- Firewatch, The Silver Serpent (×8, restocking, in keg)
- Pedivur's Tower (×4, in wooden chest)
- Ammar, Indalas Manor (×2)
- Ashamul, Nerethi Cave Dwelling (×2)
- Llothanis, Bal Gernak's Chambers (×2)
- Mephalan Vales Region [27,-11] (×2)
- Tahvel [33,-16] (×2)
- Vathras Plantation, Slaves' Shack Three (×2)
- Andar Mok, Andilo Vadryon's Shack
- Andar Mok, Venith Shack
- Denaven Egg Mine, Home of Gidar Terval
- Erethan Plantation, Manor
- Evos, Duram Balvel's House
- Herothran Egg Mine
- Darvonis, Mithal Llothnam's Shack
- Darvonis, Ravis Irival's Shack
- Darvonis, The Windbreak Hostel: Dwellings
- Necrom, Ieme Rethri: Temple Outfitter
- Necrom, Refuge of St. Aralor
- Port Telvannis, Dunel Varys' House
- Rabawia Grotto
- Seitur, Vardem Divadril's House
- Tahvel, Egg Mine
- The Eternal Voyager, Upper Level
- Tomaril Manor, Reception Hall and Slave Quarters
- Tower of Tel Mothrivra