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Tamriel Rebuilt:Seranassid

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places: Caves
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Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Almsivi Intervention Akamora
Divine Intervention Fort Umbermoth
Console Location Code(s)
Mephalan Vales, [29,-16]

Seranassid is a cave located in the Mephalan Vales.

It is located some way east-southeast of The Inn Between, across the rocky terrain, being about halfway to the river. Keep the ruins of Arkgnthleft to your right, and the cave will be directly to the east of its tallest tower.

The cave itself contains several mid-level bandits, with the first of whom being positioned above a wooden barricade with a ranged weapon. There is a trapped and level 70 locked door allowing access behind the barricade. One key can be found on top of it, on the second plank right of the door - you can see and grab it while jumping, while another is present at the bottom of the pit you cross upon entry, in a sack with a piece of gold.

Related QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit

Belated Service: Take out a bandit gang and discover the fate of a missing guild member.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Grito Pania   Imperial Smuggler 15 133 102 90 100
Menie Perius   Imperial Alchemist 10 75 158 90 100
Pavila Induvi   Dark Elf Agent 20 133 122 90 100
Sidonius Polinarus   Imperial Assassin 16 120 142 90 100