Quick WalkthroughEdit
Note: This quest does not appear in your journal
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Talk to Han-ZawEdit
Han-Zaw occupies a table in the upper level of Vark's Tavern, a dive bar outside of Bravil. The entire bar is dim, but the corner where he sits is pitch-black—you'll need Night-Eye or a Light spell to see him. He's not very friendly and doesn't invite conversation, but if you persist, you'll find out that he's looking for his brother. Offering to help will initially garner a guffaw, but he'll soon reconsider: "What could a pathetic nothing such as yourself do to help me? ... Then again, maybe you could be of use. I am searching for... a brother of mine. He used to live near Bravil, but I am having trouble locating him. He lived in a shack, to the northeast of the city. But he has since relocated, and didn't bother to inform me. I think a friend of his, who lives nearby, knows where he is. Find out where he is, and I could give you a few coins."
Han-Zaw is indeed looking for his brother, but he hasn't told all the truth—Ferntail is a former guildmate, not a blood relative. He has fled the guild, and Han-Zaw has been sent to kill him for his betrayal. On the table in front of him are a note and a dagger; the note contains Han-Zaw's orders:
Your target is former Shadowscale agent Thriftclaw, known in his present location as Ferntail.
Thriftclaw lives in a shack outside of Bravil, but he will be a difficult target given his former connections, and knowledge of our workings. If he dissapears [sic] before you reach him, then attempt to discover the location to which he flees and intercept him there.
Find FerntailEdit
The shack is located along the shore of the Niben Bay; up the coast a short ways is a rowboat that will take you to an island out in the middle of the bay. An Argonian named Marsh lives out here, harvesting pearls for a living. Ask him about the shack, and he'll tell you about his friend Ferntail, who is hiding out in a camp near Bruma.
Note: You don't have to go to Bruma and actually find Ferntail; simply talking to Marsh will enable you to complete the quest.
Report Back to Han-ZawEdit
Once you've discovered Ferntail's whereabouts, go back to Han-Zaw. At this point, you have three choices:
- Tell the truth, if Marsh told you: Somewhere near Bruma.
- Tell the truth, if you met Ferntail: Just west of Bruma near the city walls.
- Lie outright: (Lie) A camp south of Kvatch.
Regardless of your answer, Han-Zaw will be pleased: "Ahh, excellent, our... mother... will be pleased. Here, take these coins for all your hard work." He will give you 100 gold for your efforts.