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Hi, I'm FioFioFio. On Discord, I'm FioFioFio. On ESO, I'm FioFioFio. On Legends, I'm FioFioFio. Notice a trend yet? :P
I tend to jump around between different projects on an almost hourly basis. Everything below the line is for my reference, but, hey, if you want to know what I'm working on, here it is.
- Vvardenfell Quest Walkthroughs
Quest List
- Divine Power questline
Divine ConundrumDivine InquiriesDivine DelusionsDivine InterventionDivine DisasterDivine RestorationDivine Blessings
- Veya Releth questline
Fleeing the PastOf Faith and Family- A Purposeful Writ
- Family Reunion
- Gnisis questline
A Melodic Mistake(already written)- Hatching a Plan
- Sun-in-Shadow questline
A Hireling of House Telvanni(already written, needs cleanup)Rising to Retainer(already written, needs cleanup)Objections and Obstacles(already written, needs cleanup)- The Magister Makes a Move
- The Heart of a Telvanni
- Balmora
- Like Blood From A Stone
- The Memory Stone
- Gnisis
- Haunted Grounds
- Molag Mar
- An Armiger's Duty
- Sadrith Mora
- Bound By Love
- Suran
- Nothing to Sneeze At
- The Scarlet Judge
- Seyda Neen
Broken BondsBreaking Through the Fog(already written)
- Vos
- Reclaiming Vos
- At Any Cost
- Ald'ruhn Dailies
- Ancestral Ties
Ashlander Relations- Relics Quests
- Hunting Quests
- Hall of Justice Dailies
- A Call For Aid
- Bounty Quests
- Exploratory Quests
- Misc
The Ancestral Tombs(already written)- The Lost Library
- A Late Delivery
- To Tel Fyr
Ancestral Adversity(needs quick walkthrough, dialogue, formatting)- A Dangerous Breed
- Echoes of a Fallen House
- The Heart's Desire
- A Hidden Harvest
- If the Spell Fits
- A Smuggler's Last Stand
- A Web of Troubles
- Divine Power questline
- Place pages People Tables
- TOC2D for various collectibles pages
- NPC Classes & Attacks
- Patch Notes (formatting & links)
- Factions:
- Making sure all faction members are in the correct category
- Making sure all faction members are listed on the faction pages
- Fixing icons and locations for Quest Items and subpages
- Delve Maps
- Example: Claw's Strike
- Specific Pages
- NPC Pages:
- Seryn
- Canon Llveule
- Barilzar
- Ibaal
- Place Pages
- Skar
- Wise Woman Dovrosi's Hut
- Temple Canton
- Construction Cantons
- Move location-specific info and images from Loading Screens to the location pages.
- Verifying Forgotten Hero rewards
Uploading HoS audioUploading emote audio
- Deckbuilder tutorial
- /Userboxes
AttributesClasses- Different greetings
- Decklist table
Useful linksEdit
Good Page ExamplesEdit
- FioFioFio/Sandbox - Legends characters
- /SandboxBG - Battlegrounds and Cyrodiil Vendors
- /SandboxGuide - A guide to writing NPC pages for ESO
- Reminders
- Enemy Attacks