Neutral is an unofficial attribute in Legends, not considered to be one of the five main attributes.
Neutral cards can be used in any deck regardless of attribute or class.
Name | Type (Subtype) | Text | |||||
A Night to Remember | Action | 2 | – | – | Rare | A friendly creature disappears to who knows where, then returns in the other lane Shackled. | |
Abandoned Imperfect | Support | 5 | – | – | Rare | Ongoing
Treasure Hunt - Three cards: Sacrifice Abandoned Imperfect to summon an 8/8 Awakened Imperfect with Breakthrough and Guard to the lane of your choice. |
Adoring Fan | Creature (Wood Elf) | 3 | 0 | 1 | Legendary | Prophecy, Guard
Immune to Silence. Last Gasp: Adoring Fan will return. |
Ageless Automaton | Creature (Dwemer) | 4 | 2 | 5 | Rare | When Ageless Automaton attacks a Guard, it gains +3/+0 and Breakthrough this turn. | |
Alduin | Creature (Dragon) | 20 | 12 | 12 | Legendary | Cost 2 less for each Dragon in your discard pile. Summon: Destroy all other creatures. At the start of your turn, summon a random dragon from your discard pile. |
Altar of Despair | Support | 6 | – | – | Legendary | Uses: 12
Activate: Sacrifice a creature to summon a creature from your deck that costs 1, then increase the cost of creatures this summons by 1. |
Assembled Conduit | Creature (Factotum) | 5 | 3 | 3 | Common | Assemble: +1/+0 and Breakthrough or +0/+1 and Regenerate. | |
Assembled Sanitizer | Creature (Factotum) | 3 | 1 | 2 | Common | Assemble: +2/+0 or Lethal. | |
Assembled Sentry | Creature (Factotum) | 2 | 1 | 1 | Common | Assemble: +0/+2 or Guard. | |
Assembled Titan | Creature (Factotum) | 6 | 4 | 4 | Legendary | Assemble: Choose two: +2/+0, +0/+2, deal 2 damage to your opponent, or you gain 2 health. | |
Awakened Imperfect | Creature (Automaton) | 8 | 8 | 8 | Rare | Breakthrough, Guard | |
Barbas | Creature (Daedra, Beast) | 5 | 3 | 3 | Legendary | Summon: Choose one: Stay: Gains +1/+1 and Guard. Fetch: Put a random Daedra into your hand. Roll Over: Gains Charge |
Barded Guar | Creature (Reptile) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Common | Summon: Give a creature Guard. | |
Battle of Chalman Keep | Action | 5 | – | – | Legendary | Each player fills each lane with 1/1 Recruits. Give all creatures Guard. |
Blackreach Rebuilder | Creature (Dwemer) | 1 | 0 | 1 | Common | Prophecy, Guard Summon: Gain 2 health. | |
Blueclaw Matron | Creature (Dreugh) | 7 | 3 | 8 | Common | ||
Brass Arquebus | Creature (Dwemer) | 6 | 3 | 3 | Epic | Last Gasp: Draw three different random 1-cost creatures from your deck. | |
Cadwell the Betrayer | Creature (Imperial) | 4 | 3 | 5 | Legendary | Cadwell the Betrayer can attack you. | |
Cadwell the Soul Shriven | Creature (Imperial) | 1 | 0 | 1 | Legendary | Immune to Shackle. When a rune is destroyed, Cadwell the Soul Shriven gains +1/+0. |
Call Dragon | Action | 8 | – | – | Rare | Shout
Upgrade all your Shouts. Level 1: Summon a random 6-8 cost Dragon. Level 2: Summon a random 8-10 cost Dragon. Level 3: Summon a random 12 cost Dragon. |
Cheesemancer | Creature (Imperial) | 5 | 4 | 4 | Epic | At the start of the game, Cheesemancer gains the ability of a random creature from Isle of Madness. | |
Clockwork Dragon | Creature (Dragon) | 5 | 4 | 4 | Epic | Summon: If Clockwork Dragon is in the left lane, +2/+0 and Drain. Otherwise, +0/+2 and Guard. | |
Close Call | Action | 0 | – | – | Rare | Unsummon a friendly creature. | |
Crocodile Brute | Creature (Reptile) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Common | Prophecy When Crocodile Brute is Consumed, draw a card. |
Crushing Blow | Action | 3 | – | – | Common | Deal 3 damage. | |
Dark Harvester | Creature (Dreugh) | 7 | 2 | 4 | Common | Prophecy, Guard Summon: Gain 4 health. |
Dawnfang | Item | 4 | – | – | Legendary | +0/+3 At the end of your turn, if Dawnfang is in your hand, change it into Duskfang. Slay: You gain 5 health. |
Demented Grummite | Creature (Grummite) | 3 | 3 | 2 | Common | ||
Dismantle | Action | 3 | – | – | Rare | Destroy an enemy support or creature. | |
Doomfang Ally | Creature (Reachman) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Rare | Summon: If the top card of your deck is... : +2/+0 : Ward : Drain : Lethal : +0/+2 |
Dormant Centurion | Creature (Dwemer) | 3 | 3 | 5 | Common | Dormant Centurion can't attack unless you've played an action this turn. | |
Dragon Aspect | Action | 4 | – | – | Rare | Shout
Level 1: You gain 3 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 3 power. Level 2: You gain 5 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 5 power. Level 3: You gain 7 health and Battle an enemy creature as if you had 7 power. |
Dragon Mound | Support | 6 | – | – | Legendary | Ongoing
Summon: Transform all cards in your deck into random Dragons. Your Dragons cost 1 less. |
Dreugh Shell Armor | Item | 4 | – | – | Rare | +3/+3 | |
Dwarven Armaments | Item | 6 | – | – | Epic | +5/+5 | |
Dwarven Ballista | Creature (Dwemer) | 6 | 5 | 5 | Common | Breakthrough | |
Dwarven Centurion | Creature (Dwemer) | 7 | 6 | 8 | Epic | Breakthrough When Dwarven Centurion takes damage, put a 0/3 Dwarven Spider with Guard into your hand. |
Dwarven Colossus | Creature (Dwemer) | 11 | 11 | 11 | Epic | Summon: Summon a Power Sphere in each lane. | |
Dwarven Dynamo | Creature (Dwemer) | 4 | 2 | 1 | Rare | Summon: Give another creature +3/+3 and Guard. | |
Dwarven Sphere | Creature (Dwemer) | 3 | 2 | 3 | Common | Summon: Shackle an enemy creature. | |
Dwarven Spider | Creature (Dwemer) | 0 | 0 | 3 | Common | Guard | |
Dwemer Puzzle Box | Support | 2 | – | – | Rare | Uses: 3
Activate: Discard the top card of your deck. Last Gasp: Draw a card. |
Elixir of Conflict | Support | 3 | – | – | Rare | Uses: 3
Activate: Give a creature +1/+1. |
Enlistment Officer | Creature (Imperial) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Common | Summon: Give friendly Recruits +1/+1. | |
Enraged Mudcrab | Creature (Mudcrab) | 1 | 2 | 1 | Common | ||
Fabricate | Action | 1 | – | – | Rare | Build a custom creature and put it into your hand. | |
Ferocious Dreugh | Creature (Dreugh) | 4 | 3 | 5 | Common | ||
Flesh Sculpture | Support | 3 | – | – | Epic | Uses: 2
Activate: Transform each card in your hand into a random card. |
Fork of Horripilation | Item | 3 | – | – | Legendary | -2/+0 Slay: Sacrifice Fork of Horripilation and draw three cards. |
Forsaken Champion | Creature (Reachman) | 5 | 3 | 3 | Epic | Summon: Choose a friendly creature. Friendly creatures of the chosen type have +1/+1. |
Forsworn Guide | Creature (Reachman) | 3 | 1 | 1 | Rare | Summon: Unsummon another friendly creature to give Forsworn Guide +2/+2. | |
Forsworn Looter | Creature (Reachman) | 2 | 1 | 1 | Epic | Pilfer: Draw a random item from your deck with cost equal to Forsworn Looter's power. | |
Frenzied Witchman | Creature (Reachman) | 3 | 2 | 1 | Common | Summon: Give a creature +2/+1. | |
Gates of Madness | Support | 3 | – | – | Epic | Ongoing
Summon: Transform your deck into random cards. When you draw a creature or item, give it +1/+1. When you draw an action or support, reduce its cost by 1. |
Gearwork Spider | Creature (Dwemer) | 1 | 1 | 1 | Common | Prophecy, Guard Summon: Summon all Gearwork Spiders in your discard pile. |
Ghost Fanatic | Creature (Spirit) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Rare | Ghost Fanatic costs 1 less for each creature that died this turn. | |
Giant Chicken | Creature (Beast) | 7 | 5 | 5 | Rare | Last Gasp: Fill this lane with 1/1 Confused Villagers. | |
Giant Slaughterfish | Creature (Fish) | 4 | 3 | 3 | Rare | Give friendly Animals +2/+0 at the start of your turn. | |
Glass Helm of Remedy | Item | 4 | – | – | Common | +0/+4 Summon: You gain 4 health. |
Goldbrand | Support | 7 | – | – | Legendary | Uses: 3
Activate: Deal 2 damage to a creature, then increase the damage dealt by 2. |
Great Sigil Stone | Support | 4 | – | – | Legendary | Uses: 3
Activate: Invade. Last Gasp: Draw a random Daedra from your deck and give it +2/+2. |
Greybeard Mentor | Creature (Nord) | 4 | 2 | 2 | Common | Summon: Draw a random Shout from your deck. | |
Gristlehide Dreugh | Creature (Dreugh) | 5 | 3 | 5 | Common | When Gristlehide Dreugh takes damage and survives, draw a card. | |
Halls of the Dwemer | Support | 6 | – | – | Epic | Ongoing
Summon: Put a 0/3 Dwarven Spider with Guard into your hand. Friendly Dwemer have +3/+0. |
Haskill | Creature (Breton) | 4 | 3 | 5 | Legendary | At the end of your turn, Haskill chooses a cost.
Heroic Rebirth | Support | 3 | – | – | Epic | Uses: 3
Activate: Transform a creature card in your hand into a random Legend. |
Horned Helm | Item | 3 | – | – | Common | +2/+3 | |
Horse Armor | Item | 0 | – | – | Legendary | +0/+1 Summon: The wielder becomes premium. |
Ill-Fated Scholar | Creature (Redguard) | 3 | 3 | 2 | Legendary | When Ill-Fated Scholar is Consumed, summon a 3/2 Insidious Spirit. | |
Illusory Mimic | Creature (Spirit) | 6 | 5 | 5 | Epic | Summon: Illusory Mimic gains all Keywords that the top three cards of your deck have. | |
Jiub | Creature (Dark Elf) | 1 | 1 | 1 | Legendary | Slay: Change into Saint Jiub, Eradicator of the Winged Menace. | |
Journey to Sovngarde | Action | 7 | – | – | Legendary | Shuffle all creatures from your discard pile into your deck, and give them +5/+5. | |
Knife to the Throat | Action | 4 | – | – | Common | Silence a creature. Draw a card. |
Lunar Sway | Action | 1 | – | – | Epic | Wax: Put a 3/3 Cathay-raht into your hand. Wane: Put a 4/4 Dagi-raht with Guard into your hand. |
Lurking Crocodile | Creature (Reptile) | 2 | 3 | 2 | Common | Prophecy | |
Lute | Item | 1 | – | – | Rare | +1/+2 The wielder is immune to Silence. |
Madness Beckons | Action | 1 | – | – | Epic | Put a random Isle of Madness card into your hand. | |
Manic Grummite | Creature (Grummite) | 3 | 2 | 3 | Common | ||
Maple Shield | Item | 0 | – | – | Common | +0/+3 | |
Mechanical Ally | Creature (Dwemer) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Epic | Summon: Summon a Spider Worker if the top card of your deck is . | |
Mecinar | Creature (Dark Elf) | 8 | 4 | 4 | Legendary | Summon: Stitch together the top creature from both decks to create an Abomination and put it into your hand. | |
Merchant's Camel | Creature (Beast) | 4 | 1 | 4 | Common | Summon: Look at the top three cards of your deck. Draw one and discard the others. | |
Midnight Snack | Creature (Nord) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Common | Prophecy, Guard Last Gasp: Reduce the cost of a random Dragon in your hand by 1. |
Moon Gate | Support | 1 | – | – | Common | Uses: 2
Activate: Get both Wax and Wane effects this turn. |
Morokei, the Deathless | Creature (Skeleton) | 5 | 5 | 5 | Legendary | Summon: If you started the game with no duplicate cards in your deck, you gain 5 health and restore a rune. | |
Mudcrab Anklesnapper | Creature (Mudcrab) | 2 | 3 | 2 | Common | Summon: Deal 1 damage to your opponent. | |
Mudcrab Merchant | Creature (Mudcrab) | 1 | 1 | 2 | Epic | Summon: The Merchant shows you two cards he has for sale. Choose one to put into your hand. He puts the other into your opponent's hand. | |
Mundus Stone | Support | 4 | – | – | Legendary | Ongoing
When you summon a creature, give it a random Keyword. |
Namira's Shrine | Support | 4 | – | – | Rare | Ongoing
At the end of your turn, if you played four cards this turn, draw a card. |
Oblivion Invasion | Action | 0 | – | – | Common | Invade. | |
Odahviing | Creature (Dragon) | 12 | 10 | 10 | Legendary | Summon: Deal 4 damage to all enemy creatures. | |
Old Salty's Assault | Action | 5 | – | – | Epic | Summon one of each Mudcrab from your deck. | |
Orb of Vaermina | Support | 6 | – | – | Legendary | Uses: 3
Activate: Draw a copy of a random card from your opponent's deck. |
Paarthurnax | Creature (Dragon) | 12 | 9 | 9 | Legendary | Summon: Put three random Shouts into your hand and reduce their costs to 0. | |
Painted World | Action | 12 | – | – | Epic | Costs 2 less for each attribute you have in play. Costs 2 less if you have a card in play. Summon a Painted Troll in each lane. | |
Portcullis | Creature (Defense) | 5 | 0 | 9 | Common | Prophecy, Guard | |
Prized Chicken | Creature (Beast) | 5 | 0 | 1 | Epic | Last Gasp: Fill this lane with 1/1 Angry Villagers. | |
Raging Horker | Creature (Beast) | 2 | 1 | 3 | Rare | When Raging Horker takes damage, it gains +1/+1. | |
Ravenous Crocodile | Creature (Reptile) | 2 | 3 | 4 | Common | Summon: You must deal 2 damage to a friendly creature. | |
Reachman Shaman | Creature (Reachman) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Common | At the start of your turn, give another random friendly creature +1/+1. | |
Reflective Automaton | Creature (Factotum) | 2 | 2 | 3 | Common | Reflective Automaton has all creature types. | |
Ring of Lordship | Item | 1 | – | – | Epic | +0/+2 Your creatures with the same type as the wielder cost 1 less. |
Seht's Masterwork | Support | 3 | – | – | Legendary | Ongoing
If you started the game with no duplicate cards in your deck, your cards cost 1 less. |
Shadowmere | Creature (Beast) | 1 | 1 | 1 | Legendary | Charge Last Gasp: Shuffle Shadowmere into your deck, give it +3/+3, and increase its cost by 3. |
Siege Crawler | Creature (Daedra) | 11 | 15 | 15 | Epic | Breakthrough | |
Siege of Stros M'Kai | Action | 10 | – | – | Legendary | If you started the game with no duplicate cards in your deck, play a random creature, item, support and action from your deck. | |
Silent Pilgrim | Creature (Dark Elf) | 3 | 1 | 1 | Rare | Summon: Draw a random multi-attribute card from your deck. | |
Skeevaton | Creature (Automaton, Skeever) | 3 | 2 | 2 | Rare | Summon: +1/+1 for each other Skeever you've summoned this game. | |
Skooma Cat's Whimsy | Support | 1 | – | – | Epic | Ongoing
Your cards that didn't start in your deck cost 1 less. |
Slaughterfish Spawning | Action | 4 | – | – | Rare | Summon a Slaughterfish in each lane. | |
Soulburst | Action | 13 | – | – | Legendary | Costs 1 less for each Unique creature in your discard pile. Banish a creature. Deal 3 damage to all enemies. |
Sparking Spider | Creature (Dwemer) | 4 | 2 | 3 | Common | Prophecy, Guard | |
Spider Worker | Creature (Dwemer) | 2 | 0 | 1 | Common | Prophecy Summon: Draw a card. |
Star-Sung Bard | Creature (Nord) | 3 | 2 | 3 | Epic | Immune to Silence. Your Unique cards cost 1 less. |
Steam Constructor | Creature (Dwemer) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Epic | Summon: If you have a card in hand, summon a 1/1 Reconstructed Spider. | |
Stolen Pants | Item | 2 | – | – | Epic | +1/+1 Summon: Summon a 0/1 Sheepish Dunmer in the other lane. Last Gasp: Give Sheepish Dunmer his pants. |
Stronghold Eradicator | Creature (Dwemer) | 5 | 6 | 6 | Epic | Summon: Give all enemy creatures in this lane Guard. | |
Stronghold Incubator | Creature (Dwemer) | 5 | 3 | 3 | Epic | Last Gasp: Put two random Dwemer into your hand. | |
The Night Mother | Support | 2 | – | – | Legendary | Uses: Unlimited
Activate: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for your opponent. When 20 enemy creatures have died, deal 20 damage to your opponent, gain 20 health, and draw up to 10 cards. |
The Ruby Throne | Support | 3 | – | – | Legendary | Ongoing
Summon: Crown a creature. At the end of each player's turn, give crowned creatures +1/+1. If there is no crowned creature in play, when either player summons a Unique creature, crown it. |
Training Grounds | Support | 4 | – | – | Epic | Ongoing
When you summon a creature, give it +1/+1 if it shares a type with the top creature in your deck. |
Treasure Map | Item | 3 | – | – | Rare | +1/+1 Summon: Draw a card. If the wielder has Treasure Hunt, draw something they are hunting for instead. |
Tullius' Conscription | Action | 12 | – | – | Epic | Summon one of each creature from your deck that costs 2 or less. | |
Ulfric's Uprising | Action | 7 | – | – | Epic | Trigger the Summon of each friendly creature. | |
Unite the Houses | Action | 3 | – | – | Legendary | If you have at least one card of each attribute, you win the game. | |
Vicious Dreugh | Creature (Dreugh) | 4 | 3 | 4 | Rare | Summon: Destroy an enemy support. | |
Voice of Balance | Creature (Nord) | 4 | 4 | 4 | Epic | Summon: +4/+4 and Guard if you have an action, item, and support in your discard pile or in play. | |
Wabbajack | Support | 5 | – | – | Legendary | Uses: 3
Activate: Transform a creature into a random creature. |
Wilds Incarnate | Creature (Beast) | 7 | 5 | 6 | Legendary | Guard Summon: Draw a card if you have 4 runes. Draw an additional card if you have 5 runes. |
Word Wall | Creature (Defense) | 1 | 0 | 4 | Common | Guard Summon: Upgrade a Shout in your hand. |
Yagrum Bagarn | Creature (Dwemer) | 3 | 2 | 4 | Legendary | Summon: Draw a Dwemer from your discard pile and give it +2/+2. | |
Yagrum's Workshop | Support | 3 | – | – | Epic | Uses: 3
Activate: Your Summon and Assemble abilities trigger an additional time this turn. |
Young Dragonborn | Creature (Nord) | 3 | 3 | 3 | Rare | When Young Dragonborn Slays a Dragon, put a random Shout into your hand. After you play a Shout, Young Dragonborn gains +1/+1. |