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General:Pete Hines

< General: Developers
Pete Hines
GEN-developer-Pete Hines.jpg
Role(s) Vice President, Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Bethesda Softworks tenure Oct 1999–Nov 2023[1]
Alias(es) DCDeacon

Pete Hines was the vice president of Bethesda Softworks and was in charge of public relations and marketing. This made him one of the more visible employees from Bethesda. Besides working on marketing for Elder Scrolls games, Hines has also been involved with several other games that Bethesda has published after external development.

Hines retired from Bethesda in November 2023.

Elder Scrolls Game CreditsEdit


See AlsoEdit

  • Pete Hines' Posts — Posts by Hines about The Elder Scrolls on various platforms under the name DCDeacon.


External LinksEdit
