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Legends:Bleakcoast Ridge

< Legends: Story / Return to Clockwork City
Collect a frost troll's toe
Episode: The Frozen Path
Opponent Name: Frost Troll
Opponent Class: IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer
Lanes: Field/Shadow
Starting Health: 30
Special Conditions: Player starts with Harsh Conditions on board.
Master: Frost Troll starts with High Hrothgar on board.
Returned the ring in Darkened Forest: Player starts with a Snow Wolf in each lane.
Story Characters: Laaneth
Previous Quest: Alfe Fyr
Concurrent Quest: Sightless Pit, Mount Anthor
Next Quest: Return to Alfe Fyr
Reward: Playset of: Grappling Hook
Bleakcoast Ridge

The Frozen Path: Bleakcoast RidgeEdit

Bleakcoast Ridge is a location of the second episode of Return to Clockwork City, The Frozen Path, unlocked by completing Alfe Fyr. When you enter the match, you are warned, "Beware! There will be an Ice Storm every 5 turns!" You will begin the match with the support Harsh Conditions. Upon completing it for the first time, you will be rewarded with a playset of Grappling Hook.

If you chose to return the ring in the Darkened Forest in Episode 1, you will begin the match with a Snow Wolf in each lane. Completing the mission this way grants you the Friend to Animals title.

This location must be completed, along with Sightless Pit and Mount Anthor, to be able to move on with Return to Alfe Fyr.


Pre-match, returned the ring:
Kellen: "As Laaneth and the hero searched for a frost troll, a fearsome storm kicked up. Out of the snow, a pack of wolves emerged. Somehow, the hero knew they wished to join in the hunt."
Pre-match, did not return the ring:
Laaneth: "I see a frost troll up ahead. But be careful - I think a storm is coming."
During the Match:
At the start of the match:
Laaneth: "The winds are whipping up. Let's be careful out there."
When the first Ice Storm is one turn away:
Laaneth: "That ice storm is almost here. Lookout [sic]!"
Second Ice Storm:
Laaneth: "Dark clouds coming in fast. Take cover!
Third Ice Storm:
Laaneth: "The storm's returning. Brace yourself."
Post-match, returned the ring:
Kellen: "With the frost troll defeated, the wolves let out a victorious howl, and faded into the snow."
Nagh: "Nagh does not understand."
Kellen: "Nor did Lanneth. But it seemed to the hero that they were being repaid for a past kindness."
Post-match, did not return the ring:
Laaneth: "All right. Got the toe. Now let's get somewhere warm."

Game SettingsEdit

If the player chose to return the ring in the Darkened Forest in Episode 1, player starts with a Snow Wolf in each lane.


Player starts with a Harsh Conditions on board.


Ai starts with a High Hrothgar on board.
Player starts with a Harsh Conditions on board.

Opponent's DecklistsEdit

Quantity   Name Type (Subtype)         Ability
3   Deathless Draugr Creature (Skeleton) 1 1 1 1  Common Last Gasp: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton.
1   Ancient Lookout Creature (Skeleton) 2 2 3 1  Common When you summon a Dragon, summon a 1/1 Draugr Sentry with Guard.
1   Wind Keep Spellsword Creature (Breton) 2 2 2 1  Common Ward
2   Frostbite Spider   Creature (Spider) 3 3 2 2  Rare Prophecy, Lethal
2   Hackwing Feather Item 3 3  Epic Regenerate
1   Haunting Spirit Creature (Spirit) 3 3 3 2  Rare Last Gasp: Give a random friendly creature +3/+3.
2   Young Mammoth Creature (Mammoth) 3 4 4 2  Rare Breakthrough
2   Cave Grahl Creature (Troll) 4 2 4 3  Epic Regenerate
1   Corrupted Shade Creature (Spirit) 4 5 5 3  Epic Ward
At the end of your turn, if Corrupted Shade doesn't have a Ward, sacrifice it.
2   Frost Troll Creature (Troll) 4 1 6 3  Epic Regenerate
When Frost Troll takes damage, it gains that much power.
2   Ice Wraith Creature (Wraith) 4 2 2 3  Epic At the start of your turn, put an Ice Spike into your hand.
1   Mystic Dragon   Creature (Dragon) 4 4 4 1  Common Prophecy
2   Restless Templar Creature (Skeleton) 4 5 2 1  Common Last Gasp: Gain 5 health.
2   Stampeding Mammoth Creature (Mammoth) 5 4 6 3  Epic Breakthrough
Stampeding Mammoth has +2/+0 for each other friendly creature with Breakthrough.
1   Winter's Grasp Action 5 3  Epic Shackle all enemy creatures.
2   Stonehill Mammoth Creature (Mammoth) 6 5 7 1  Common Summon: Draw a card if you have two other   creatures.
2   Lowland Troll Creature (Troll) 7 4 8 2  Rare Regenerate
1   Frost Giant Creature (Giant) 8 10 10 4  Legendary Regenerate
When a creature heals, you gain that much health.
Quantity   Name Type (Subtype)         Ability
2   Encumbered Explorer Creature (Imperial) 1 2 3 2  Rare Shackle Encumbered Explorer after he attacks.
2   Barrow Stalker Creature (Vampire) 2 2 3 2  Rare Drain, Guard
2    Sorcerer's Negation Action 2 2  Rare Silence a creature, then deal 2 damage to it.
2   Camlorn Sentinel   Creature (Breton) 3 2 4 1  Common Prophecy, Guard
2   Dark Guardian Creature (Skeleton) 3 2 5 1  Common Guard
When your opponent draws a Prophecy from a rune being destroyed, draw a card.
2   East Empire Crafter Creature (Imperial) 3 2 4 1  Common When you summon another creature with 5 health or more, give it +1/+1 and Guard.
1   Soul Tear Action 3 1  Common Shout
Level 1: Draw a creature from your discard pile.
Level 2: Draw a creature from your discard pile and give it +2/+2.
Level 3: Draw a creature from your discard pile and give it +5/+5.
2   Stalwart Ally Creature (Argonian) 3 3 3 1  Common Summon: +0/+2 and Guard if the top card of your deck is  .
1   Emperor Titus Mede II Creature (Imperial) 4 1 4 4  Legendary At the end of your turn, give the top creature of your deck +1/+1 and Guard.
2   Frost Troll Creature (Troll) 4 1 6 3  Epic Regenerate
When Frost Troll takes damage, it gains that much power.
1   Lightning Bolt   Action 4 1  Common Prophecy
Deal 4 damage.
1   Lucien Lachance Creature (Imperial) 4 1 5 4  Legendary Lethal
When another friendly creature Slays, give it +2/+2.
2   Hallowed Deathpriest Creature (Skeleton) 5 3 5 3  Epic Summon: Transform the highest cost creature in your opponent's hand into a Shriveled Mummy.
2   Lurking Mummy   Creature (Mummy) 5 2 6 1  Common Prophecy, Guard
2   Black Worm Necromancer Creature (Imperial) 6 4 4 2  Rare Summon: If you have more health than your opponent, summon a random creature from your discard pile.
1    High King Emeric Creature (Breton) 6 5 5 4  Legendary Ward
Summon: Deal 2 damage for each friendly creature with a Ward.
1   Lowland Troll Creature (Troll) 7 4 8 2  Rare Regenerate
1   Nahagliiv Creature (Dragon) 7 7 7 4  Legendary Guard
Your opponent can't target Nahagliiv with actions.
1   Ancano Creature (High Elf) 8 5 5 4  Legendary Breakthrough
Summon: Deal 5 damage.
Your actions have Breakthrough.


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