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Blades:Weakness to Poison

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BL-icon-Poison.png Weakness to Poison
Type Offensive
(Click on any item for details)

Target takes <magnitude> extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Items with Weakness to Poison

Name Rarity Effect Description
  Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 15.12 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Weapons covered in this make their targets vulnerable to poison damage. This thick liquid bubbles slowly, shaking the bottle with each pop.
  Deadly Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 53.1 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Weapons covered in this concoction make their targets vulnerable to poison damage (and breathing the fumes is, obviously, not recommended).
  Extreme Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 43.2 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Weapons covered in this make their targets vulnerable to poison damage. Extreme care should be exercised while applying this poison to a weapon.
  Intense Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 36.51 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Weapons covered in this make their targets vulnerable to poison damage. If the bottle is not closed properly everything around it will smell like Giant's Toes.
  Major Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 22.8 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Weapons covered in this make their targets vulnerable to poison damage. Its main ingredient is Ectoplasm or, as Lea Jeanne calls it, "ghost syrup".
  Malign Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 27 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Weapons covered in this make their targets vulnerable to poison damage. The bottle is surprisingly heavy. And sticky.
  Minor Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 10.08 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Weapons covered in this concoction make their targets slightly vulnerable to poison damage, though it does not actually cause poison damage itself.
  Potent Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 18.72 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

Weapons covered in this make their targets vulnerable to poison damage. This spells trouble for enemies already weak to Poison like bandits, mercenaries and warlords.
  Vicious Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 31.8 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

This sinister mixture (sometimes referred to as "bottled nastiness"), when used on a weapon, will make any victim hit by it vulnerable to poison damage.
  Weak Aversion to Poison Common

  Target takes 12.24 extra damage from poison for 10 seconds.

This sinister mixture, when used on a weapon, will make any victim hit by it vulnerable to poison damage - like that caused by a Poison Cloud spell.

Enemies with Weakness to PoisonEdit

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