This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Horses discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links. |
No Undead Horse
I've cast every single reanimation spell I have(up to Expert Conjuration spells), and none of them can raise a horse from the dead. I will soon have access to the Dead Thrall, but every time I do it, it says the horse resisted raising. Is it a glitch? Or does Bethesda not want you to have undead horses? I could see it if they didn't want you to ride an undead horse, but you can't interact with raised beings anyway. Lord Irvine 03:33, 13 January 2012 (UTC)
- No, if you could raise a horse from the dead, Bethesda doesn't do to the fact if you could raise a horse from the dead, you would never have to buy one after you got just one,
- plus, there is allready a undead horse, the shadowmear can come to life as it is inmortal, so if you got the shadowmere you can just get that instead. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:51 on 19 June 2012
- There is an undead horse in the dawnguard DLC that can be summoned, hope that is enough for you. RIM 18:05, 19 June 2012 (UTC)
- Well idk why bethesda would have made it impossible to revive your horse... seeing as anything you reanimate turns to ash after the spell is over — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:59 on 1 July 2012
- The Resurrect console command works. Your horse will still be lying there like it is still dead. When you click the "E" to ride your horse it will get up, with you on it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:04 on 18 August 2012
- Well idk why bethesda would have made it impossible to revive your horse... seeing as anything you reanimate turns to ash after the spell is over — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:59 on 1 July 2012
- There is an undead horse in the dawnguard DLC that can be summoned, hope that is enough for you. RIM 18:05, 19 June 2012 (UTC)
Horses and Reporting Crime
- Will Shadowmere report you for crime? It would seem silly for an assassin horse to report crime.
- Will owned horses report you when turning into a werewolf? I noticed that turning into a werewolf in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, in front of everyone, did not cause any problems or bounty (but maybe it was a glitch).
- Should it be noted that some horses will become hostile to the player if the guards become hostile? (For example, if you get caught stealing a horse at a Stable, the other horses from the Stable (but not those temporarily 'parked' there) will physically attack you, even while on the stolen horse.)
--Amsuko 00:29, 14 January 2012 (UTC)
- this sounds like a joke - horses report you for crimes, really? 11:02, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
- It's not a joke. Horses count as possible witnesses. They will set off your "sneak-detection-eye" when looking at you. I just wanted to know if there are variations in what crime they will report, just like certain NPCs won't report you for certain crimes. --Amsuko 16:31, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
- Well in response to amsuko's statement or at least one of them the dark brotherhood not responding is not a glitch... they simply don't care i guess a guild of cut throat killers don't really mind having werewolves or vampires in their ranks — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:02 on 1 July 2012
- I'm going to assume that Shadowmere will not report anything, much like a spouse that will not report you for committing a crime in their presence. (I've never gotten any bounty for committing a crime in the presence of Shadowmere or Muiri). Schiffy (talk) 16:51, 3 November 2012 (GMT)
- Unlike in Oblivion (where horses do report crimes), in Skyrim they appear to not do that anymore. Which removes some of the surreality of making sure to hide yourself from the horse you're stealing out in the middle of the wilderness that happened in Oblivion. --Morrolan (talk) 03:29, 2 January 2013 (GMT)
- I'm going to assume that Shadowmere will not report anything, much like a spouse that will not report you for committing a crime in their presence. (I've never gotten any bounty for committing a crime in the presence of Shadowmere or Muiri). Schiffy (talk) 16:51, 3 November 2012 (GMT)
- Well in response to amsuko's statement or at least one of them the dark brotherhood not responding is not a glitch... they simply don't care i guess a guild of cut throat killers don't really mind having werewolves or vampires in their ranks — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:02 on 1 July 2012
- It's not a joke. Horses count as possible witnesses. They will set off your "sneak-detection-eye" when looking at you. I just wanted to know if there are variations in what crime they will report, just like certain NPCs won't report you for certain crimes. --Amsuko 16:31, 4 March 2012 (UTC)
Deleted Content
Can anyone else confirm this report?
If it's not reproducible, it doesn't belong on the article. --NepheleTalk 06:53, 2 March 2012 (UTC)
- Bard's Leap Summit is another usually lethal fast-travel destination if you are on a horse. -- 01:26, 20 March 2012 (UTC)
- I fast-traveled to Bard's leap Summit while riding Shadowmere. I did not fall of the plank upon arrival. I was able to back up using the jump feature (spacebar) and eventually turn around. Playing on PC ver. BTW, jumping into the water off the summit while mounted is very cool looking! --Xyzzy 03:42, 11 May 2012 (UTC)
- Bard's Leap Summit is another usually lethal fast-travel destination if you are on a horse. -- 01:26, 20 March 2012 (UTC)
- Fast traveled to the College of Winterhold from Whiterun while mounted. Arrived intact but as soon as I tried to move, horse teleported/fell through the bridge and we both ended up in the ravine below. Horse died on impact, I wasn't hurt at all. Apparently, what happened to MR CAPS was not entirely impossible.
- -- 04:54, 23 May 2012 (UTC)
- Fast traveling to the College of Winterhold on horseback is dangerous at the best of times. You arrive on a narrow bridge that is only barely wide enough to take your horse, and any slight slip will leave you and your horse plummeting onto the rocks below. It can be done, but it's tricky. --Morrolan (talk) 03:37, 2 January 2013 (GMT)
- I'm a comepletly different user and I just lost my horse to said winter hold glitch. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:32 on 14 December 2014
Spectral Horse
I think the Spectral Horse that the Headless Horseman rides should be noted on this page. It certainly is a unique horse and one wouldn't otherwise know about it unless the individual stumbled upon the Headless Horseman or his wiki page. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:19 on 20 August 2012
Whiterun Horse FormID
The second Whiterun horse, the one that spawns at the riften stables, has a FormID of ff001034 in my game. I'm not sure if it's just random or not so wanted to put it up for verification if anyone else can confirm? As a side note, this horse devoutly believes it belongs in Riften.Vainamoinen-Talk-Stuff 01:54, 21 November 2012 (GMT)
Update 1.8 Glitch
I bought the horse at the Whiterun stables before I got the 1.8 update, and sometime shortly after the update a strange bug occurred. The horse disappeared and would not follow me when I fast traveled, except when I fast traveled to Falkreath, it was there and walking away. I could still get on it and ride it as normal, but every time as soon as I got off of it it would always start walking away again, and still wouldn't fast travel with me. At one point the horse was killed, but several in-game days later, it reappeared, alive, at the Whiterun stables. Does anybody have ANY clue what is going on here? I'm on Xbox 360. Nothing like this has ever really happened to me before, and it seems like new updates don't generally affect new games started after the update, but they almost always cause a bunch of bugs in games started before the update, as in this instance — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:04 on 2 December 2012
- I suspect that Shadowmere has had some touchup work with the newest update as well. I'm also playing on the 360, and now Shadowmere shows up as <player name> horse, with a slightly different look to him. Agmen (talk) 20:38, 4 December 2012 (GMT)
- I've had that second bug happen with every horse I've had that's died. I'm on my third horse now. My Whiterun horse was killed by bandits but appears at the stables there now. My Riften horse was killed by a dragon at Kolskeggr Mine near Markarth... I just fast-travelled there only to have it spawn beside me and help fight the three Forsworn that were there. Now it just trots back and forth along that path between the bridges... Both the "dead" horses still say they're mine on the HUD and are rideable. I play on the Xbox as well. What the hell is going on?
Reviving a horse (Frost)?
I've tried googling and searching the console commands list but no dice. I need to resurrect Frost... unfortunately, I only noticed he was dead a few days after his death and his corpse has disappeared. All the console commands I've found requires the user to target the dead NPC in order to resurrect them. Is there a way I can resurrect my horse after his corpse has disappeared? --Coxis (talk) 16:45, 18 December 2012 (GMT)
- I'm in a similar situation. You can spawn a new Frost by using "player.placeatme 97e1e", but I've found that this Frost doesn't seem to be flagged as your own horse, even after using "setownership", and will not appear at stables after fast travelling. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:03 on 25 January 2013
- To move to Frost's location (regardless of horse death) type "player.moveto 97E1F" (without quotes. Use 97E1E if this doesn't work for you.) To prevent Frost from dying the player can type "setessential 97E1E 1" (without quotes). To revive Frost after he's dead you can type "prid 97E1F," then "resurrect." You may also open the console and click on frost's dead body, then type "resurrect" This may however result in you selecting the wrong target. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:56 on 30 December 2013
Cannot buy additional horses
After installing the Hearthfire DLC (may or may not be related), I wanted to have a couple horses for my stable. I purchased one in White Run that refused to stay in my stable (but did fast travel with me)then another through my House Steward.
Since these were both "White Run" horses, I wanted a different colour so went to Solitude and purchased a horse there. It let me purchase the horse, but when I went over to it to mount it, it did not have the option (only steal).
Even after fall-killing my extra White Run horse I cannot now buy a horse in Solitude as the merchant thinks I already own one.
Not seeing this glitch anywhere else. Thoughts? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:16 on 1 January 2013
Frost and Followers
I was in combat with a draugr deathlord and thought it was strange that my follower wasn't helping. After I finished I went to look for him only to find that he and Frost were fighting each other. The only way I could stop them was to actually mount the horse. Why would they do that? Has this happened to anyone else? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:36 on 7 January 2013
- It's not uncommon for followers/pets to fight each other. Horses in particular have a way of bullying in front of others and taking unintended damage from allies, especially from magic or two-handed weapons with a large attack radius, turning them hostile. It's one of the main reasons I don't typically use followers. SonGoharotto (talk) 16:34, 7 January 2013 (GMT)
- It's usually a problem with followers that use area effect spells like Ice Storm and Fireball. Horses will often get in the way of such spells, and when struck by them will turn hostile against the spellcaster. It's rare for followers that use melee weapons, bows, or single-target spells to have this problem as they will never purposefully target the horse. This does lead to a major problem with taking followers on the Daedric quest Waking Nightmare, as the NPC in that quest really likes area-effect spells and will often get into fights with any followers you take along for the ride, including horses if you bring one up to the temple. --Morrolan (talk) 21:08, 19 January 2013 (GMT)
Purchasable Horse Images
I created a sandbox page to test out uploading and adding images of all the purchasable horses, at User:GodRaine/Sandbox. I'd like to get at least one approval on it before adding it to the page, especially if anyone has any suggestions as to how it can be made better. Thanks! --GodRaine (talk) 01:40, 23 February 2013 (GMT)
- If you're going to have the images in a table like that, it would look better if you replaced the "thumb" part with "frameless" instead. (You can test that out in your sandbox if you like.) Also, have you considered adding a gallery instead? It would look like this:
- Anyway, having images on the page of each horse you can purchase at city stables is a good idea, so I completely support that. Personally, I prefer the gallery over the table, but I'm not opposed to the table. — ABCface◥ 03:11, 23 February 2013 (GMT)
- I also like the idea of having images. However the current images are all different shapes and sizes, they also seem to be in random locations. It would be good if you could make them all the same shape, preferably 1:1 for creature images and in the stables you buy them from. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 08:58, 23 February 2013 (GMT)
Fast traveling on unfriendly horses
I've had it sometimes make the horse become friendly. And other times not. Usually it seems to work. I haven't been able to figure out the pattern. --Morrolan (talk) 21:25, 4 March 2013 (GMT)
- Thanks for checking. I'd like to see some additional, and more definitive, verification before removing the vn tag from the article. --Xyzzy Talk 04:33, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
- It's sort of tricky to check. You have to find a horse, make it hostile without killing it, then ride it, then get away from whoever else happens to be hostile in the area (perhaps the horse's owner), then fast travel. If someone was willing to sit there and just do it repeatedly that would be good though. --Morrolan (talk) 17:17, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
- I'm guessing the results are different depending of who the horse belongs to? Stables, Military Camps and Forts, those found in the wilderness or during world encounters. I'm gonna do this tomorrow and see what happens. Elakyn (talk) 18:24, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
- Alright, it indeed was tricky. I tried with several horses and several characters, and I've come to the conclusion that there are two types of horses; I'm gonna call them "Docile" and "Agressive".
- Docile horses are found in Stables and Military Camps. The horse found northwest of Whiterun with bandits, the one ridden by a hunter near Haemar's Shame and all those found during random encounters are also docile. They can be tamed if you mount them while they are unfriendly. Beware however that mounting them too fast after attacking or casting a Calming spell before mounting may make them permanently hostile.
- Agressive horses are found in Military Forts. The horse found near Bleakcoast Cave is also agressive. They will stop attacking the first time if you sheate your weapon, but will stay hostile if you attack them again. They can't be tamed immediately, but will become passive again if you fast travel after mounting them. To do so, you must be sure that they are not under the effect of a Calming spell as they will attack you again once the spell is over. Since they are hostile, you must go away from them before fast travelling and wait to be hidden again.
- The amount of damage, the type of attack, whether they are stolen and whether they flee or fight back when attacked has no influence on their behavior. You can't fast travel while mounting a hostile horse unless you use a Calm or Pacify spell but, as described above, it's not a solution and might actually make things worse.
- That's all the infos I got from this. I don't know why it's like that (factions, maybe?) but it doesn't really matter I guess.
- I noticed that Frost, and all purchased horses for that matter, don't get hostile anymore even if you beat them to death. I also managed to get two horses to fast travel with me several times, one stolen that I was riding, and one with which I traveled before spawned next to me. I'm playing on PS3 with patch 1.8 so no mods or USKP here, everything above should be correct. Elakyn (talk) 18:35, 6 March 2013 (GMT)
- Alright, it indeed was tricky. I tried with several horses and several characters, and I've come to the conclusion that there are two types of horses; I'm gonna call them "Docile" and "Agressive".
- I'm guessing the results are different depending of who the horse belongs to? Stables, Military Camps and Forts, those found in the wilderness or during world encounters. I'm gonna do this tomorrow and see what happens. Elakyn (talk) 18:24, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
- It's sort of tricky to check. You have to find a horse, make it hostile without killing it, then ride it, then get away from whoever else happens to be hostile in the area (perhaps the horse's owner), then fast travel. If someone was willing to sit there and just do it repeatedly that would be good though. --Morrolan (talk) 17:17, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
Horse carry capacity
I was told by a very reliable editor that horses have an encumbrance limit, which is added to yours when you mount it, making fast travel while overencumbered possible, but with a limit. I don't see any mention of this on the page. Does anyone know the exact limit that a horse can add to your carry weight to fast travel? I think it's a handy piece of information to provide, possibly in the stats table. --Crayolamanic (talk) 22:56, 10 March 2013 (GMT)
- The raw encumbrance for horses is 999. Whether that adds +999 onto your encumbrance or is simply 999 total encumbrance, I don't know. Should be tested. Vely►t►e 23:01, 10 March 2013 (GMT)
- Thanks Vely, I will try to test this tonight and tomorrow. :) --Crayolamanic (talk) 01:51, 11 March 2013 (GMT)
- I have fast traveled while carrying over 3000 pounds on horseback without any problems. I think your editor is wrong. --Morrolan (talk) 20:16, 13 March 2013 (GMT)
- Looks like no (applied) carry weight limit for horse travel. If there is, it's high enough to be completely irrelevant for all but those who use the FR loop to increase capacity. I thought as much, but tested with a base capacity of 550 up to encumbrance of 2994, checking for fast travel capability every +100 or so, and never capped. I was curious to see if this was something I did, in fact, NOT know yet about Skyrim. Where did the info on the number of 999 come from? --Crayolamanic (talk) 08:04, 18 March 2013 (GMT)
- I have fast traveled while carrying over 3000 pounds on horseback without any problems. I think your editor is wrong. --Morrolan (talk) 20:16, 13 March 2013 (GMT)
- Thanks Vely, I will try to test this tonight and tomorrow. :) --Crayolamanic (talk) 01:51, 11 March 2013 (GMT)
(←) Have fast traveled while carrying significantly over 10,000lbs when moving house, on a normal bought horse, not a hearthfire or individual horse. So would suggest that there isn't any limit for all intents and purposes. Biffa (talk) 23:59, 13 November 2013 (GMT)
Riding off a cliff - moved from article
This also means that riding off a cliff where fall damage would normaly kill you, kills only the horse and if there is no other hazards you fall safely to the ground. Arvak makes this very easy to exploit.
I tested this several times while riding Arvak. Each time Arvak died from the fall, I also died. Can anybody verify that this works? --Xyzzy Talk 00:03, 26 April 2013 (GMT)
- I would disagree with the "very easy to exploit" part of the comment. However I have survived falls which killed my horse in the past, usually with very high-level characters though. My assumption was that the falling damage just wasn't quite enough to knock off my PC. --Morrolan (talk) 18:04, 26 April 2013 (GMT)
- Ok. I finally managed to survive a fall that killed Arvak. There seems to be a pretty narrow window where the fall will kill your mount but not you. I agree that it is not easily exploitable. Next question: is this worth noting in the article. I don't think it is. --Xyzzy Talk 01:11, 27 April 2013 (GMT)
Gallery request
The gallery is nice :)
It would be good to add the three buyable horses from Hearthfire to it (the ones that appear in the stables if you buy the horse at the three manors). --Morrolan (talk) 23:31, 29 April 2013 (GMT)
- Good idea~ My carelessness. I'll get them done sometime. Dreamshadow (talk) 00:00, 30 April 2013 (GMT)
Veering glitch
I added a bug to the article, but thought I should detail it here.
For as long as I remember, opening up the character menu while traveling on horseback would cause my horse to veer to the side when you closed the menu and returned to the game. I just tested it today, and it seems the horse is trying to veer towards due north. However, the dumb beast can only veer up to 90 degrees. This means that:
- If I'm traveling due north, it doesn't veer.
- If I'm traveling any northerly heading between due east (90 degrees) and due west (270 degrees), it ends up heading due north.
- If I'm traveling any southerly heading between 91 degrees and 269 degrees, it veers 90 degrees towards due north.
- If I'm traveling due south (180 degrees), it ends up heading either due east or west (seems random).
I'm curious if anybody else is experiencing this, and if they are getting the same results. --Xyzzy Talk 19:28, 1 June 2013 (GMT)
Two horses travelling bug
I was riding the Hearthfire horse from Heljarchen Hall, decided to steal a horse so I could force it to return to its starting point. No dice. It just stood there. When I fast travelled, both horses came with me. Tried it again, stealing a different horse the second time, both horses came along. Bizarre. I wonder if it would be possible to buy more horses and have a team of them travel with you? :) --Morrolan (talk) 18:29, 11 July 2013 (GMT)
- I found a similar horse fast travel problem with my horse from Lakeview Manor. I can steal horses, ride Frost, or buy new horses and kill them and my Lakeview horse will still travel with me. Maybe it's a thing that Hearth Fire horses do. Sparks of Light (talk) 03:11, 28 July 2013 (GMT)Sparks of Light
- I've been experiencing this one sincr 1.6. patch, even before Hearthfire. So, I guess... confirmed? -- 17:20, 14 September 2013 (GMT)
- With which horses? I've never seen this with any non-Hearthfire horses. --Morrolan (talk) 17:25, 14 September 2013 (GMT)
- It does not happen in the standard game. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:02 on 25 January 2014
- With which horses? I've never seen this with any non-Hearthfire horses. --Morrolan (talk) 17:25, 14 September 2013 (GMT)
Owned horses wandering off as soon as I get off them.
I have been buying horse in every city, but recently a horse got killed near Dead Crone Rock, so I walked back to Markarth and climbed aboard my own horse that was at the stables. Fast traveled to Dark Brotherhood nr Falkreath and when I came out it had gone. Walked to Halldir's Cairn, when I came out Fast traveled to Dark Brotherhood again and the horse appeared next to me, but instantly started walking (I presume back to Markarth again). I've tried fast traveling while sat on it, while stood next to it, riding it for a while but everytime I get off, off it goes.....Can anyone suggest a cure or has anyone seen or heard of this before??? please help! Biffa (talk) 00:04, 14 November 2013 (GMT)
Can confirm this Glitch Horse purchased in Solitude is behaving as a stolen horse by moving off when I dismount````
Imperial Horses from Helgen?
Okay, I don't understand how these horses have been undocumented for so long. both UESP -and- elderscrolls wiki have neglected them, which is incredibly odd because they've been in vanilla skyrim since launch, and are seen in the intro and all the way through helgen, until it gets attacked by Alduin. Below is a screenshot I took of the one Hadvar rides behind your cart during the intro. If any insight into these horses can be given, I'd really like it. Thanks! File:User-Mharris7-ImperialHorse.png — Unsigned comment by Mharris7 (talk • contribs) at 03:32 on 15 December 2013
- The image is different to the ones documented afais. There are 16 horses named "Horse" in the data, and it would really help if you could narrow down which id this one is. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 03:48, 15 December 2013 (GMT)
Shadowmere problem
I have a ps3 and play skyrim. So I have Shadowmere and ride him sometimes. Well now he won't run anymore I reload it but he still won't run. Please help anyone?? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:09 on 24 December 2013
New horses at stables?
I'm sorry if I'm not doing this right, but I'm very curious and I haven't been able to find the answer anywhere: do stables get new horses if the horse you purchased from there died? Or does each stable only sell one horse the entire game, and once it's dead, it's gone forever? I didn't see anything about that in the article or in the Stables articles, so I was hoping for an answer. Thank you. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:35 on 17 January 2014
- You should find at least one horse available to buy at the stables. I have had occasions where there were no horses at a stables, but believe this was due to having a living owned horse already from that stable, even if misplaced. As I found multiple horses of mine that turned up in the rear courtyard at High Hrothgar. Biffa (talk) 02:06, 27 January 2014 (GMT)
- Ahh, so if, for example, you buy the black horse at Whiterun, and it dies, another one will spawn there to be bought? I have no idea how to do it, but if someone could add that to the Skyrim: Horses article, that would be handy. The article doesn't mention new horses at all, so it'd be a relief to know that they respawn after death to be bought again. 1745 PST, 2014 01 29, Anonymous
Strange behaviour of borrowed horse after fast traveling
Someone else does have this behaviour?
I borrowed the horse with saddle from Riften Stables (first time). Fast traveled to Cragslane Cavern, where I had put my loot in a container. I rode the horse right to the entrance of the cave, knowing it would walk back to Riften after dismounting. Then I sprinted to my container, emptied it and was able to mount the horse again while it was passing me on it's way back. Fast traveled back to Riften Stables, dismounted and brought my loot into Honeyside. Next loot: back to the Stables, mounting the same horse and fast traveling to Riverwood. It was pretty difficult here to find a place for dismounting and being able to mount again after emptying my container, walking overburdened to the path the horse would take - but got it. Fast traveling back to Riften Stables and the same as above.
After that I did fast travel from Honeyside's porch without horse back to Riverwood. Arrived – and who was waiting? The horse!?!? Okay, made my way by foot to Bleak Falls Barrow, cleared the dungeon (first time there), left the loot in the first container inside the temple and walked back to Riverwood. I don't know exactly but I would say, it took more than one day for the dungeon. And the Riften-Stables-Horse still standing around in Riverwood …
Then I fast travelled several times (to bring all the loot) by foot from Riverwood to Bleak Falls Barrow and back and every single time i arrived at BFB I was running into this horse, which had nothing better to do than turn around and walk away …
After getting all my loot in one place in Riverwood I thought, okay, take the chance and all the loot at once and this horse to fast travel to Whiterun now. Found a container there to put my loot in, dismounted and Horse is walking away – no idea whereto.
WTH? -- CompleCCity (talk) 23:12, 15 March 2014 (GMT)
- The horse you are currently riding fast travels with you, even if you're not on its back. This sounds weird, and well, it is. If you get on a horse, get off it, then fast travel somewhere, the horse poofs to your side.
- With respawning temporary horses, they will stop following you around once they respawn, but that may never happen, possibly unless you're willing to give up fast traveling for a while. (Say, lose the horse, duck into a nearby dungeon where the horse won't follow you, and use the wait function to wait for a week. Could work. I've never tested it though.)
- Killing the horse works. Get on the horse, get off the horse, attack it until it dies. If the horse respawns anyway then you're not losing anything.
- An easier solution in a way is to use Skyrim:Summon Arvak. Ride Arvak around for a bit, then get off him. Watch him go poof. Now you're not riding a horse, and the horse won't follow you. Of course you have to have that spell, which is acquired via an optional misc quest rather late in the Dawnguard questline. --Morrolan (talk) 18:53, 12 July 2015 (UTC)
Riding a horse glitches the save (360)
I can ride any horse in the game, dismount it, ride another horse, etc., and the game plays fine. However, when I save it and then reload I am unable to look up or down. If I mount a horse again, the camera goes into the horse's view and gameplay is impossible. Also, every save I make after the original corrupted save becomes glitched as well. I have to reload a save from before I got on a horse. This has been a problem for a while now. I'm no longer able to ride a horse. Anyone else? Any suggestions?
(Treebeard151 (talk) 22:28, 30 August 2014 (GMT))
Borrowing Horses?
I completed Bloody Nose and Stabilized (siding with Shadr) - both quest rewards indicate I should be able to borrow a horse from Riften Stables. However, the interaction indicator shows "Steal" when hovering over the horses, and under "Stats > Crimes" indicated I have stolen the horse. I did not incur a bounty though. Is this "normal" behavior, or a bug? S1D3WYZ (talk) 16:35, 12 July 2015 (UTC)
- From what I remember, befriending Shadr and/or Holfgrir allows you to ride the horses that they own; however it doesn't allow you to take the horses that are for sale, which have a separate owner condition. So some of the horses there are still not available for borrowing. --Morrolan (talk) 18:45, 12 July 2015 (UTC)
Executing commands while mounted
I'm able to go into an Orc Stronghold while mounted, position the horse in front of a hut door that is closed (and unlocked), and open it by pressing the same command key as if I standing there by myself without a horse. This made me wonder if there are any other commands I can execute while mounted... I have tried several times to pick up an object while mounted, but I've had no luck with that so far... 22:35, 2 February 2016 (UTC)
Aggravating Glitch
I like to use horses in this game but given that they are apparently made out of tissue paper I go through a lot of them. I can return to the stable where I bought it and buy another horse. However, if I do that I sometimes come to that stable to find I have two horses there. Apparently when a horse dies it eventually respawns at the stable you got it. I didn't know this so one day I went to the Windhelm stable and found I had three horses there even though there where only two stalls. So basically, I guess the game expects me to use a horse from another stable until that horse respawns, or deal with the stables becoming increasingly more absurd clown cars. Is there any work around? This glitch has been bugging me enough to keep from getting back into the game lately. 23:05, 9 February 2016 (UTC)
- I've never seen that glitch. One possible method for dealing with the horse-death problem is to acquire an immortal horse, if you have Dawnguard; see Skyrim:Soul Cairn Horse Quest for details. --Morrolan (talk) 18:16, 19 February 2016 (UTC)
- Thanks for the tip. I guess I hadn't considered it may have been a one off thing as well. The DG horse (forgot the name atm) is really helpful in terms of the constant dying that's for sure. 23:54, 19 February 2016 (UTC)
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