Another Oblivion DLC? — April 11th, 2009
Although Bethesda had previously stated that Fighter's Stronghold would be the last Official Plug-in for Oblivion, vice president for PR and Marketing Pete Hines has suggested that there will be one more some time in 2009. In a Gamasutra interview, Hines commented on Oblivion's continuing popularity and stated that the company are "getting ready to do something else with Oblivion this year". He declined to give further details: when asked what the statement meant, he replied "Oh, I'll let you know". As the main gameplay styles have been covered - Fighter's Stronghold for combat, Wizard's Tower for magic, Vile Lair for evil, and Thieves Den for stealth, it has been suggested that another more general mod such as Knights of the Nine may be in the pipeline.