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Tamriel Data:Armor Artifacts

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Data: Artifacts / Armor

A number of armor artifacts are introduced by Tamriel Data for use in its dependent mods.

Artifacts are specifically defined as anything with a unique appearance. This is opposed to Unique Armor, which is defined as those which there is only one of, but which have the same appearance as other generic items. Unique armor is typically added by the mods that rely on Tamriel Data rather than Tamriel Data itself.


  • Armor Rating is given both as base values and Max values, which apply when you have 100 points in the relevant armor skill.
  • Charge/Cost = Uses indicates how many uses on average you can get before needing to recharge the armor (or wait for it to charge on its own). Note that the Cost depends on your Enchant skill, so your results may vary.


Boots of the AtronachEdit

Artifact: Boots of the Atronach (T_Dae_UNI_BootsOfAtronach)
Type Boots
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 850
  Weight 18 (Medium)   Value 50000
Constant Effect:
  Spell Absorption 20% on Self
  Fortify Intelligence 20 pts on Self
  Stunted Magicka
Boots of the Atronach

The Boots of the Atronach are a pair of boots that have a very similar effect to being born under the Atronach birthsign.

They cannot currently be obtained without console commands.

Boots of PeaceEdit

Artifact: Boots of Peace (T_Dae_UNI_BootsOfPeace_01)
Type Boots
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 800
  Weight 20 (Heavy)   Value 40000
Constant Effect:
  Fortify Acrobatics 10 pts on Self
  Fortify Athletics 10 pts on Self
  Fortify Hand-to-hand 10 pts on Self
  Fortify Sneak 10 pts on Self
  Fortify Attack 10 pts on Self
Boots of Peace

The Boots of Peace are a pair of armored boots that fortify a large number of skills. They are likely a reference to the Boots of Peace that appeared in Battlespire.

They can be found in the release area of Tamriel Rebuilt, where they are in the possession of a Dremora Lord named Lord Drekhva Yashaz. This formidable foe may be found in the Daedric shrine of Yashazmus in the Telvanni Isles.

Boots of the Savior's HideEdit

Artifact: Boots of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_BootsSaviorsHide)
Type Boots
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 1500
  Weight 4 (Light)   Value 20000
Constant Effect:
  Resist Magicka 5% on Self
Boots of the Savior's Hide

The Boots of the Savior's Hide are an artifact of Hircine, and form part of a complete armor set inspired by the Cuirass of the Savior's Hide that appears in the vanilla Morrowind game.

The boots can be found in the release area of the Tamriel Rebuilt mod, in Parjho's used armor shop in Helnim.


Cuirass of Hlaalu PasorothEdit

Artifact: Cuirass of Hlaalu Pasoroth (T_De_UNI_EbonyCuirass_Pasoroth)
Type Cuirass
  Rating 65 (216 Max)
  Rating 65 (216 Max)   Health 2000
  Weight 55 (Heavy)   Value 50000
Constant Effect:
  Fortify Speed 20 pts on Self
  Fortify Agility 20 pts on Self
Cuirass of Hlaalu Pasoroth

The Cuirass of Hlaalu Pasoroth is a piece of the suit of armor once worn by Hlaalu Pasoroth. According to the text, Hallgerd's Tale, Hlaalu Pasoroth (King Hlaalu Helseth's great-grandfather) is credited with the accrual of much of Great House Hlaalu's power, and was the greatest warrior in the land in his time. He was reputedly better at moving in his armor than out of it, and as the story goes was able to walk on his hands and also perform his marital duties while still wearing the full suit.

The cuirass itself cannot yet be obtained without console commands. It is intended to be part of a full set, with pieces appearing throughout Tamriel Rebuilt releases.

Scales of NafaalilargusEdit

Artifact: Scales of Nafaalilargus (T_Imp_Uni_NafaalilargusScales)
Type Cuirass
  Rating 43 (143 Max)
  Rating 43 (143 Max)   Health 1200
  Weight 20 (Medium)   Value 7500
Constant Effect
  Resist Normal Weapons 50%
Charge/Cost = Uses Infinite
Scales of Nafaalilargus

The Scales of Nafaalilargus is an enchanted cuirass associated with the Imperial red dragon Nafaalilargus that grants its wearer strong resistance to normal weapons.

It is located in the top of the Imperial Legion Headquarters in Old Ebonheart, in the private quarters of Imperial Legion Lord General of Morrowind, Caecalia Victrix. The cuirass is hidden along with the Claw of Nafaalilargus inside a secret stone safe accessed by a switch hidden behind a locked (Lv. 80) painting of Nafaalilargus.


Artifact: Shadowweave (T_Imp_UNI_Shadowweave)
Type Cuirass
  Rating 45 (149 Max)
  Rating 45 (149 Max)   Health 1000
  Weight 18 (Light)   Value 85000
Cast When Used:
  Fortify Sneak 25 pts for 60 secs on Self
  Chameleon 90% for 60 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses Infinite

Shadowweave is a piece of armor that fortifies Sneak and provides a powerful Chameleon effect. It is a reference to the armor of the same name, which appeared in the game Shadowkey

It cannot yet be obtained without the use of console commands, but is tentatively planned to be included in a future Project Cyrodiil release.


Gauntlets of the PoorEdit

Artifact: Gauntlets of the Poor (T_Dae_UNI_GauntletOfPoor_L; T_Dae_UNI_GauntletOfPoor_R)
Type Gauntlets
  Rating 80 each (266 Max)
  Rating 80 each (266 Max)   Health 240 each
  Weight 3 each (Light)   Value 12000 each
Constant Effect
  Resist Magicka 25% on Self (left)
  Resist Magicka 25% on Self (right)
Gauntlets of the Poor

First referenced within Battlespire (by the Letters from the Dremora), the Gauntlets of the Poor were once borne by a wraith. As the letters would have it, the wraith pledged its immortal spirit to Mehrunes Dagon and was trapped after death within his hunting lodge. Tamriel Data's Compendium of Lost Artifacts refers to them as creations of a spirit within the Soul Cairn.

The gauntlets themselves confer a powerful resist magicka effect when worn, but cannot yet be obtained without console commands.

Gauntlets of the Savior's HideEdit

Artifact: Gauntlets of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_LGauntSaviorsHide; T_Dae_UNI_RGauntSaviorsHide)
Type Gauntlets
  Rating 80 each (266 Max)
  Rating 80 each (266 Max)   Health 1000 each
  Weight 2 each (Light)   Value 15000 each
Constant Effect
  Resist Magicka 5% on Self (left)
  Resist Magicka 5% on Self (right)
Gauntlets of the Savior's Hide

The Gauntlets of the Savior's Hide are pieces of the legendary Savior's Hide armor, which is associated with the Daedric huntsman, Hircine. As with other pieces of the set, they confer a resist magicka effect (which can equal 100% with all pieces assembled). Both gauntlets can be found in the current Tamriel Rebuilt release area, within the Forlorn Shipwreck that lies sunken in Dagon Urul.


Greaves of the Savior's HideEdit

Artifact: Greaves of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_GreavesSaviorsHide)
Type Greaves
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 1500
  Weight 8 (Light)   Value 40000
Constant Effect
  Resist Magicka 10 pts on Self
Greaves of the Savior's Hide

The Greaves of the Savior's Hide are a piece of the fabled Savior's Hide, an artifact of Hircine. The full set when worn confers total resistance to magic.

The greaves themselves can be found within the Tamriel Rebuilt release area, on the person of one Tarvil Gamaras - a bandit leader in the Berantus cavern northwest of Helnim.


Cursed Crown of Ushu-DimmuEdit

Artifact: Crown of Ushu-Dimmu (TR_m4_UshuDimmuCrown_01; TR_m4_UshuDimmuCrown_02)
Type Helmet
  Rating 5 (16 Max)
  Rating 5 (16 Max)   Health 300
  Weight 3 (Light)   Value 7500
Crown of Ushu-Dimmu

The Crown of Ushu-Dimmu is an ancient crown found upon the head of the mummy, Ushu-Dimmu. It is encountered during the course of a Tamriel Rebuilt Fighters Guild questline that begins in Andothren, appearing in The Cursed Crown.

Death Mask of Empress KatariahEdit

Artifact: Death Mask of Empress Katariah (T_Imp_UNI_KatariahsDeathMask, T_Imp_UNI_KatariahsDeathMask_x)
Type Helmet
  Rating 17 (56 Max)
  Rating 17 (56 Max)   Health 590
  Weight 2.35 (Light)   Value 13000
Cast When Used
  Sanctuary 20 pts for 5 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 25/5 = 5
Death Mask of Empress Katariah

The Death Mask of Empress Katariah is a helmet with a Sanctuary enchantment that was buried with Empress Katariah.

The mask is entombed at the end of the Burial of the Empress section of Raathim Ancestral Tomb, which you explore during the Thieves Guild quest An Empress' Ransom. If you choose to give it to Antio Florane to escape his trap, you will find it on his corpse on the way back to the tomb's entrance.

You are forced to give the mask to the guards when you reunite with Wry-Eye Moranie. It later appears in the Great Hall of the Ebon Tower, but this version, T_Imp_UNI_KatariahsDeathMask_x, is unenchanted.


  • If you bypass Antio's trap by attacking him, you keep the mask, but his corpse still appears with a second copy of the mask. ?

Dragoneye HelmEdit

Artifact: Dragoneye Helm (T_Imp_UNI_Dragoneye)
Type Helmet
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 1100
  Weight 8 (Heavy)   Value 30000
Cast When Used:
  Fire Damage 40 pts on Target
Charge/Cost = Uses 75/15 = 5
Dragoneye Helm

The Dragoneye Helm is a heavy helmet that can deal fire damage upon targets. A helmet of the same name has appeared in two Elder Scrolls games: Stormhold and Dawnstar.

This Tamriel Data version cannot yet be contained without the use of console commands.

Helm of Bendu OloEdit

Artifact: Helm of Bendu Olo (T_Imp_UNI_BenduOloHelm)
Type Helmet
  Rating 54 (179 Max)
  Rating 54 (179 Max)   Health 575
  Weight 4 (Medium)   Value 20000
Constant Effect:
  Fortify Agility 15 pts on Self
  Fortify Willpower 15 pts on Self
Helm of Bendu Olo

The Helm of Bendu Olo is the helm of the famed Bendu Olo, the Sailor-King of Anvil and leader of the All Flags Navy. It can be obtained by joining and finishing the Kingdom of Anvil questline.

Helm of Light WithinEdit

Artifact: Helm of Light Within (T_Dae_UNI_HelmLightWithin_01)
Type Helmet
  Rating 60 (199 Max)
  Rating 60 (199 Max)   Health 750
  Weight 8 (Heavy)   Value 25000
Cast When Used:
  Absorb Magicka 10-30 pts on Touch
Charge/Cost = Uses 40/8 = 5
Helm of Light Within

The Helm of Light Within is a creation of enchanters stationed at the Battlespire (according to the Compendium of Lost Artifacts). It first appeared in the game named after that location.

It cannot be obtained without the use of console commands, and is planned to be associated with the Daedric Prince Meridia in a future release.

Helm of the Savior's HideEdit

Artifact: Helm of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_HelmSaviorsHide)
Type Helmet
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 1800
  Weight 3 (Light)   Value 32000
Constant Effect
  Resist Magicka 5 pts on Self
Helm of the Savior's Hide

The Helm of the Savior's Hide is a piece of the Savior's Hide set found within the Treasure Chamber of Firewatch's Ember Keep. Together with the other pieces of the set it confers total resistance to magicka.

King of RatsEdit

Artifact: King of Rats (T_De_UNI_KingOfRats_01)
Type Helmet
  Rating 10 (33 Max)
  Rating 10 (33 Max)   Health 100
  Weight 2 (Light)   Value 3000
Constant Effect:
  Resist Blight Disease 20% on Self
  Resist Common Disease 30% on Self
  Resist Corprus Disease 10% on Self
  Night Eye 10 pts on Self
King of Rats

The King of Rats is a unique helm that is planned to appear in a future Tamriel Rebuilt release. In addition to its enchantments, wearing the helm will also prevent rats from attacking you - although this does not apply to diseased variants.

Mask of the Alma RulaEdit

Artifact: Mask of the Alma Rula (T_De_AlmaRula_Helm_UNI)
Type Helmet
  Rating 85 (283 Max)
  Rating 85 (283 Max)   Health 700
  Weight 15 (Heavy)   Value 50000
Cast When Used:
  Fortify Speechcraft 20-40 pts for 60 secs on Self
  Calm Humanoid 10-30 points for 30 secs on Touch
  Charm 25 pts for 15 secs on Touch
Charge/Cost = Uses 1070/214 = 5
Mask of the Alma Rula

The Mask of the Alma Rula is an ornamental helmet worn by the Alma Rula, one of the highest figureheads within the Tribunal Temple, excluding the Tribunal themselves. It cannot currently be obtained without the use of console commmands.

Masque of the CaptainEdit

Artifact: Masque of the Captain (T_Imp_UNI_MasquedCaptain)
Type Helmet
  Rating 18 (59 Max)
  Rating 18 (59 Max)   Health 525
  Weight 1 (Light)   Value 6000
Masque of the Captain

The Masque of the Captain is the favored means of anonymity employed by The Masqued Captain, and gives this pirate his moniker. His ship, Crypsis, can be found in the Abecean Sea.


Artifact: Polyhedrascope (TR_m4_Ando_MG_Polyhedrascope)
Type Helmet
  Rating 15 (49 Max)
  Rating 15 (49 Max)   Health 400
  Weight 4 (Medium)   Value 8500
Constant Effect:
  Detect Animal 60 ft on Self
  Detect Enchantment 60 ft on Self
  Detect Key 60 ft on Self
  Sanctuary 15 pts on Self

The Polyhedrascope is a helmet of suspected Daedric origin that when repaired can detect numerous types of entities. It appears in the Tamriel Rebuilt quest Axiomatic Inversion, and can be a reward of that Mages Guild quest.


Artifact: Preyseeker (T_De_UNI_PreyseekerHelm)
Type Helmet
  Rating 30 (100 Max)
  Rating 30 (100 Max)   Health 400
  Weight 1.2 (Light)   Value 12000
Constant Effect
  Night Eye 20 pts
  Detect Animal 150 ft
  Fortify Skill Short Blade 10 pts
  Fortify Skill Marksman 10 pts
Charge/Cost = Uses Infinite

Preyseeker is a helmet with an enchantment that's useful for thief or assassin characters. As its name suggests, it helps you detect animals and adds Night Eye for nighttime preying. It also fortifies Short Blade and Marksman skills.

It cannot yet be obtained without console commands.


Artifact: Wraithmail (T_De_UNI_Wraithmail_01)
Type Helmet
  Rating 50 (166 Max)
  Rating 50 (166 Max)   Health 4500
  Weight 15 (Medium)   Value 150000
Constant Effect:
  Sanctuary 50 pts on Self
  Restore Health 3 pts on Self
  Sound 20 pts on Self

The Wraithmail is an armored headpiece reconstructed from the ringlets that once made up the armor of Alandro Sul. It is described in unofficial game sources, such as in a portion of the Pocket Guide to the Empire, Second Edition - a community project in part worked upon by Morrowind developer Michael Kirkbride. According to this text, the Wraithmail was imbued with Alandro Sul's memories on his death:

"His thoughts were blasted from his skull by Almsivi, and the things he had witnessed were forever splayed across his chain hood, the Wraithmail. Over time this hood was broken into links, and the links into ringlets, and the ringlets were crafted into piercings, so that now every ashkhan and mabrigash of even the most provincial gathering of netchleather yurts hears the holy whispers of Sul Alandro in their ears."

The Wraithmail is not yet implemented within a Tamriel Rebuilt release, although several ringlets from it can be collected.


Pauldrons of the Savior's HideEdit

Artifact: Pauldrons of the Savior's Hide (T_Dae_UNI_LPauldSaviorsHide; T_Dae_UNI_RPauldSaviorsHide)
Type Pauldrons
  Rating 80 each (266 Max)
  Rating 80 each (266 Max)   Health 1400 each
  Weight 4 each (Light)   Value 24000 each
Constant Effect
  Resist Magicka 5 pts on Self (left)
  Resist Magicka 5 pts on Self (right)
Pauldrons of the Savior's Hide

The Pauldrons of the Savior's Hide are the shoulder pieces of the Savior's Hide, a set of armor associated with Hircine. While the cuirass of the set is found on Vvardenfell, within Tel Fyr, the rest of it is scattered around the Telvannis peninsula. The pauldrons themselves can be found on the person of Gamras Silni, a bandit leader occupying the old Dunmer stronghold of Mandaran on the coast of Dagon Urul.

Lord Methats' PauldronsEdit

Artifact: Lord Methats' Pauldrons (T_Dae_UNI_LMethatsPauldron; T_Dae_UNI_RMethatsPauldron)
Type Pauldrons
  Rating 80 each (266 Max)
  Rating 80 each (266 Max)   Health 1050 each
  Weight 30 each (Heavy)   Value 30000 each
Constant Effect
  Swift Swim 20 pts on Self (left)
  Water Breathing on Self (right)
Lord Methats' Pauldrons

Lord Methats' Pauldrons are two armor pieces owned by Lord Methats Uldun, a powerful dremora who occupies the fortress of Vorthas Uldun in close proximity to Khalaan. They grant the user greater aptitude in water, and can be found in a locked chest in Lord Methats' chamber.


Bug Shield of VivecEdit

Artifact: Bug Shield of Vivec (T_De_UNI_VivecShield)
Type Shield
  Rating 60 (199 Max)
  Rating 60 (199 Max)   Health 750
  Weight 10 (Medium)   Value 80000
Cast When Used:
  Resist Blight Disease 25% for 120 secs on Self
  Resist Common Disease 50% for 180 secs on Self
  Water Breathing for 240 secs on Self
Charge/Cost = Uses 2400/100 = 24
Bug Shield of Vivec

The Bug Shield of Vivec is an artifact of Vivec. Its creation was inspired by Morrowind concept art of the Tribunal, with the design following the form of the shield borne by Vivec in that image.

It cannot currently be obtained without the use of console commands, but is intended to be included in a future Tamriel Rebuilt release.


Artifact: Fearstruck (T_Dae_UNI_Fearstruck)
(lore page)
Type Shield
  Rating 100 (333 Max)
  Rating 100 (333 Max)   Health 2000
  Weight 30 (Heavy)   Value 250000
Constant Effect:
  Fortify Block 40 pts on Self
  Fortify Agility 40 pts on Self
  Weakness to Fire 100% on Self

Fearstruck is an enchanted shield granted to the hero Lyrisius by the Daedric Prince, Boethiah. It is referenced in The Story of Lyrisius, a text that first appeared in Daggerfall. In this, the shield was melted by the flames of a dragon, perhaps explaining the Weakness to Fire effect that the shield imposes on the bearer.

The shield appears in Bal Dushal in Tamriel Rebuilt. It is borne by the Dark Elf Warlock, Nagoth Daril.


Artifact: Requiem (T_Com_UNI_Requiem)
Type Shield
  Rating 100 (333 Max)
  Rating 100 (333 Max)   Health 1500
  Weight 20 (Heavy)   Value 170000
Constant Effect:
  Restore Health 1 pt on Self
  Restore Fatigue 1 pt on Self

Requiem is an enchanted shield with powerful restorative effects. It was developed with the intention of it appearing in a Tamriel Rebuilt iteration of the Soul Cairn.

Shield of AbernanitEdit

Artifact: Shield of Abernanit (T_De_UNI_Shield_Abernanit)
Type Shield
  Rating 80 (266 Max)
  Rating 80 (266 Max)   Health 1000
  Weight 20 (Heavy)   Value 30000
Constant Effect:
  Fortify Block 40 pts on Self
Shield of Abernanit

The Shield of Abernanit is the former shield of Dagoth Thras, as described in the book Death Blow of Abernanit. It imparts a powerful Fortify Block effect on the wielder.

It cannot yet be obtained without the use of console commands.

Shield of the EmperorEdit

Artifact: Shield of the Emperor (T_Imp_UNI_UrielShield_01)
Type Shield
  Rating 28 (93 Max)
  Rating 28 (93 Max)   Health 520
  Weight 14 (Heavy)   Value 15000
Constant Effect:
  Fortify Endurance 20 pts on Self
  Fortify Willpower 20 pts on Self
Shield of the Emperor

The Shield of the Emperor is an armament of Uriel Septim V, the invader of Akavir. After his death at Ionith, his shield was returned to Tamriel, and is now held within the College of Firewatch's museum.

Shield of the Lord CommanderEdit

Artifact: Shield of the Lord Commander (T_Bre_UNI_LordlyHeaterShield)
Type Shield
  Rating 25 (83 Max)
  Rating 25 (83 Max)   Health 450
  Weight 15 (Heavy)   Value 5000
Shield of the Lord Commander

The Shield of the Lord Commander is a lordly heater shield much more effective than the average wooden heater shield.

It cannot yet be obtained without console commands.

Shield of the TricksterEdit

Artifact: Shield of the Trickster (T_Bre_UNI_TricksterShield)
Type Shield
  Rating 45 (149 Max)
  Rating 45 (149 Max)   Health 770
  Weight 15 (Heavy)   Value 10000
Constant Effect:
  Fortify Willpower 10 pts on Self
  Fortify Personality 10 pts on Self
Shield of the Trickster

The Shield of the Trickster is a unique shield depicting a gnome, and is an easter egg reference to a Tamriel Rebuilt developer named Gnomey.

It cannot be obtained without the use of console commands.

Targe of the BloodedEdit

Artifact: Targe of the Blooded (T_Nor_UNI_TargeBlooded)
Type Shield
  Rating 25 (83 Max)
  Rating 25 (83 Max)   Health 800
  Weight 18 (Heavy)   Value 5000
Cast When Used:
  Damage Health 10-30 pts on Touch
Charge/Cost = Uses 40/8 = 5
Targe of the Blooded

The Targe of the Blooded is a shield that first appeared in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The Tamriel Data version can damage an opponent's health.

It cannot yet be obtained without console commands.

Ward of AkavirEdit

Artifact: Ward of Akavir (T_Imp_UNI_WardofAkavir)
(lore page)
Type Shield
  Rating 25 (83 Max)
  Rating 25 (83 Max)   Health 2000
  Weight 10 (Medium)   Value 5000
Constant Effect:
  Fortify Luck 25 pts on Self
Ward of Akavir

The Ward of Akavir confers a powerful Fortify Luck effect upon the user. It appears in Tamriel Rebuilt's reimagining of Firemoth.
