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< User talk:Manic
If you have any requests for projects for me to work on, place them on my notice board section. --Manic 12:57, 24 June 2011 (UTC)

Oblivion talk:Hatreds SoulEdit

Hi. I removed your comment on Oblivion talk:Hatreds Soul about deleting one of the discussions there. We like to keep a record of all discussions, so deleting one because of length isn't needed or likely to happen. If the page gets long enough, that section and others will be archived so as not to clutter the page. Just thought I'd give you a heads-up. --Legoless 18:58, 9 June 2011 (UTC)

Fair Enough. Do you think it should at least be shortened though. Half of it is totally irrelevant.--Manic 19:15, 9 June 2011 (UTC)
It seems like a bit of a conflict was going on in that discussion, so I think we should probably leave it be in case it needs to be referenced in the future, relevant to the article or not. Besides, the handy table of contents removes the need to scroll past it. --Legoless 19:22, 9 June 2011 (UTC)
OK just an idea. You have done alot of tidying up today on many pages. Any advise on how to become a recent changes patroller or a mentor, I have looked on the pages, but it does not really sum up for me whether I qualify or not. Thanks --Manic 19:25, 9 June 2011 (UTC)
Well, if you meet the requirements for patroller status you can nominate yourself. You must know how to handle basic maintenance on the wiki, be familiar with the wiki's style and also have good spelling/grammar. This is because patrollers are trusted with approving every edit to the wiki and know what to do in certain circumstances. I'd recommend starting out applying for userpatroller status if you're unsure about taking on the entire site. You also don't yet meet the edit count for a fully fledged recent changes patroller (250 edits). As for becoming a mentor, I haven't a clue. --Legoless 20:34, 9 June 2011 (UTC)

OK, Thank You Legoless. Have a nice summer. --Manic 20:36, 9 June 2011 (UTC)

User PatrollerEdit

You're now a user patroller. Enjoy! rpeh •TCE 09:14, 10 June 2011 (UTC)

Congratulations and welcome to the team!--Kalis AgeaYes? Contrib E-mail 09:26, 10 June 2011 (UTC)
Thank you very much, I will try my best. Have a nice summer by the way :) --Manic 11:46, 10 June 2011 (UTC)


I didn't want to clog up Legoless' talk page so I thought I would put it here. Per WP:SIGLINK you have to have a link to your user page, user talk page, or contributions page. Try using this: [[User:Manic|<font color="green">Manic</font>]] My current signature is what it looks like. Make sure you tick the "Raw signatures (without automatic link)" box. Mxk101 22:33, 11 June 2011 (UTC)

Thank you, it works now. --Manic 22:39, 11 June 2011 (UTC)

Unique ItemsEdit

Greaves are not mentioned in the note you reverted, because they are never wearable with robes. The note is mentioning that this robe also covers the hands and feet, so it further limits what you can wear. Incidently, there are gloves in Oblivion. --Brf 13:41, 14 June 2011 (UTC)

My bad, and where are there gloves? I have every item under clothing that is obtainable? --Manic 17:39, 14 June 2011 (UTC)
I was corrected on that. Those "gloves" are actually leather gauntlets. --Brf 18:40, 14 June 2011 (UTC)


Hey there! Nice work on the Hastrel Ottus page! Seemingly very well researched and layout-wise, absolutely great! That being said, I noticed you’re working in your Sandbox – so there’s no real reason to update the article each and every time you finish a category. You can simply keep working in your Sandbox, read it through a couple of times and then launch the entire thing in one edit. While each of your additions are really good, I’m mentioning this because of the pages’ edit history. Each and every time you make an edit, it is recorded in the history and in the end, you can clog up the list a whole lot, due to spelling fixes and the like. By keeping it in the Sandbox, you can more or less complete the page to your satisfaction, finish all sections and then launch a completed page, with a minimum of corrections. I do that all the time (that is why I have 12+ sandboxes) as I spend a whole lot of time looking through the edit histories of pages, trying to figure out who did what – and when. Anyways, keep up the good work – and remember to update the OBNPCRP tag when you make an addition! --Krusty 20:09, 15 June 2011 (UTC)

Thank you very much for your praise, and sorry about clogging it up I will make sure I revise my work properly. I will be revising all of the ottus family on friday, could you assign me a list of NPCs to work on that way I can stick to work without people interfering and so I don't work on something someone else is working on as it takes a lot of time following the NPCs around. Thanks again. --Manic 20:38, 15 June 2011 (UTC)
Well, unless you take on too many NPCs at once, you have nothing to worry about - schedules for IC citizens are usually incredibly complex and only a few people take them on. I know how long it takes, but we don't really have a solution for categorized projects like the OBNPCRP - if other people suddenly decide to work on it, there's not much to do. Then again, I have worked on the project since I joined the site and I have never experienced anybody interfere with a page I was working on, with the exception of CS stuff like spells and faction. Oh, and I was just reading through the Hastrel Ottus schedule. Remember his trip to Leyawiin, documented here. --Krusty 21:24, 15 June 2011 (UTC)
Thanks for pointing that out. I completley forgot to document his trip to Leyawiin. I will begin working on it. Thanks. --Manic 21:27, 15 June 2011 (UTC)
If he acts like 98% of the other IC citizens, he will break off his schedule when the clock strikes midnight and the date turns into the 15th - he will then spend two days in Leyawiin and will leave when the date turns into the 17th. If not, follow the suggested times on the Traveling People page. The method is this: Watch him get out of bed and leave town, fast travel to Leyawiin, use the wait feature a few times and make sure to watch him leave town. THEN, you find some other NPC with a similar trip and copy/paste the description (example) with a few tweaks to avoid redundancy - they will all follow the same path - I know, 'cause I followed them all. :) --Krusty 21:41, 15 June 2011 (UTC)
Haha, when it reaches the 15 I will follow him. I'm watching Ida atm, she literally does nothing pretty much all day :P. Your work on the SI is really good btw. I will send you a cookie tomorrow :D. --Manic 21:45, 15 June 2011 (UTC)
Thanks! Anyway, I saw you had a bit of a struggle with the OBNPCRP-tag, so I corrected it on Hastrel and Ida's pages. It is basically very simple to fill out the tag - but needs to be "perfect" in order to show up on the page. Take a look at this link - it shows exactly how it is done, both for writing and checking. Oh, and you can fill out the tag in your Sandbox as well, just to see if it works. ;) --Krusty 04:45, 16 June 2011 (UTC)
Will do Krusty :) --Manic 10:24, 16 June 2011 (UTC)

() Hey there! Just a quick comment; while Adrian probably needed a makeover somehow (his schedule needs a bit of work as well), there’s really no need to rework already written NPCs at this point, like Areldil. There’s tons of unfinished pages and Areldil is finished as far as I’m concerned. Schedule is written and checked and that basically means that it’s closed; same with inventory and house contents. If you feel anything is wrong with the writing, please address it on the NPC talk page – if we start changing all our previous work now, this project will never be finished. I have already followed Areldil for an in-game week and he is done. ☺ --Krusty 22:04, 18 June 2011 (UTC)

I was going to confirm his schedule and write a full house contents list for Areldil. Adrian's schedule is really simple so I am not sure on how I can improve his schedule. Alven or whatever his name is going to be hard because he travels all over cyrodiil. Do you think I should continue rewriting house contents to make them more detailed? Also, in the project it talks about unique dialogue. I was wandering, in the mages guild after you have all recommendations each chapter head has another comment for you if you choose to talk about recommendations. Is it worth me collecting them and adding them onto the pages. Thanks Krusty for taking an interest :). --Manic 22:15, 18 June 2011 (UTC)
Well, as evident from the tag on top of Aredil's page, the schedule was already checked by Emoboy64, along with the house contents. As a general rule, if the house content has been marked as checked, it is closed for now, simply so we can move on with the project; lots of houses out there! Now, the whole deal with house contents is a bit blurry and not very well guided, so it is understandable that you thought it was incomplete. Basically, we have a LOT of house contents with even the smallest and most uninteresting sack of loot mentioned (like this – and then we have the more “human” approach that attempts to mention the most interesting things in the house (valuable treasure, oddities, huge amounts of wine), where we try to give the NPC a bit of personality instead of just listing everything in the house; this and this are good examples of that technique. It is okay to write incredibly detailed house contents, but the general opinion is that it is “easier to remove stuff than to add” – which means that the more “human” approach will end up on all pages. Nevertheless, it is important to know that both methods are okay – but there’s no real reason to change any of them at this point.
As for Adrian – he is actually the VERY first NPC ever written for the project, and since the project evolved quite a bit since then, it is worth it to take a second look at some point. His schedule shouldn’t really be part of the introductory section – stuff like that. It’s not important to change it now, though – that is why we have all finished pages in this category – so we can ensure that all pages are consistent, or at least attempt to make them consistent when the time comes (in 2014 or something). All in all, this category is the way to go if you want to know what needs to be done. Please, never hesitate to ask either me, rpeh, Emoboy64 or SerCenKing if you’re having trouble. Also, there’s no shame in posting questions on the project’s talk page. Hope that helped a bit! --Krusty 22:49, 18 June 2011 (UTC)
Ok, that sounds reasonable. I will seek out the weakest articles then first and once they are done I will work on improving ones such as Aredil. I will alter my sandboxes now. I need to repeat thid quetion because you forgot to read it :P : in the project it talks about unique dialogue. I was wandering, in the mages guild after you have all recommendations each chapter head has another comment for you if you choose to talk about recommendations. Is it worth me collecting them and adding them onto the pages. Its been good working with you :) --Manic 22:54, 18 June 2011 (UTC)
Again, Areldil does not really need anything as far as I'm concerned, except for the last rumors and checking of the last stuff. As for the recommendation dialogue, that can be tricky. It goes like this; if you start to add quest-related dialogue for, say, Druja, you will have to add it all. Each and every bit, including a summary for the other Guild members' dialogue during the recommendation quest, to tell the "tale". I made it a mini-project attempting to complete all Mages Guild leaders (progress here) and you can take a look at some of the finished NPCs see how much work is involved (Kud-Ei is a good example). Still, that's part of the project now; include ALL quest-related dialogue, so if you're up for it, feel free. --Krusty 23:11, 18 June 2011 (UTC)
Ok, I will begin that tomorrow. For said dialogue will I have to create another section entitled unique dialogue? --Manic 23:15, 18 June 2011 (UTC)
Nope, no headers. Just write the quest-related dialogue as a separate section (like on Kud-Ei's page) - and make sure to run the game while you copy/paste the dialogue from the CS. That way, you are sure to get everything right the first time. --Krusty 23:23, 18 June 2011 (UTC)
Oops, I think you misunderstood me; the normal layout for pages is that the schedule comes right after the introductory text/quest info. Just not in the same section - with a bit of space in between. The last three edits you have done is certainly unnecessary as the pages were correctly formatted. --Krusty 16:42, 20 June 2011 (UTC)
I will stop formating. Where should I locate the quest dialogue, at the bottom of the first section of the page? Manic 16:45, 20 June 2011 (UTC)

() Standard formatting for "smalller" NPC pages goes like this:

  • Introduction, including race and class and quest involvement, if any.
  • Schedule
  • Inventory
  • House Description (if this one is over-the-top huge, then it goes after rumors)
  • Dialogue
  • Rumors
  • Related Quests
  • Notes
  • Bugs

--Krusty 16:58, 20 June 2011 (UTC)


You have been given a cookie!

Your dedication and diligence to the wiki has not gone unnoticed. A user has seen the progress you've made, and has given you a cookie because of it. Good work! The user had the following to say:

You deserve at treat for your incredible effort for the OBNPCRP. I know how dreadful it can be to follow the IC citizens around, and you deserve a cookie for huge amounts of patience and attention to detail. May it long last! --Krusty 19:02, 18 June 2011 (UTC)
Haha, thanks Krusty. I think pretty soon I will turn into an NPC. MMM chocolate chip :p. --Manic 19:04, 18 June 2011 (UTC)

Welcome MessagesEdit

Hey Manic, probably isn't the optimal time to be messaging you with the current vandalising going on, but I noticed you've been welcoming a lot of users. Just thought to let you know that you seem to be missing many of the links usually provided. Take a look at the changed I've made here for a comparison. And keep up the good work! :) --Legoless 00:12, 23 June 2011 (UTC)

I am using the template, maybe that needs to be updated :S This vandilism will never end. Thanks btw - about that edit earlier, true the associates were banned recently which I get, but Henantir is an associate, not that it matters :)

Notice BoardEdit

Hey Manic! Good work on the Mages Guild leaders. Just wanted to double-check something with you; when you are writing the pages, are you checking in-game that everything from the CS actually can be heard in the game? Also, since your contributions are so huge, we may want to get another "check" for the OBNCPRP, just to follow standard procedure. Still, great work!! --Krusty 12:31, 23 June 2011 (UTC)

Its ok to express concern. I have the construction set open and the game running. I write down the dialogue then listen. Apart from a few small abbreviations such as the subtitle saying she is and they saying she's, it all sounds fine. I would always advise for a second check. Anyone can easily make mistakes so feel free to assign someone to check, or if you want I will double check. --Manic 12:35, 23 June 2011 (UTC)
Nah, that sounds okay - what I always do is I extract all dialogue in existence, then go through the various quests and compare; any missing dialogue I put on the talk page if anybody wants to investigate. No need for a second check, although I'm curious about Teekeeus - always bothered me that Earana's page has dialogue that I simply cannot trigger in-game. You could call that one a mistake on my part. --Krusty 12:47, 23 June 2011 (UTC)
Most of the rumors for Earana are on the Teekeeus page. Do you want me to copy the current ones over then look into all of her dialogue? After I am done with all the low ranking members I plan on constructing Raminus Polus, which willbe hard work. --Manic 12:52, 23 June 2011 (UTC)
Nah, it is not a problem that they share rumors and dialogue bits; my (old) problem is that I'm unsure if ALL Teekeeus' ramblings about Earana exists in the game - or if they were just recorded and then skipped. --Krusty 13:00, 23 June 2011 (UTC)
Ah I follow you. There is one rumour about Earana that is missing as it doesnt belong on Teekeeus' page and thats the rumour that goes along the lines of "Earana sure seems happy, blah blah blah". I may copy a few rumours from Teekeeus, but only ones that directly involve Earana. --Manic 13:11, 23 June 2011 (UTC)
As long as you have heard them in-game, then they can be added, preferably with an explanation on where in the quest they can be heard.  :) --Krusty 13:14, 23 June 2011 (UTC)
Earana has alot missing come to think of it. --Manic 13:30, 23 June 2011 (UTC)


I noticed that you used a custom message here. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, but in case you were unaware of them it might save you some time to use one of our standard messages (In this particular situation, this one is the most relevant). They can be easily modified to meet your needs per each situation, while saving you some time in the process. You don't need to use them, but it is something you might want to consider as they usually better inform users of site policy thanks to the addition of relevant links that can easily be forgotten otherwise. By the way, great work on the site so far. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 20:58, 28 June 2011 (UTC)

  • It was very convenient that three users all sent similar messages. I suggest we put the other day behind us and move forward. There is no point in arguing, after all we are both here for the same reason. I look forward to working with you one day.... When I am done with the Mages Guild that is. I hav just started on Raminus Polus, and at the same time trying to complete S'drassa. So wish me luck :P. --Manic 21:03, 28 June 2011 (UTC)
    • Yeah, it is kind of annoying how that didn't edit conflict. Don't worry, I don't plan on continuing an argument when both parties are willing to put it to rest, and I do have trouble staying mad at someone when they are constantly contributing positively. Good luck on the Mages Guild, I kept on meaning to start on them but there are just so many other NPC pages that need work. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 01:57, 29 June 2011 (UTC)

Wipsandbox templateEdit

Hey Manic! I notived yoi started on Hannibal Traven - and good luck! Nevertheless, to free yourself of stress and all that, you can just add the WIPSandbox template to Hannibal's article. That way, you will not get disturbed. --Krusty 21:30, 28 June 2011 (UTC))

Sorry to be a pain, but I am not too good at setting up tags, Ive had tries recently and they have ended up disastrous. Could you please add them for me to my raminus polus and arch mage traven page. I will deal with the notice and info, but I can never get the tag to appear. Only if your not too busy. --Manic 21:39, 28 June 2011 (UTC)


Oh, and instead of that more to come thing, just move the article into a Sandbox and work on it until your are happy with it. Otherwise.... - the infamous edit history gets clogged up! --Krusty 21:35, 28 June 2011 (UTC)

I know, it;s just I don't want to keep adding sandboxes for dialogue that will take a few mins to write. By the way, after about five mins of me editing something, I go to save and it will have logged me out, making me start all over again, is there away to stop this? Cheers. --Manic 21:38, 28 June 2011 (UTC)
You don't need to make a new sandbox for every page you work on. You can re-use an old one if you don't want too many of them; a record of your work is already kept in the article's history. --Legoless 23:03, 28 June 2011 (UTC)


Hey Manic. Based on this edit, I just wanted to ask: when exactly does Velwin Benirus refer to Carahil as male? --Krusty 14:29, 30 June 2011 (UTC)

I noticed it today, when I was in the Imperial City after escaping the haunted house. I cannot remember the exact sentance. I think it was while saying the line about: an young upstart named Carahil. I am sure it was in that section of dialogue. I have a feeling the letter may have referred to her as a male too. I will check later, and if I was wrong I will alter it. --Manic 15:31, 30 June 2011 (UTC)

wipsandbox templateEdit

Hej M. I just took the liberty and added a wipsandbox-thingy to Raminus's page. It's a really neat way of avoiding unwelcome edits to the page while youre crawling through the tons of dialogue. The template should only be added to larger projects with a time-span on a week or more (these are not rules, but it sounds reasonable). Hope it is okay. Also, to elaborate on this rather quick response; if you want me to help with the layout or need any help/testing at all, just holler on my talk. --Krusty 23:00, 13 July 2011 (UTC)

Sounds good. Could you add this template to Hannibal Traven please. I will attempt to format it once all the quests are done, then you can tidy it up :). Also, like most VIP pages, they have pictures inbetween the quest dialogue, so once the dialogue is complete we should add some relevant pictures. Thanks. --Manic 12:33, 16 July 2011 (UTC)

Question for you!Edit

Hey Manic! Just to make absolutely sure - you check all the additional dialogue in-game as well as in the CS, yes? Reason I ask is, that you add a LOT of dialogue, and nothing wrong with that - but according to the guidelines for the OBNPCRP, every addition needs to be checked by two separate people - and because a page like Skaleel was "finished" a long time ago, I am wondering what to do; either remove the "checkedby"-entry from the OBNPCRP-tag - or ask you to sign the tag with "checkedby" instead of "writtenby". The former should be used if you are 100% certain that all your written dialogue also appears in-game - the latter if you want people to check your writings. As of now, Rpeh is listed as checker of Skaleel's dialogue, but he can in fact only vouch for the dialogue before you added more - therefore, IF you do the in-game/CS-thing, please sign yourself as "checker". Incredible work, btw - sorry that I missed your request for Hannibal Traven above (if that happens again, don't hesitate to remind me on my talk) - I'll add it right away. --Krusty 13:31, 18 July 2011 (UTC)

Its good to check everything twice. However everything I have just added, I have recorded from the construction set, then line by line gone through it on game. I am not sayin that there will definatley be no mistakes. I am saying that what I write is based on what I hear in game. I have not recorded anything I have not heard. I will leave the decision to you my friend. --Manic 13:37, 18 July 2011 (UTC)
That is exactly what I am doing with all the Shivering Isles NPCs, so no problem. For good measure - and to avoid the previous checker suddenly removing his/her name from the tag, you should add yourself as checker (next to the previous checker, if there is any) instead of writer - who knows, maybe a few pages can be finished that way? ;) --Krusty 13:51, 18 July 2011 (UTC)
Haha, will do it now. Who is the best person to speak to about obtaining some images for Raminus Polus' page? I will need them once he is completed to liven up the page. --Manic 13:57, 18 July 2011 (UTC)
Dwarfmp, rpeh, and SerCenKing are all excellent photographers. I'd go with Dwarfmp for help here though as SerCen isn't the most active and rpeh mentioned something about computer problems. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 14:01, 18 July 2011 (UTC)
Cheers AKB, will message Dwarfmp now. --Manic 14:06, 18 July 2011 (UTC)

Hannibal TravenEdit

Hi, i noticed you were updating the Mages Guild section and I thought you may be interested in a bug a found with Hannibal Traven. At the end of Ambush, if you talk to him while he is in the process of his scripted death, he will stop and talk to you; repeating his lines. After this he will not move and will not give you the Collosal black soul gem. He can be killed and looted for it along with his other items but the player will be kicked out of the guild. This bug does not effect the quest however, and it can still be completed without having to kill him.

Forgive Nex 01:59, 11 August 2011 (UTC)

I have already noted this bug, but thanks anyway. If you find any others out be sure to let me know. --Manic 13:15, 15 August 2011 (UTC)

Hi Manic, I was wondering if you would mind if I do a bunch of work on Hannibal Traven? If you're planning on doing him soon that's fine but I noticed you're concentrating on Raminus now and I wouldn't mind taking a shot at Hannibal. Loganfsmith 00:29, 18 August 2011 (UTC)

I have the information for hannibal already written up. I'm just not uploading it until raminus is complete. You can help add a few things I am missing if you want. I need all of traven's greetings written and his rumors. I have his quest dialogue ready to confirm once I have finished raminus, but I dont have all of his greetings or rumors. If you would like to help with that I would appreciate it. Make a sandbox and copy over the hannibal page, and once I have uploaded the dialogue I will add it. If not I understand. Hope this is ok. Message me back when you decide please as I wont want you to waste your time. Thanks. --Manic 19:37, 18 August 2011 (UTC)
In that case I'll just keep doing my own thing on other people, but once you publish the page if there are any small things that need doing let me know! --Loganfsmith 22:28, 18 August 2011 (UTC)
Sure thing. Thanks. --Manic 17:30, 19 August 2011 (UTC)
Just noticed a question from you on my (now archived) talk page regarding the rumors of Hannibal Traven. I'm not really the right person to ask for this (I don't have the CS only a dialogue sheet), so maybe Logan can help you out there? --Krusty 00:08, 31 August 2011 (UTC)
Thanks. Its just that whenever I speak to Traven he seems to give me different responses. I forgot to pick up the rumors that the Anvil guild offer about Traven so I will have to go back and collect them. Is the Skingrad guild complete? --Manic 19:51, 3 September 2011 (UTC)
Traven is a hard one to do because everyone seems to have an opinion on his stance on Necromancy - which is why I can't do it from the game. I'll try and read through the Skingrad Guild Hall and see what I can find. --Krusty 20:41, 3 September 2011 (UTC)
Lol. All I need really, is his greeting before your in the Mages Guild, and his rumors obtained the Anvil Guild Hall. (Like "I don't believe the rumors that Carahil loves Traven just to get his job." Or whatever they say. Traven is actually fairly easy so far. I am not looking forward to doing Raminus in the suspension, expelled and vampire cure quests. I am not far from completion though. A few more weeks and they will be ready for you to review and make minor changes. Plus I still need a willing picture doner. Oh and by the way, I meant is the dialogue in the Skingrad hall complete, so I can check it off? --Manic 20:45, 3 September 2011 (UTC)
Just read through the Skingrad pages and they're all incomplete and lacks the quest dialogue (with the exception of Erthor, of course); I also removed the age-old checked-by tag from Adriene's page - simply because the page is ten times as big now as it was then. It needs an in-game check, just to make sure everything is alright. --Krusty 20:51, 3 September 2011 (UTC)

As I have progressed with the Mages Guild, I have tried my best to write dialogue to all I come in contact with, however I have decided to focus only on the Arcane University, as it is taking too long for me to complete the VIP's. If they remain incomplete when I have finished, I will turn my attention to them. --Manic 20:55, 3 September 2011 (UTC)

Well, best advice I can give - and note that I suck at following my own advice; focus on your current project and try not to get distracted! I sat down tonight to finish Glarthir - and have done everything but Glarthir all evening. :D --Krusty 21:08, 3 September 2011 (UTC)

Skingrad MG (Erthor)Edit

Hey Manic! Just wanted to notify you that I'm revamping the page for Erthor - I couldn't find him in any of your Sandboxes, but I figured I'd let you know anyway. I may stumble into the other members of the Skingrad MG along the way and add some bits if needed, although I assume that Adrienne is 100% completed? --Krusty 09:05, 16 August 2011 (UTC)

Hi Krusty, I did Erthor, but he didn't need enough doing to make a sandbox. Adrienne is 100% complete as far as I am concerned :). Oh and sorry about my inactivity, as I stated the other day, my pc was having some problems with the CS, but it will fixed tomorrow. --Manic 19:39, 18 August 2011 (UTC)
I'm done with Erthor - quite a bit of info was missing, but he is now in perfect shape. Mxk101 oploaded all missing dialogue (also for Sulinus Vassinus) and a whole missing conversation for Erthor, so he ended up getting the "royal treatment". --Krusty 20:22, 18 August 2011 (UTC)
Lol. I was new to the project when I did Erthor :P. And I only wrote words from his mouth. Is that Skingrad Guild Hall complete? --Manic 17:30, 19 August 2011 (UTC)


Hey Manic! Just wanted to point your attention towards this page. I extracted all the MG-related dialogue from my sheet, so you should have something to work with - I fear there may be unique responses to the entire list (if you hear some of the dialogue listed on your Sandbox talk, please take a note of the response, so I can figure out where to look), but I honestly can't remember. Good luck! --Krusty 22:27, 1 October 2011 (UTC)

Thanks so much Krusty, it has helped me a great deal. The items marked item are rumors I have heard in-game. Just looking at the list has pointed out a few I have never came across. If ever you come across any of the rumors unmarked, I would appreciate it if you could cross it off. I will be searching for them as well. The only negative thing is that I may find the rumors, but I will not be aware of when they become active. Unless you have any ideas, I will have to list all the rumors under a section of the article until they can be confirmed. Thanks very much. --Manic 15:31, 2 October 2011 (UTC)


You have been given a cookie!

Your dedication and diligence to the wiki has not gone unnoticed. A user has seen the progress you've made, and has given you a cookie because of it. Good work! The user had the following to say:

You definitely deserve this treat for the awesome - and time-demanding - effort you put into Hannibal "this-is-worse-than-I-thought" Traven. I had absolutely no idea it would be so massive - but now every detail is documented in the article and you did a brilliant job! --Krusty 09:39, 23 October 2011 (UTC)
Thanks! Glad Traven is out the way, he took a lot of time indeed. The rumors were a nighmare! I can move onto Raminus now. I have created a few sections in the raminus page that he is not directly involved in (the quests you do for traven.) Could you check them out and if you think they are not necessary, if not I will remove them. --Manic 16:40, 23 October 2011 (UTC)

Re: BugEdit

I would take it as a compliment! He annoys the hell out of me, and I sorely regret not killing him when I had the chance! Jayden Matthews 15:43, 17 November 2011 (UTC) Lmao, I think he is too awesome :) --Manic 15:53, 17 November 2011 (UTC)

Comment on Patroller NominationEdit

Sorry to have bumped your comment off to the Completed Nominations page right after you made it but that nomination was overdue for archiving. You're absolutely right, though, where the edits are made should be irrelevant. All the namespaces are important, and it's nice to have someone ensuring that nothing gets missed in Oblivion and other spaces while most of us are busy with Skyrim. Robin Hoodtalk 17:26, 19 March 2012 (UTC)

Thats fine. I did not know it was overdue, my bad. And I am glad someone agrees with me, because it is a stupid excuse to decline someone for their hard work. --Manic 17:32, 19 March 2012 (UTC)
That wasn't the primary reason I opposed you. It was one of them, and in that case, the clincher as we desperately needed help with Skyrim at the time (even if it was just improving the grammar on the articles, as I'm not sure that you have the game). It was basically because you said you couldn't be very active and I wasn't entirely sure you read the patroller guidelines. Looking back, I would of probably said that you don't patrol as much as I'd like in a new patroller, and I would of recommended you be added to that new usergroup that I suggested during Helena's nomination. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 17:45, 19 March 2012 (UTC)
Has that user group officially been created? If so that is fine by me. Truth is that I prefer to edit than patrol. Most user spaces are well kept and rarely need patrolling, therefore it's not something I can really do to get my patrols up. It would be nice to be a rc patroller as there are actually a good amount of edits I can properly patrol. I respect what your saying AKB. If going into this new user group first before becoming a patroller is what is needed, then that's fine. --Manic 12:17, 25 March 2012 (UTC)
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