Skyrim talk:Places
Archive 1: Nov 2011 - May 2012 |
How Many Locations?Edit
Why is there no mention like Oblivion as to how many locations there are to discover?
I've so far found 303 locations but have yet to find a specific number online. Any help? If there is a number already known why isn't it stated in the places page? BoegriusTheNord 17:46, 12 December 2011 (UTC)
- It shows 339 discovered locations for me, but I'm missing at least The Katariah from the DB questline. --Alfwyn 15:20, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
- I dont get it tho, why hasnt anyone released an official number yet? dont people with PC's have llike unlimited info on the game by using the editing software? BoegriusTheNord 16:43, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
- Well, it isn't that easy. The Construction Kit isn't released yet. On the PC, using the console, one can enable all place markers, but that doesn't count them (and I'm not sure it handles locations added dynamically at all). Looking into the game data, there are listed several that can't be really visited in-game, or so it seems (currently listed at Category:Skyrim-Places-Unknown (0)s). So it is a bit tedious to get a correct count. --Alfwyn 17:43, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
- well that sucks =\ im at like 320 locations now and I wanna know how many there are so I can stop looking when I find em all. I like exploring, considering I dont fast travel I've been playing for about 140 hours and found almost all the locations =D BoegriusTheNord 13:34, 17 December 2011 (UTC)
- seriously 2 months later and still there is no absolute number? Im at 335 BoegriusTheNord 00:33, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
- I'm up to 346. I don't think there's a specific number you can get unless you do things in a very deliberate manner. For instance: If you complete the stormcloak/imperial quest, you cannot discover the camps of the side you were on. At least, I could not discover the Stormcloak camps after completing the Battle for Solitude. Given that, there are at least 352 (The 346 I've discovered and the 6 I know I can't discover). MiniD 12:47, 7 May 2012
- seriously 2 months later and still there is no absolute number? Im at 335 BoegriusTheNord 00:33, 27 December 2011 (UTC)
- well that sucks =\ im at like 320 locations now and I wanna know how many there are so I can stop looking when I find em all. I like exploring, considering I dont fast travel I've been playing for about 140 hours and found almost all the locations =D BoegriusTheNord 13:34, 17 December 2011 (UTC)
- Well, it isn't that easy. The Construction Kit isn't released yet. On the PC, using the console, one can enable all place markers, but that doesn't count them (and I'm not sure it handles locations added dynamically at all). Looking into the game data, there are listed several that can't be really visited in-game, or so it seems (currently listed at Category:Skyrim-Places-Unknown (0)s). So it is a bit tedious to get a correct count. --Alfwyn 17:43, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
- I dont get it tho, why hasnt anyone released an official number yet? dont people with PC's have llike unlimited info on the game by using the editing software? BoegriusTheNord 16:43, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
(←) I too am looking for a defenite answer on this. I was also curious if unmarked locations add to this count.bearhiderug 16:26, 13 January 2012 (UTC)
- No they shouldn't, I just want that stupid official set number that Skyrim has in the stats menu when you see how many locations you've discovered. For some reason its harder to find that number than the meaning of life. BoegriusTheNord 19:17, 23 January 2012 (UTC)
- Seriously there is still no set number? It's been months and no one has found every location? BoegriusTheNord 17:22, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
- Im at 441 locations can any of you please pretend like you care about answering people's questions. BoegriusTheNord 14:54, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- Probably the reason no one has an answer is because we just don't know the number yet. I'm at 314 right now. And please sign your posts. Melleh17 22:28, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- 314...what have you been fast traveling the entire game? You get that much in a couple weeks exploring in game on foot or horseback. Lose sense of the game if you constantly fast travel to every destination. Start a new game and travel only by foot or by horse and see how long it takes you to not even need a map anymore. BoegriusTheNord 22:04, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
- I don't fast travel everywhere, thanks. This is my second game and I wander whenever I have the time. I usually only fast travel to places I've walked to before, or if they're way out of my way. Melleh17 00:48, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
- Free time? It's a video game not a homework assignment. Why rush to get it done? Second game as in this is your second round through Skryim or second as in you've played another elders scrolls. I'm still not having done with my first character, so far lvl 71, 300+ hours no fast traveling what-so-ever. You level up a lot faster when you fight things every couple minutes in the wild. Plus you find special hidden easter eggs. Have you seen the frozen mammoth in a chunk of iceberg with old Dwarvern spears and weapons all embedded in it to the north slowly being melted by the sun? BoegriusTheNord 08:44, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
- Yes I have found that mammoth, and I am level 50 on my second play through Skyrim. I don't see how I choose to play a single player game is your concern or relevant to the page, please focus on actually contributing. Melleh17 22:29, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
- Free time? It's a video game not a homework assignment. Why rush to get it done? Second game as in this is your second round through Skryim or second as in you've played another elders scrolls. I'm still not having done with my first character, so far lvl 71, 300+ hours no fast traveling what-so-ever. You level up a lot faster when you fight things every couple minutes in the wild. Plus you find special hidden easter eggs. Have you seen the frozen mammoth in a chunk of iceberg with old Dwarvern spears and weapons all embedded in it to the north slowly being melted by the sun? BoegriusTheNord 08:44, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
- I don't fast travel everywhere, thanks. This is my second game and I wander whenever I have the time. I usually only fast travel to places I've walked to before, or if they're way out of my way. Melleh17 00:48, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
- 314...what have you been fast traveling the entire game? You get that much in a couple weeks exploring in game on foot or horseback. Lose sense of the game if you constantly fast travel to every destination. Start a new game and travel only by foot or by horse and see how long it takes you to not even need a map anymore. BoegriusTheNord 22:04, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
- Probably the reason no one has an answer is because we just don't know the number yet. I'm at 314 right now. And please sign your posts. Melleh17 22:28, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- Im at 441 locations can any of you please pretend like you care about answering people's questions. BoegriusTheNord 14:54, 26 February 2012 (UTC)
- Seriously there is still no set number? It's been months and no one has found every location? BoegriusTheNord 17:22, 14 February 2012 (UTC)
(←) The best answer you'll get until someone manually counts out all the ones you can discover is less than 672, barring any game modifications. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 21:41, 7 March 2012 (UTC)
- Wow the accuracy of this site astounds me. BoegriusTheNord 13:23, 8 March 2012 (UTC)
- This site is a wiki. It implies that everything here is user contributions. You are welcome to contribute to the development of the site, just as everyone else, and if you think the site is not up to what should be expected, then it is implies that users, including yourself, still have something to do here. If you still do not like the site after having done your part, you are free to leave at any time. --MortenOSlash 18:50, 8 March 2012 (UTC)
- Thanks for proving my point. Oh FYI implications are subjective, don't speak as if their meanings are parallel for everyone. BoegriusTheNord 18:58, 11 March 2012 (UTC)
- Happy to help. If there is anything else I can help you prove, do not hesitate to ask. ;o) --MortenOSlash 19:45, 11 March 2012 (UTC)
- I have 347 and 246 cleared. I agree with MiniD that you might have to be very deliberate. Unmarked locations do not count towards total. Now there are a bunch of variables involving this count and I am not sure which count towards this total and which do not. Also skyrim could have bugged at any point as I have read that some places won't be marked as cleared when they should be or maybe skyrim might "discover" a location twice thus messing up the count. The possibilities are endless. The main thing that influences the locations discovered stat is civil war questline as someone pointed out before. At the beginning there are 5 stormcloak camps and 4 imperial camps. Now that I have captured Windhelm for the imperials, all the imperial camps have disappeared and there are now 8 stormcloak camps (1 for each hold minus eastmarch). Assuming my game has not bugged at all with this count (fat chance), I got the number 347 by: Visiting the imperial camps in the Rift and Eastmarch before I started the civil war questline. I am pretty sure I visited the Imperial camps in the Pale, the Reach, and Winterhold during the imperial side of the questline (I was able to visit the one in the Reach because Markarth came under Stormcloak control during the treaty in exchange for the Rift) and I also visited the imperial camp that is right next to windhelm during the battle for windhelm that is only there during that battle. I visited all the 8 Stormcloak camps, Azura's Star, Skuldafn, the Katariah, Japhet's Folly, Sovngarde, Dragon Priest Mask place, as well as that ship wreck off of Solitude that is caused turning out the lighthouse. If any of those places can be cleared because I probably cleared them because I explored every corner of those except for Sovngarde. I have yet to explore all of Blackreach but I have been there as well as visiting all the places in blackreach that go to skyrim (the 3 great lifts, tower of mzark, and the 3 dwemer ruins) and I have entered into Sinderion's Labratory. I have not gone into all of the weird places like the Derelict Pump etc. in Blackreach. I think that covers all the weird places that could influence the total. So I have a total of 347 discovered assuming I didn't miss a regular location on the map which I probably did (I don't think all those weird places in Blackreach count). 03:16, 11 June 2012 (UTC)Hebee
- Happy to help. If there is anything else I can help you prove, do not hesitate to ask. ;o) --MortenOSlash 19:45, 11 March 2012 (UTC)
- I currently have 402 locations discovered including Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn if that helps with locking down a total. As far as I can tell there are no more undiscovered locations for me to find other than the third plot of land from Hearthfire and the two locations in Skyrim which Dragonborn adds. Syko Conor (talk) 06:44, 24 February 2013 (GMT)
- I have 406 under the same criteria. Didn't do the Dark Brotherhood, played as imperial, and didn't take the werewolf option in companions. Not sure how many locations other than the kings ship that rules out for me. 11:57, 28 February 2013 (GMT) [alacritynz]
- I've just finished Dragonborn and, in addition to the other DLC, I'm up to 417 locations discovered. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:17 on 17 March 2013
Total number of locations?Edit
Previous angrily-typed questions notwithstanding, does anyone know of a definite (or as definite as is possible) number for the total number of discoverable locations (as listed in the General Stats)? I enjoy wandering in search of new locations, but if I've got them all, then I'll probably start to fast travel more, and it's been a while since I've found any. I know there are a few I still need to stumble upon, but I'm curious how many more I have to go. Oh, and I totally get it if this number has not yet been determined, or if it's even impossible to determine (due to the changes made by the Civil War questline, and such like). There will be no anger or berating of those who fast travel from me. Thanks! Obax 23:28, 18 June 2012 (UTC)
- See above post from me. Except I now have 252 cleared (instead of 246) from only exploring blackreach for a bit and not even entering skyrim so I think that number is glitched. Assuming my locations discovered number is not glitched it is 347. Read my above post for how I got that number. Since I have a PC I plugged in the console command tmm 1,0,0 after I got 347 locations discovered and I couldn't find a single undiscovered location so I am fairly certain that 347 is the max you can get with the imperial quest line. With the stormcloaks you might get a different number because there is 1 more stormcloak camp at the start than there is imperial camps. I have done every quest I could possibly do so I have visited every special location like Skuldafn, Japhet's Folly, etc. See my above post for a list and post if you see a special location I didn't list. I visited the max of 5 imperial camps because there are four at the start and I visited the one in the reach because the reach was traded in the treaty. Since you can only have one hold traded 5 is the max for imperial camps. If you take the stormcloak questline you have 5 at the start plus 1 from the treaty so you have 6, 1 more than the imperials. But I do not know how the game calculates it. Maybe it only counts one location discovered per hold for military camps so it would be the same for both questlines. I dont know. In any case I am pretty sure about 347 locations discovered if you did the imperial questline. Again read my above post if you want to know how I got that number. 20:21, 24 June 2012 (UTC)Hebee
- Thanks for the info. I dunno how I missed your post above. Maybe I thought it was part of the previous conversation, which I read some time ago, and therefore didn't go through it again... Either way, your reasoning/methodology seems sound to me, so I'll take that as the most accurate number at the moment. Obax 18:00, 29 June 2012 (UTC)
- Playing on a PS3,Level 79, Playtime 570.21.01; DB, DG, HF installed. Imperial quest line. My stats say 399 Locations Discovered. No idea how to tell if some are duplicates. I know there are quests I haven't done yet, I'm currently working my way through the quest list because I'm not finding them as easily anymore. Bluest (talk) 00:59, 28 April 2014 (GMT)Bluest
- With all DLC, on xbox, I have 458 Locations Discovered. There may be 370, plus 52 from DB, but I have 3 dozen more than that total. 19:17, 30 December 2014 (GMT)
Unmarked locations?Edit
Is there a list of unmarked/unnamed locations anywhere? I just came across a hunter's camp, unmarked and unnamed, with 3 hunters in their underwear, lounging the the balmy volcanic springs (two are sitting on the edges of a rocks in the water, the other was just standing there, and then proceeded to lay down in the shallows and put her hands behind her head and stretch out her legs). Everything there is available for the PC to take, except the hunters' clothing and weapons, which are scattered around the camp. I thought this was an interesting oddity, and worth mentioning somewhere, but I have no idea where (or if it's already mentioned somewhere). The location of it is at the south end of the large water body, located on the map west of Eldergleam Sanctuary, and south of Broken Limb Camp.Obax 23:54, 18 June 2012 (UTC)
- Many of these unmarked locations are noted on the article for the nearest marked location. For example, the one you are referring to is listed on the page for Eldergleam Sanctuary. This seems to be a temporary solution until somebody takes on the task of creating a page for all of these locations. --Xyzzy 01:46, 19 June 2012 (UTC)
- I can try this,but I've never seen this location.I'll go check it out.OK?--Skyrimplayer 00:03, 19 July 2012 (UTC)
Places with lots of treasure?Edit
My character is a thief/explorer, and I was wondering where the best places with treasure are. (I robbedd the collage of winterhold and earned about 4000 gold) Any suggustions? — Unsigned comment by Kzljr1 (talk • contribs) at 01:44 on 9 October 2012
- The answers to this could be very opinion-based, but I've found that Dwarven ruins tend to have lots of good loot, and in general you'd want to go for loot with high base cost and low weight. If you're more interested in stealing than exploring to get loot, some of the jarl's buildings would probably have valuable loot, especially those in bigger cities. — ABCface◥ 03:16, 9 October 2012 (GMT)
Hearthfire houses/buying questsEdit
Just wondering shouldn't heartfire's houses and related quests be added to the towns of morthal, falkreath, and dawnstar. I thought I should bring it up since i noticed that they werent there, but the houses for the cities were added.(Darco (talk) 19:51, 7 November 2012 (GMT))
South Skybound WatchEdit
I discovered a ruin called south skybound watch. But it does not seem to be listed in the Nordic Ruins section of the places page. There is also a North Skybound Watch, but don't know if is in the section. Should we add them to the page? If they do not exist already that is.— Unsigned comment by Lordofmagicvoldemort (talk • contribs) at 02:39 on 3 January 2013
- They are both on the page... One is under Ruins, one is under Nordic Tower. Jeancey (talk) 02:43, 3 January 2013 (GMT)
- Thanks, I was mistakingly looking in the Nordic Ruins section, I didn't think Nordictowers were in a different section.(Lordofmagicvoldemort (talk) 03:02, 3 January 2013 (GMT))
Just found a strange place.Edit
I used player.moveto using the refid of grelod the kind (00019DE4) and i got to this place. I got here because i killed her in the dark brotherhood quest and tryied to get to her, I really don't know why i wanted to, but this is not the point. This place is full of othe people i killed (Grelod, Haelga, Ancano, Nilsine Shutter-Shield, Roggvir and others). This place has two empty coffins. This place is arranged as +, four short corridors connected in the middle. There are "arches" at every end of the corridors, that lead into the void, but if you jump down, you will find yourself again in the middle of this corridor. It's interior is colored with a violet-green hue, and a part of the corridor is bugged (two pavements, one in the other and keeps "flashing") If anyone knows anything about this, respond here, or if you need futher explanation (like screenshots) contact me at my talk page. Cean Gail 10/01/13 11:40 PM GMT
- This is the cell documented at Skyrim:Test Cells#WIDeadBodyCleanupCell. --Alfwyn (talk) 23:25, 10 January 2013 (GMT)
Blind Cliff BastionEdit
Might this location be better listed under Nordic Towers instead of Nordic Ruins? 21:46, 28 January 2013 (GMT)
Add loactionID infoEdit
Shall we add locationID into each page of place.That will be convenient. — Unsigned comment by Dreamshadow (talk • contribs) at 06:22 on 4 March 2013
- Each article for a location should list IDs in the section called "Console Location Code(s)". If any are missing, that's probably because nobody's gotten around to discovering them or adding them to the article yet. They will all be added eventually. Feel free to add any that you see missing. --Xyzzy Talk 06:36, 4 March 2013 (GMT)
- I see.From my point of view,these IDs can't be used in commmand "setlocationcleared" and "getlocationcleared".We can't get related info from these pages in a direct way and that's not quite convenient.Thanks.Dreamshadow (talk) 08:38, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
- OK. I see what you mean. You're referring to the FormID. Yes, these are not listed in the location articles. If you want to find them, use can use CSList. I personally don't see the need to list each one within their respective place article, but I wouldn't be opposed to someone adding them. If you would like to see them listed, you could always bring it up on the Community Portal and see if the community agrees with you. --Xyzzy Talk 14:49, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
- I have made some changes to these pages that need this ID and related console commands.I admit they are of limited use.I'll take your advice into consideration carefully this night(I'm a Chinese.)Thanks a lot.Dreamshadow (talk) 15:09, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
- Well, I think I've found a solution to this issue and got everything done with the help of other members. Just adding a link to these Form IDs in the description of commands "getlocationcleared" and "setlocationcleared". Anyway, Thanks alot.Dreamshadow (talk) 00:05, 8 March 2013 (GMT)
- OK. I see what you mean. You're referring to the FormID. Yes, these are not listed in the location articles. If you want to find them, use can use CSList. I personally don't see the need to list each one within their respective place article, but I wouldn't be opposed to someone adding them. If you would like to see them listed, you could always bring it up on the Community Portal and see if the community agrees with you. --Xyzzy Talk 14:49, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
- I see.From my point of view,these IDs can't be used in commmand "setlocationcleared" and "getlocationcleared".We can't get related info from these pages in a direct way and that's not quite convenient.Thanks.Dreamshadow (talk) 08:38, 5 March 2013 (GMT)
Number of locationsEdit
I am at 310 locations as of right now. I have looked everywhere for an official total and one site said that there are 346 plus 100 or more "Deagons" to discover making it a total of 500 or so. I don't even know what Deagons are so if anyone can enlighten me it would be greatly appreciated! I don't think sites you have cleared count toward total sites discovered. Right now I am just running all over Skyrim trying to get close to sites I haven't yet discovered so they will show up black at the top so I can make my way to them. It's crazy that they don't have a list of all the sites to be discovered but even if they did it would still be hard because there is no listing of the sites already discovered! At least not one that I have found. I got the free download for the game when I bought my Xbox 360 so now I'm considering buying the DLC through Xbox Live or buying the Skyrim Legendary Edition. Anyone have an opinion on how good the three add ons are and if they are worth spending the money for. Thank! SkyrimMom — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:43 on 1 September 2013
- Check the first conversation on this talk page. We may or may not know how many there are, but we think there are 371. "Deagons" aren't a thing.
- General consensus is that Dragonborn is the best DLC. However, that discussion is better suited to the forums or chatroom, where you'll also get more specifics. Vely►t►e 23:49, 1 September 2013 (GMT)
- Thanks Vela!! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:24 on 2 September 2013