DFU Mod:Daggerfall Enemy Expansion/Bestiary
< Mod / Daggerfall: Daggerfall Mod: Daggerfall Unity: Mods: Daggerfall Enemy ExpansionThis expansion bestiary documents the additions and changes to the creatures in Daggerfall.
Animals are mundane creatures (or oversized versions of them). They never carry any treasure, though you may still retrieve arrows from their corpses. Certain animals are carriers of disease. No special materials are required to harm animals.
- Classic: Giant Bat • Giant Scorpion • Rat • Slaughterfish • Spider
- Changed: Grizzly Bear • Sabertooth Tiger
- New: Bat • Wolf • Dog • Boar • Mountain Lion • Mudcrab
Monsters are fantastical creatures, often possessing various magical abilities. These can range from magical attacks to various magical resistances, and many monsters can only be harmed by weapons made of special materials. Some monsters have an associated language skill. Also, unlike animals, you can find some treasure on the corpses of most monsters.
- Classic: Centaur • Gargoyle • Giant • Harpy • Imp • Nymph
- Changed: Dragonling • Dreugh • Lamia • Spriggan
- New: Land Dreugh • Homunculus • Lizard Man • Lizard Warrior • Medusa • Snow Wolf • Hell Hound • Grotesque • Minotaur • Blood Spider • Troll • Will-o'-wisp
Goblin-ken are a category that covers all orcs, as well goblins, ogres, gremlins, and the like. Trolls, minotaurs, and some more "native" Breton folk are often found in company of goblin-ken.
- Classic: Orc • Orc Sergeant • Orc Shaman • Orc Warlord
- New: Goblin • Ogre
"These cursed creatures are men by day, completely indistinguishable from "normal" men, and savage half-beast predators when the moon is full. At least two lycanthropes are common to the Iliac Bay environs: the werewolf and the wereboar. The werewolf is only found in the woodlands of High Rock and rarely in the jungles of Hammerfell, but the wereboar is found everywhere, and is the more fearsome opponent. Neither seems to be capable of a thought beyond bloodlust, and both are impervious to common weaponry. Their claws are keen as razors and are somehow capable of transmitting the dreaded lycanthropy to those it strikes. While lycanthropy is a relatively simple disease for most temples to treat, few who survive a wereboar attack are likely to do more than be thankful and rest for several days. 'Tis ironic to count your blessings when you have just been cursed." - Daggerfall User's Guide
Two types of lycanthropes exist in the Iliac Bay area—werewolves and wereboars. Weapons of at least silver quality are needed to harm them, though they're not exceptionally dangerous (compared to werewolves in Bloodmoon) and carry no treasure. However, there is always a risk of contracting lycanthropy from combat.
Constructs are enemies made from inorganic components. This usually includes golems and atronachs: golems are pure constructs, while atronachs are driven by a soul (usually daedric).
- Changed: Fire Atronach • Flesh Atronach • Ice Atronach • Iron Atronach
- New: Stone Golem • Iron Golem • Ice Golem
Undead creatures consist of spirits, reanimated skeletons and corpses, and vampires. They are a recurring menace in dungeons, and some can be very dangerous. Some types of undead are carriers of disease. Most undead are able to detect invisible foes. Some are also found underwater.
- Classic: Ancient Lich • Ghost • Lich • Mummy • Skeletal Warrior • Vampire • Vampire Ancient • Wraith
- Changed: Zombie
- New: Ghoul • Dire Ghoul • Skeletal Soldier • Faded Ghost • Gloom Wraith
"The peasants have colorful terms for Daedra: fiends, unclean spirits, the evil ones, the Dark Princes, the gods of torment, the infernal ones, and, most commonly, demons. Those who wish to understand or battle these nightmarish beings, rather than live in fear, prefer the more circumspect term, Daedra. It is nearly impossible to say anything definitive about Daedra, despite thousands of years of scholarship devoted to their nature. Their reputation as cruel, amoral geniuses of destruction seems to be mostly deserved, but if they are true evil, our definition of evil may need revision to include the complexity of their natures. Daedra appear to have a well-organized hierarchy, and the ones found in our world are doubtless the weakest of the lot. Of course, the Fire Daedra, the Frost Daedra, the Seducer, or the Daedra Lord are among the most dangerous creatures in Tamriel, but there is certainly something greater out there in the world they call Oblivion. Perhaps we are already doomed to fall beneath their fire." - Daggerfall User's Guide
"Daedra" is a term for any of the numerous varieties of otherworldly beings from the plane of Oblivion. They are fairly challenging adversaries, and the strongest ones can only be harmed by weapons of mithril quality or greater. All daedra can detect invisible foes.
- Classic: Daedra Lord • Daedra Seducer • Daedroth
- Changed: Fire Daedra • Frost Daedra
- New: Dremora Churl • Fire Daemon