter the prison after the Stormcloaks take over. ?