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Quests: not written
Services: not written Personal Inventory: not written House Contents: not written Unique Dialogue: not written |
Dulnea Ralaal (dulnea ralaal) | |||||
Home City | Balmora | ||||
Store | Eight Plates | ||||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Female | ||
Level | 8 | Class | Publican | ||
Services | |||||
Rents Bed | ![]() |
Merchant | |||||
Gold | 350 | Mercantile | Apprentice (20) | ||
Buys |
Other Information | |||||
Health | 71 | Magicka | 122 | ||
Alarm | 100 | Fight | 30 |
Dulnea Ralaal is a Dark Elf publican who operates Eight Plates in Balmora. Dulnea has beds for rent, and food and liquor for sale. If you increase her Disposition to 70 or higher, she will donate one bottle of Cyrodiilic brandy for the fundraising dinner for the Imperial Cult. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows no spells.
If you have installed the official Entertainers plugin, Dulnea will give you several options to entertain the patrons at the Eight Plates.
Related QuestsEdit
- Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner: Find and persuade some tavern owners to donate this expensive brandy.
- Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
- Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item | Qty |
Ingredients | |
Large Kwama Egg | 1 |
Marshmerrow | 7 |
Rat Meat | 3 |
Saltrice | 48 |
random_de_cheapfood_01_nc | 8 |
random_food | 3, -12 |
random_ingredient | 20 |
Entertain the patrons | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"You want to perform? What are you going to do?" | "You've already entertained our patrons. Wait until tomorrow." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tell a few jokes. | Dance the handy high-kick. | Play the drum. | Play the lute and sing. | Juggle three small kwama eggs. | Juggle four large kwama eggs. | Juggle five ceramic bowls. | Let me think about it. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. They laughed. They cried. You changed their lives.] That was AMAZING. I've never seen better. Please come back. Any time." 75 or 100 gold reward |
"[You caper on your bonemold shield, vault into the air, spinning and kicking, and land perfectly, feather-light and effortlessly. They gape in amazement, then shout and clap wildly.] InCREDible! A remarkable performance! Power, style, and grace! Thank you so much, and please hurry back." 100 gold reward +15 Disposition |
"[You start out simple, then branch into polyrhythms, weaving tempos in and out, building steadily to an all-encompassing, heart-pounding beat with all four drums. You keep them with you all the way, and when you finish, they clap wildly and hoot enthusiastically.] Spectacular. Congratulations. A real exhibition of the four-drum style. Best I ever heard. Hope you'll come back soon." 100 gold reward +15 Disposition |
"['The Battle of Molag Beran' is a song every Dunmer knows and loves, and a favorite with local audiences. When you finish, the room is quiet, and eyes are damp -- then they smile and clap energetically.] Well. [Wipes his [sic] eye.] You sing that beautifully, %PCName. Not a dry eye in the house. You know your audience, and no mistake." 100 gold reward +15 Disposition |
"[You juggle the three small kwama eggs in a three-ball pattern with an alternating half-shower, punctuated with a neck catch and a sly head roll. They watch intently, smile at the tricks, then clap warmly when you finish.] Pretty good. You got style, %PCName. Keep up the good work." 10 gold reward +5 Disposition |
"[You juggle the four large kwama eggs, shifting between the asynchronous shower and the asynchronous fountain, with a strong cascade to an easy half shower. They watch wide-eyed, then clap enthusiastically when you finish.] Very good. Very good indeed." 50 gold reward +5 Disposition |
"[You smoothly juggle the five ceramic bowls with a cascade to a half shower, alternately passing a plate behind the back and under a leg. They watch bug-eyed, holding their breath, then they burst into applause when you finish.] That's completely amazing. That's the best thing I've ever seen. How did you DO that?" 100 gold reward +15 Disposition |
"You do that." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. They laughed long and hard. They loved every minute.] Congratulations. You had them eating out of your hand. Please come back whenever you can." 50 gold reward |
"[You dance nimbly on your bonemold shield, leap into the air, spin and kick high, and land lightly and gracefully. They watch fascinated, smiling and nodding.] Very nice. Very nice indeed. And well-received. Thank you. Hope to see you dance here again." 25 gold reward +5-10 Disposition |
"[You start out slow and simple, and build steadily to a hard-driving rhythm with your drums. The beat is infectious; many join in with you, and all have a good time.] You're very good, and they seem to like your three-drum style. If you practice, you might be fast and agile enough to try the four-drum style." 25 gold reward +10 Disposition |
"[A simple tune with a simple accompaniment on the lute... but your voice carries the song into their hearts. When you finish, the room is quiet, and eyes are damp -- then they smile and clap energetically.] Well. [Wipes his [sic] eye.] It does my heart good to hear you sing, %PCName. Hope you'll come back and sing again for us real soon." 100 gold reward +15 Disposition |
"[You juggle the three small kwama eggs in a simple three-ball pattern. They nod politely, then ignore you, unimpressed.] Yes. You did it. You juggled three small kwama eggs. Whoopie. Better quit while you're ahead." 2 gold reward |
"[You juggle the four large kwama eggs in a standard four-ball pattern. They watch intently, then clap warmly when you finish.] Pretty good. You got style, %PCName. Keep up the good work." 25 gold reward +5 Disposition |
"[You toss the five ceramic bowls into the air. They fall right back down on the floor, shattering and showering you and your audience with sharp bits of pottery.] Right. Out. Get out!" -15 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. It was a good night. They laughed hard, and seemed sorry to see you go.] They like you. I like you. Your material is solid, and that hat says it all. Come back any time." 50 gold reward |
"[You dance around on your bonemold shield, spring high into the air, kick nimbly, and land gracefully. They smile and nod their heads.] Not bad at all. With luck, you may prosper. But practice and hard work are a better bet." 10 gold reward +10 Disposition |
"[You start out slow and simple, and build steadily to a hard-driving rhythm on your drum. The beat is infectious; many join in with you, and all have a good time.] You've got some talent, and they seem to like you. If you practice, you might get to be good." 25 gold reward +10 Disposition |
"['The Battle of Molag Beran' is a song every Dunmer knows and loves, and a favorite with local audiences. They join right in singing, and clap until their hands are sore.] Well, %PCName, you certainly know your audience. Like giving sugar to a skooma daddy." 50 gold reward +10 Disposition |
"[You toss the three small kwama eggs into the air. They fall right back down on the floor, bursting and splattering you and your audience.] Right. Out. Get out!" -3 Small Kwama Eggs -15 Disposition |
"[You toss the four large kwama eggs into the air. They fall right back down on the floor, bursting and splattering you and your audience.] Right. Out. Get out!" -4 Large Kwama Eggs -15 Disposition |
"You don't have five ceramic bowls. So you won't be juggling five ceramic bowls. Am I going too fast for you?" -15 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. It was a good night. They laughed hard, and seemed sorry to see you go.] You really had them going this time. When you're hot, you're hot. Thanks for the show, and see you back soon." 25 or 50 gold reward |
"[You dance around on your bonemold shield, spring high into the air, kick nimbly, and land gracefully. They watch with interest, smiling and nodding.] Not bad at all. A pleasure to see you dance. Thank you. Hope to see you dance here again." 10 gold reward +5 Disposition |
"[You beat out a subtle rhythm on your drums. You get their attention, and they like what they hear.] That was a lot of fun. You're quite a performer. Have you thought about adding a third drum to your act? You might be ready for it." 10 gold reward +5 Disposition |
"[You try a few Western tunes from the Balladeer's Fakebook with the local audience. By avoiding politics and sticking with humor and romance, you amuse and charm the crowd.] That 'Beans, Bloody Beans' is a real crowd pleaser. Never heard that before... where'd you learn it?" 25 gold reward +10 Disposition |
"Uh... where are the three small kwama eggs you were going to juggle? Are they MAGIC INVISIBLE kwama eggs?" -15 Disposition |
"So, since you don't HAVE four large kwama eggs, how did you propose to juggle them?" -15 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. It was a good night. They laughed hard, and seemed sorry to see you go.] That was a very good show. Your material is very good, and you have charm and style. You're always welcome here." 25 gold reward |
"[You dance around on your bonemold shield and kick your feet high into the air. They watch with interest.] That wasn't so bad after all. You need practice. But I've seen sicker guar get well." 5 gold reward |
"[You beat out a catchy rhythm on a drum. They listen politely, but without interest.] Not bad. Not great, but not bad. Thanks for coming by. And with a little practice, you might be ready for two drums. Or more." 2 gold reward |
"[The sound of the fat lute is rich and powerful. They nod and smile approvingly, and afterwards come to stare at the instrument.] Very nice performance. And where did you get that amazing fat lute? They really go for that big sound." 25 gold reward +5 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. It was a good night. They laughed hard, and seemed sorry to see you go.] That was a very good show. And that Colovian helm has become your signature. Come back any time." 25 gold reward |
"[You dance around on your bonemold shield and kick your feet high into the air. They watch with some interest, then frown and turn away.] Well. That wasn't very graceful. And the high-kicks were pretty feeble. But with a lot of practice, you might eventually learn to do a respectable handy high-kick." 2 gold reward |
"[You beat out a catchy rhythm on a drum. They listen politely, but without interest.] Not bad. Not great, but not bad. Thanks for coming by. And practice, practice, practice." 2 gold reward |
"[You sing a sentimental song with a little flashy fingerwork on the lute. They seem genuinely pleased -- even touched -- and they clap warmly.] That was very good. You have a pleasing voice and you play the lute well. As your voice matures, you can only get better. And look for inspiration in songsheets and songbooks." 10 gold reward +5 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. They all laughed. Very hard. They loved you, and had a great time loving you.] You know, you're really very good. I've seen them all, and you're very good. Please come back whenever you can." 25 gold reward |
"[You dance around and kick your feet high into the air. They look confused, then disappointed.] Phew. You do seem to have some talent for leaping and dancing. But you don't actually know how to dance the handy high-kick. Get yourself a proper bonemold shield. And practice, practice, practice." | "[You beat out a ragged rhythm on a drum. They pay attention... briefly, then ignore you.] Technically, I suppose I must admit that you just played the drum. But you need speed and agility to become a good drummer." | "[You sing a popular song with a simple accompaniment on the lute. They listen politely, but with little interest.] You have the necessary charm and an agile fingerstyle, and a pleasant-enough voice, but I doubt you'll make a living at this. With practice, your voice and delivery should improve. And look for new songs in songsheets and songbooks." 0-2 gold reward |
"[You told a few funny jokes. They laughed and had a good time.] Nothing wrong with that. You have a natural charm, and you tell a joke well. Look forward to seeing you again." 15 gold reward |
"[You dance around on your bonemold shield and kick your feet. They frown sourly, then lose interest.] That was terrible. The high-kicks should be HIGH. And GRACEFUL. Who taught you how to dance the handy high-kick?" | "[You beat out a ragged rhythm on a wooden surface. They show little interest.] Perhaps you are new to this land, but in Morrowind, when you say you will play the drum, it is customary to HAVE a drum... not just pound on whatever comes to hand. So. Go away and stop annoying me and my patrons." -5 Disposition |
"[You sing bravely and strum the lute vigorously. They frown and study their fingernails intently, waiting for it all to end.] Oh, dear. You have a little personality, you seem coordinated, and your voice is... well... loud enough. And you have a lute. It's a start. Not very promising. But if you practice, you HAVE to get better. Couldn't get worse...." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. They listened. They liked the hat and the jokes. But it didn't grab them.] Thanks. The Colovian helm and the jokes went over well. But if you want to take it to the next level, you need to work on your personality and delivery." 10 gold reward |
"[You dance around and kick your feet energetically. They look puzzled, then embarrassed.] Lucky you didn't hurt yourself. You'll need a lot more athletic and acrobatic skill if you hope to please an audience. And you don't actually know how to dance the handy high-kick. Get yourself a proper bonemold shield. And practice, practice, practice." | "[You beat out a ragged rhythm on a wooden surface. They look sour and hostile.] Hmm. No drum. No talent. I think that pretty much sums it up. Get lost. Quickly, please." -15 Disposition |
"[You sing bravely and strum the lute vigorously. They sag wearily, waiting for you to finish.] You have a little personality, you seem coordinated, and you have a lute. But without at least a little speechcraft skill, you can't move an audience." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. They laughed in all the right parts. They seemed to enjoy you.] That was pretty good. I like your style. Come back soon." 10 gold reward |
"[You dance around and kick your feet. They frown and look disgusted.] I see. So, since you have absolutely no talent, and you don't actually KNOW how to dance the handy high-kick, you don't realize how terrible you are. I pity you. And I pity me. And my patrons. Go far away." -15 Disposition |
"[You sing bravely and strum the air with your fingers. They look blank and numb with shock.] That's a surprise, then. Thought you HAD a lute. Well. You have a little charm, and... ehr.. agile fingers, more or less, and your voice is... well... loud enough. But definitely no lute. Thank you. Now go away." -5 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. They listened. They weren't disappointed.] A good effort. You've earned your money. Keep working on it." 5 gold reward |
"[You sing bravely and strum the lute vigorously. They seem stunned, then puzzled.] You lack personality, coordination, and speechcraft skill. But you've invested in a lute, so I suppose you have to keep trying." -5 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. They listened. Sometimes they smiled.] Thanks. That wasn't bad. But you'll need a little more than that if you want to make a living at this." 5 gold reward |
"[You sing a little and play the air-lute. They look sour and hostile.] Hmm. I think we've all had a narrow escape. With a lute, and without any talent, I doubt you'll be troubling us again. Unless you're weary of life." -15 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. They listened. They liked you. But you didn't excite them.] Thanks. The Colovian helm is a nice touch. Not enough to earn a living on. But not embarrassing." 5 gold reward |
"[You told a few funny jokes. They listened. The jokes seemed to work well enough. But they were pretty quiet.] Thanks. I like your material. I don't think you quite won them over. But I've seen much worse." 5 gold reward |
"[You told a few funny jokes. They listened politely. They smiled politely.] They're a good crowd -- starved for entertainment. You weren't very good. But you didn't stink up the place, either." 2 gold reward |
"[You told a few funny jokes. They were paying attention, at least -- but they didn't laugh.] I think you have the basic idea of a joke down. And, if you're lucky, and persistent, you might someday learn to be funny. But, all things considered, I don't think you're ready for prime time." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. They listened -- but they didn't enjoy it very much.] Thank the gods that's over. Well, you may not be very funny, but at least you're lucky. They're nice enough folks. I don't think they'll bear a grudge." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. They listened -- but they didn't enjoy it.] Well. That could have been worse. But not much. I don't think your life is in danger. But just to be on the safe side, I'd leave quietly." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. They didn't laugh much. But they did point at your Colovian helm a lot.] I like the hat. The rest? Pretty weak. To be a success, you'll need a sparkling personality, a witty tongue, and some decent jokes. And a lot of luck." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. They didn't laugh much. The jokes weren't the problem. You just weren't very entertaining.] Good material. But your charm and delivery need work. Maybe you need a distinctive look -- like a funny hat. Keep working at it. Maybe some day...." | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"[You told a few funny jokes. At least, you THOUGHT they were funny. But you were wrong.] Bad. Remarkably bad. They hated you. May I suggest charm school? Work on your delivery? Get some decent material? Get a funny hat? I don't think you'll be very popular here for a while." -5 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. At least, you THOUGHT they were funny. But they didn't go over well at all.] Nice try. Complete and total failure. But you stood your ground. You have courage. I admire that. Take my advice. Work on your personality and speechcraft. Learn some jokes, or get a funny outfit. Then, when you come back next time, maybe you won't stink so bad." -5 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. At least, you THOUGHT they were funny. They did not think so.] Who told you you were funny? Your mom? You lack charm. You can't tell a joke. You don't KNOW any jokes. You don't look funny. I think you're in the wrong line of work." -5 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. At least, you THOUGHT they were funny. The listeners in the South Wall Cornerclub [sic] disagreed. Passionately.] It might not have been so bad -- if you were charming -- or could tell a joke -- or had decent material -- or had a funny costume. I hope we won't be seeing you around any time soon." -10 Disposition |
"[You told a few funny jokes. At least, you THOUGHT they were funny. So why does everyone seem so angry?] I hope you have another way to make a living. You lack personality, speechcraft, and material. No, thank you." -15 Disposition |
- Dulnea will continue to give you additional bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy if her disposition is between 70 and 79.
- The Morrowind Patch Project fixes this bug.