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Tamriel Data:Fearstruck

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Data: Items: Armor Artifacts
Artifact: Fearstruck (T_Dae_UNI_Fearstruck)
(lore page)
Type Shield
Armor Rating Rating 100 (333 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 100 (333 Max) Health Health 2000
Weight Weight 30 (Heavy) Value Value 250000
Constant Effect:
Fortify Block Fortify Block 40 pts on Self
Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 40 pts on Self
Weakness to Fire Weakness to Fire 100% on Self

Fearstruck is an enchanted shield granted to the hero Lyrisius by the Daedric Prince, Boethiah. It is referenced in The Story of Lyrisius, a text that first appeared in Daggerfall. In this, the shield was melted by the flames of a dragon, perhaps explaining the Weakness to Fire effect that the shield imposes on the bearer.

The shield appears in Bal Dushal in Tamriel Rebuilt. It is borne by the Dark Elf Warlock, Nagoth Daril.