I started playing Morrowind when I was in elementary school, and I continue to play it because I want to have the most "complete" game as possible, mainly for a personal achievement. I play Oblivion as well and have done just about everything I could think of in that game. I always play a Breton, probably because I feel like they are under appreciated but talented, just like me.
I have always found this website to be the best source of information for Elder Scrolls information and that is why I am here.
In Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim I am a Breton. I thought Morrowind was the best of the series based on its immersion and originality. I loved being in house telvanni, its my home in Vvardenfell.
I like to fix grammar, correct spelling, and expand articles. I have studied a lot of the theological aspects of the elder scrolls and would basically consider myself well informed Breton.
I am a savant battle-mage who is well rounded in all areas. I like to dual wield swords, but also use maces, axes, and bows. I think staves are nearly useless, besides the very rare ones (staff of magnus isnt really that great though, sanguine rose is ok).