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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Frostcrag Spire

< Mod / Skyrim: Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil: Places: Guild Halls
Guild Hall:
Frostcrag Spire
(view on map) (lore page)
# of Zones 2
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Console Location Code(s)
County Bruma
Atop Gnoll Mountain, in the east of County Bruma
Special Features
# of Alchemy Labs 1
# of Arcane Enchanters 1
Frostcrag Spire

Frostcrag Spire is a magical tower located east of Bruma, atop Gnoll Mountain. The famous Wizard's Tower was locked in 4E 48 by Albecius Relandrin after he and his apprentices, who were examining the already-abandoned tower, were attacked by an unspecified creature from the now-lost vaults. You will find fragments of his log scattered around the tower.

The tower has since been reclaimed by a group of College of Whispers members led by Ravil Fandrani, who are working to transform the tower into a proper cynosure. As part of those efforts, Astor Astentius has been attempting to re-establish the portals linking the tower to Mages Guildhalls all over Cyrodiil, as you will learn during Whispers of the Mountain. At the tower itself, Ravil will task you with slaying a runaway scamp.

More information on the tower can be found on the lore page.


Related QuestsEdit


  • Frostcrag Spire also appeared in Oblivion.
  • By the entrance of the tower you will find two malachite ore veins.
  • You may have this location marked on your map by overhearing rumors of the Bruma townsfolk.
  • There is an unused, empty cell in the Creation Kit named CYRFrostCragSpireVault as well as two unused books further detailing Albecius Relandrin's vicissitudes, which point towards an unfinished quest.


Frostcrag SpireEdit

The main hall as seen from the entrance

Upon entering you will be greeted by the awesome sight of a frozen pond with a frost atronach ice statue buried in it, and beyond a large room with bright runes etched across walls draped with College of Whispers banners. In the entrance chamber you will find Albecius Relandrin's Log, II as well as some barrels. Atop them is a crate with a Resist Fire potion recipe, a draught of destruction, a malign magicka poison, a regular poison, a weak vigor poison and some bottles of Applewatch cider.

In the next room, to the left are the sleeping quarters of Encarnus, Kalimbria and Ravil Fandrani: three bedrolls around a fireplace. Nearby you will also find the Conjuration skill book Corpse Preparation v I, the rare Nerevar at Red Mountain, a staff of chain lightning, a circlet of minor conjuration, a number of scrolls (Fast Healing, Frenzy, Frost Cloak, Invisibility and Pacify), a potion of healing, a potion of minor magicka and a bottle of flin.

To the right are numerous shelves filled with ruined books; underneath one is Albecius Relandrin's Log, III. Also nearby are an alchemy lab, the Alchemy skill book Fundaments of Alchemy, a potion of glibness, a potion of lasting potency, a potion of resist shock, a potion of vigorous magicka, a solution of regeneration, a couple of alembics and a number of ingredients (including black eagle feathers and ectoplasm). Also nearby is a portal to the tower.

On a raised platform further back is an arcane enchanter, the Enchanting skill book A Tragedy in Black, the spell tome Magelight, a staff of magelight, a filled greater soul gem, a filled common soul gem, two filled petty soul gems, an enchanter's potion and a pair of College of Whispers robes and hood. In a nearby crate are two petty soul gems and a lesser soul gem, all empty.

Frostcrag Spire TowerEdit

The tower's garden

The tower is made up of two rooms: Astor Astentius's quarters and the garden. In the former you will find the elderly mage's cot, writing desk and strongbox, as well as the Enchanting skill book Catalogue of Weapon Enchantments, the rare A Treatise on the All-Seeing Scrolls, Albecius Relandrin's Log, IV, a staff of the storm atronach, a number of scrolls (Calm, Firebolt, Firelight and Muffle) and a pair of College of Whispers robes and hood. The garden hosts fluttering butterflies as well as a wide range of plants including aloe vera, dragon's tongue, flax (blue, red and yellow), milk thistle, motherwort, nightshade, nirnroot, wisp stalk and wormwood.

A metal door in Astentius's quarters leads out to the balcony, which hosts the formerly-functioning Mages Guild portals, while a portal near his cot gives access to the upper balcony, a small empty terrace atop the spire.