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< Lore: Bestiary: M
A mummified Khajiit (Legends)

Mummies are a powerful form of undead. The practice of mummification of the honored dead is common in many cultures across Tamriel. This often involves covering the preserved corpse in distinctive cloth wraps; such mummy wrappings can be used in alchemy.[1] Sometimes the body is also fitted with a death mask.[2] Bodies preserved in such a manner are liable to rise from the dead, either due to an inability to pass on[3][4] or due to the actions of a necromancer.[5] The process of mummification is believed to protect a corpse's ligaments and muscle from the detrimental effects of rot, thereby greatly increasing its durability, stability, and mobility once reanimated.[6]

The first step to creating a mummy is to soak the decaying corpse in a bath of salt or natron for at least one month to halt decay and remove unpleasant odors. More salts may need to be applied in moist climates such as Argonia or Thras if the salt bath becomes saturated.[7] A wide variety of embalming tools can be used to remove the vital organs before or after this process,[8] although some necromancers skip this step as there is little practical reason to do so.[7] Any organs removed during the embalming process are stored separately in crypt jars by many cultures on Tamriel.[9] The next step is to wrap the body in cloth or linen to preserve and protect it.[10][7] The wrappings and the corpse's desiccation results in a greater stiffness of the body in comparison to zombies, requiring proper necromantic rituals to imbue the mummy with enough strength to move itself. However, the result is a much stronger undead servant who can follow commands with more independence and understanding.[7] Mummification is sometimes carried out on living victims instead of corpses.[11]

Undead mummies require a silver or better weapon to be harmed, and often carry horrible diseases.[12] Those who take a body part from a mummy can be subjected to a "mummy's curse", and will receive nightly hauntings until the mummy is destroyed.[13]

Cultural PracticesEdit

An Ashlander mummy of the Urshilaku tribe (Morrowind)
A mummified tabby cat (ESO)

Certain Elven peoples are known to practice mummification of their dead. The Aldmer may have mummified their visages in a bronze tone.[14] The Ashlanders of Morrowind use ash salts to preserve the bodies of the dead, unlike House Dunmer who usually cremate their dead. The Ashlanders glorify their dead in accordance with their traditions of ancestor worship, and these mummies are prominently displayed at the tribe's burial site.[15] The Ayleids also practiced mummification, and undead Ayleid mummies are often powerful spellcasters.[16][17] The Barsaebic Ayleid necromancer kings of Black Marsh became undead mummies known as Fenlords (or sometimes Mummy Lords).[18][19] These revenants continue to rule over their undead servants in the depths of Barsaebic ruins.[16][18] The Bosmer consider mummified monkey paws to be an item of good fortune.[20] Mummified baby apes with painted-on elven features were sometimes used as dolls for children to dress-up.[21]

Men also widely practice mummification. Undead mummies are a common sight in the Iliac Bay region.[12] The practice is very common among Redguards; mummification of the dead is a tradition that stretches back to the first arrivals from Yokuda, and undead mummies often plague Redguard crypts.[22][23] The crypts beneath the Imperial City are also known to contain undead mummies,[24] and the Imperials have been known to perform necromantic binding rituals on condemned prisoners to turn them into mummified undead guardians.[25][26] The Skaal mummify wolf paws and cap the ankles with silver, believing they can ward away werewolves.[27] Many believe that mummified hagraven claws retain a Hag's ability to bestow curses, but there are very few Nords who would try to test this out.[28]

The Khajiit of Elsweyr also widely practice mummification.[5][29][30] They have even been known to reanimate the mummified corpses of cats to serve as eternal rodent-catchers.[30] Mummified horses may also be reanimated to serve as grisly mounts.[31] Rumor portend that ancient mummified Dagi paws can grant any wish, though such magic often comes with an unexpected price.[32]

The tail of Argonian war hero Never-Gives-Up was mummified and attached to an engraved plaque,[33] but how common this practice is among Argonians is unknown. In Murkmire, mummified monkey heads are used as a charm to ward off evil swamp spirits.[34]

Banekin are sometimes mummified, although it is unclear what this process means for an immortal Daedra.[35] Mummified Harpy talons are affixed to a short handle with unknown purpose, seemingly made into a talisman or a backscratcher.[36] Grahl eyeballs have alchemical properties, and are sometimes mummified and repurposed as tough, leathery pouches for carrying small items.[37]


See AlsoEdit


  1. ^ Mummy Wrappings quest in Daggerfall
  2. ^ Mummies in ESO
  3. ^ Eternal Rest quest in Daggerfall
  4. ^ Blood and Sand quest in ESO
  5. ^ a b Two Queens quest in ESO: Elsweyr
  6. ^ Cadaver Preparation Findings
  7. ^ a b c d Corpse Preparation v III
  8. ^ Embalming Tools in Skyrim
  9. ^ Crypt Jar trophy in ESO
  10. ^ Linen Wrap in Skyrim
  11. ^ Mummify card in Legends
  12. ^ a b Mummies in Daggerfall
  13. ^ The Mummy's Finger quest in Daggerfall
  14. ^ Mummified Aldmer Head item description in ESO
  15. ^ Urshilaku Burial Caverns in Morrowind
  16. ^ a b Fenlord in ESO
  17. ^ Nen Ria in ESO
  18. ^ a b Zahra's dialogue in ESO
  19. ^ Mummy Lord Murderer achievement in ESO
  20. ^ Mummified Monkey Paw item description in ESO
  21. ^ Baby Ape Dress-Up Doll, with Clothing treasure description in ESO
  22. ^ Redguard mummies in ESO
  23. ^ King Haqmir in ESO
  24. ^ The Restless Dead quest in Legends
  25. ^ Decius' dialogue in ESO
  26. ^ Preserved enemy NPCs in the Cave of Broken Sails in ESO
  27. ^ Gnarled Paw item description in ESO
  28. ^ Mummified Hagraven Claw item description in ESO
  29. ^ Ruin Shambler card in Legends
  30. ^ a b Grisly Mummy Tabby pet description in ESO
  31. ^ Grisly Horse Mummy mount description in ESO
  32. ^ Mummified Dagi Paw item description in ESO
  33. ^ Tail of Never-Gives-Up item description in ESO
  34. ^ Shrunken Monkey Head item description in ESO
  35. ^ Grisly Banekin Mummy pet description in ESO
  36. ^ Mummified Harpy Talon item description in ESO
  37. ^ Grahl-Eye Gem Purse item description in ESO