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Legends:Solo Arena/Hidden Sorcerer

< Legends: Solo Arena: Opponents
Hidden Sorcerer
The Master of Mirrors
LG-arena-Breton 1.png
Class IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer
Elo 600
Theme Prophecy
Prophecies Prophecy 1x Camlorn Sentinel, 1x Dark Harvester, 1x Fate Weaver, 1x Fharun Defender, 1x Fire Storm, 1x Frostbite Spider, 2x Lightning Bolt, 2x Shrieking Harpy, 1x Spider Worker
Attributes Intelligence 18Endurance 7Neutral 5
Rarity Common 22Rare 7Epic 1


Attributes Rarity Magicka Curve
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Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Intelligence Lesser Ward Action 0 1Common Common Give a creature a Ward.
1 Intelligence Brutal Ashlander Creature (Dark Elf) 1 1 1 1Common Common Last Gasp: Deal 3 damage to a random enemy.
1 Intelligence Crown Quartermaster Creature (Redguard) 1 2 1 1Common Common Summon: Put a Steel Dagger into your hand.
2 Neutral Enraged Mudcrab Creature (Mudcrab) 1 2 1 1Common Common
1 Intelligence Abecean Navigator Creature (High Elf) 2 3 1 1Common Common Summon: If the top card of your deck is an action, draw it. Otherwise, put it on the bottom.
1 Endurance Daedric Dagger Item 2 1Common Common Lethal
1 Intelligence Dunmer Nightblade Creature (Dark Elf) 2 2 1 1Common Common Last Gasp: Put an Iron Sword into your hand.
1 Endurance Fharun Defender Prophecy Creature (Orc) 2 1 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
1 Intelligence Ice Spike Action 2 1Common Common Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
Draw a card.
1 Endurance Oldgate Warden Creature (Breton) 2 0 5 1Common Common Guard, Regenerate
2 Intelligence Shrieking Harpy Prophecy Creature (Harpy) 2 2 1 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Summon: Shackle an enemy creature.
1 Neutral Spider Worker Prophecy Creature (Dwemer) 2 0 1 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon: Draw a card.
1 Intelligence Steel Sword Item 2 1Common Common +3/+0
1 Neutral Barded Guar Creature (Reptile) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: Give a creature Guard.
1 Intelligence Camlorn Hero Creature (Breton) 3 4 2 1Common Common Summon: Deal 2 damage to your opponent.
1 Intelligence Camlorn Sentinel Prophecy Creature (Breton) 3 2 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
1 Intelligence Farsight Nereid Creature (Nereid) 3 3 3 1Common Common Summon: Reveal the top card of your opponent's deck.
1 Endurance Frostbite Spider Prophecy Creature (Spider) 3 3 2 2Rare Rare Prophecy, Lethal
1 Endurance Imperial Armor Item 3 1Common Common +0/+6
1 Intelligence Fire Storm Prophecy Action 4 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Deal 2 damage to all creatures in a lane.
2 Intelligence Lightning Bolt Prophecy Action 4 1Common Common Prophecy
Deal 4 damage.
1 Endurance Preserver of the Root Creature (Argonian) 4 4 4 3Epic Epic +2/+2 and Guard while you have 7 or more max magicka.
1 Intelligence Glenumbra Sorceress Creature (Breton) 5 5 1 2Rare Rare Ward
1 Endurance Black Worm Necromancer Creature (Imperial) 6 4 4 2Rare Rare Summon: If you have more health than your opponent, summon a random creature from your discard pile.
1 Intelligence Fate Weaver Prophecy Creature (Nereid) 6 3 3 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Summon: Draw a card. If it's a Prophecy, you may play it for free.
1 Neutral Dark Harvester Prophecy Creature (Dreugh) 7 2 4 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: Gain 4 health.