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Morrowind:Long Blade Trainers

< Morrowind: Services: Trainers

There are 94 Long Blade trainers in Morrowind. Ulms Drathen, inside the Armigers Stronghold in Molag Mar, is the master trainer for Long Blade.

For a list of all skill trainers, see the Trainers page.


  • The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. Trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100.

MW-icon-skill-Long Blade.jpg Long Blade TrainersEdit

Level Trainer Location Other Skills Notes
100 Ulms Drathen Molag Mar, Armigers Stronghold Block (71) Heavy Armor (71)
86 Shardie Buckmoth Legion Fort (-2,5) Block (100) Heavy Armor (76)
74 Larrius Varro Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior Block (64) Medium Armor (64)
72 Adibael Hainnabibi Kaushtababi Camp, Adibael's Yurt Athletics (100) Block (68)
Mertis Falandas Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level Spear (100) Block (68)
Missun Akin Falasmaryon, Missun Akin's Hut Marksman (100) Athletics (72)
68 Seanwen Vivec, Arena Fighters Training Heavy Armor (100) Blunt Weapon (68)
Vonden Mano Ald'ruhn, Practice Room Blunt Weapon (64) Axe (64)
67 Eydis Fire-Eye Balmora, Guild of Fighters Blunt Weapon (72) Axe (72) Fighters Guild Service, Protector rank and above
66 Assurdan Serdimapal Kaushtababi Camp, Adibael's Yurt Athletics (66) Block (60)
Ivrosa Verethi Dren Plantation, Verethi and Dralor Blunt Weapon (60) Axe (60) Possibly Hostile
64 Mondros Balur Ald'ruhn, Morvayn Quarters Blunt Weapon (59) Axe (59)
62 Edryno Arethi Vivec, Hlaalu Edryno Arethi's House Athletics (62) Block (58) House Hlaalu Service, high rank only
Elone Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse Medium Armor (52) Athletics (52) Blades Service
61 Radd Hard-Heart Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior Blunt Weapon (66) Axe (66)
60 Assamma-Idan Ahemmusa Camp, Assamma-Idan's Yurt Athletics (60) Block (54)
Danar Dalomo Balmora, Hlaalu Council Manor Athletics (60) Block (54)
Suvryn Doves Dren Plantation, Doves' Shack Athletics (60) Block (54) Possibly Hostile
Theldyn Virith Ald Velothi, Outpost Athletics (60) Block (54)
Zanummu Urshilaku Camp, Zanummu's Yurt Athletics (60) Block (54)
59 Balan Gnaar Mok, Druegh-jigger's Rest Medium Armor (49) Athletics (49)
Raig Vivec, Guild of Fighters Blunt Weapon (49) Axe (49)
Tralan Ald'ruhn, Guild of Fighters Blunt Weapon (49) Axe (49)
58 Ababael Timsar-Dadisun Zainab Camp, Ababael Timsar-Dadisun's Yurt Mercantile (100) Armorer (68)
Aengoth the Jeweler Ald'ruhn, The Rat In The Pot Block (58) Medium Armor (58) Thieves Guild Service, high rank only
Arvs Raram Indarys Manor, Raram's House Blunt Weapon (53) Axe (53)
Aumsi Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Blunt Weapon (63) Axe (63)
Garila Vedas Indarys Manor Athletics (58) Block (53)
Iratian Albarnian Caldera, Shenk's Shovel Blunt Weapon (54) Axe (48)
Rithleen Balmora, Rithleen's House Block (50) Medium Armor (50) Blades Service
Tenaru Romoren Vivec, Redoran Plaza Athletics (58) Block (53)
56 Addarnat Assardidairan Ashlands Region (6,9) Athletics (56) Block (52) Hostile
Dridas Salvani Gnaar Mok, Arenim Manor Athletics (56) Block (52)
Mubdan Esurnadarpal Ashlands Region (7,12) Athletics (56) Block (52) Hostile
Nuleno Tedas Maar Gan, Outpost Athletics (56) Block (52)
Taluro Athren Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level Blunt Weapon (52) Axe (52)
55 Assatlit Assudnilamat Azura's Coast Region (16,-2) Athletics (55) Block (50) Hostile
Imsin the Dreamer Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Blunt Weapon (60) Axe (60) Imperial Legion Service
Yenammu Ahemmusa Camp, Dutadalk's Yurt Athletics (55) Block (50)
54 Avron Gols Rethan Manor, Gols' House Athletics (54) Block (50)
Esar-Don Dunsamsi Tel Vos (10,14) Athletics (54) Block (48)
Fandus Puruseius Sadrith Mora, Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub Block (44) Medium Armor (44)
Kund Assarnibani West Gash Region (-11,14) Athletics (54) Block (48)
Mavis Nadram Indarys Manor Athletics (64) Block (59) House Redoran Service
Saryn Sarothril Maar Gan, Outpost Short Blade (49) Blunt Weapon (48)
Zelay Sobbinisun Salit Camp, Zelay's Yurt Athletics (54) Block (48) Hostile
52 Arvama Rathri Vivec, Elven Nations Cornerclub Athletics (52) Block (47)
Llavesa Drom Vivec, No Name Club Short Blade (48) Blunt Weapon (47)
Lliram Alvor Vivec, No Name Club Athletics (52) Block (47)
Nalasa Sarothren Vivec, Elven Nations Cornerclub Athletics (52) Block (47)
Odairan Addaribantes Azura's Coast Region (15,-9) Athletics (52) Block (47) Hostile
Ondi Khuul, Thongar's Tradehouse Axe (57) Heavy Armor (52)
Tedryn Brenur Balmora (-3,-3) Short Blade (48) Blunt Weapon (47)
Ultis Salam Vivec, Arena Fighters Quarters Athletics (52) Block (47)
Vadusa Sathryon Balmora, Council Club Athletics (52) Block (47)
Zairan Enturnabaelul Ashlands Region (5,3) Athletics (52) Block (47) Hostile
50 Ainat Maessabibi West Gash Region (-7,17) Athletics (50) Block (46)
Hairan Mannanalit Vos, Varo Tradehouse Athletics (50) Block (46)
Massour Asserrumusa West Gash Region (-14,14) Athletics (50) Block (46) Hostile
Nind Dudnebisun Grazelands Region (10,12) Athletics (50) Block (46) Hostile
Sjorvar Horse-Mouth West Gash Region (-5,4) Blunt Weapon (50) Axe (50) Blades Service
Zainat Ahalkalun Grazelands Region (10,7) Athletics (50) Block (46) Hostile
49 Adairan Lalansour West Gash Region (-6,10) Athletics (49) Block (44) Possibly Hostile
Assemmus Erabenimsun Camp, Assemmus' Yurt Athletics (49) Block (44)
Goras Andrelo Ald'ruhn, Goras Andrelo's House Athletics (49) Block (44)
Hirarend Erabenimsun Camp (13,-1) Athletics (49) Block (44)
Kummu Erabenimsun Camp (13,-1) Athletics (49) Block (44)
Minisun Ulirbabi West Gash Region (-9,15) Athletics (49) Block (44) Hostile
Raflod the Braggart Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse Medium Armor (54) Block (44)
Salay Yessur-Disadon Ashlands Region (5,4) Athletics (49) Block (44) Hostile
Sondryn Irathi Wolverine Hall: Fighters Guild Athletics (49) Block (44)
Subenend Urshummarnamus Azura's Coast Region (14,1) Athletics (49) Block (44) Hostile
Ulyno Uvirith Vivec, Redoran Scout & Drillmaster Short Blade (46) Blunt Weapon (44)
Yahaz Ashurnasaddas Grazelands Region (13,8) Athletics (49) Block (44)
Zallit Assattadaishah Ghostgate (2,4) Athletics (49) Block (44) Possibly Hostile
Zanat Assarnuridan Ashlands Region (-2,11) Athletics (49) Block (44) Hostile
48 Kanat Assalatammis Ashlands Region (-2,13) Athletics (48) Block (42) Hostile
Sur Surishpi Vos (12,13) Athletics (48) Block (42) Hostile
46 Arver Rethul Dren Plantation (2,-7) Athletics (61) Block (56)
Asha-Ammu Kutebani Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse Athletics (46) Block (41)
Assamanut Sonnerralit West Gash Region (-13,12) Athletics (46) Block (41) Hostile
Maeonius Yentimilal West Gash Region (-8,13) Athletics (46) Block (41) Hostile
Musan Zaintashara Grazelands Region (9,5) Athletics (46) Block (41) Hostile
Sal Pudashara Azura's Coast Region (17,0) Athletics (46) Block (41) Hostile
Shipal Zansatanit Grazelands Region (11,6) Athletics (46) Block (41) Hostile
Vongvild Dagon Fel, The End of the World Medium Armor (51) Block (41)
Zenabi Samma Azura's Coast Region (16,5) Athletics (46) Block (41) Hostile
44 Angoril Pelagiad, Fort Pelagiad Blunt Weapon (44) Axe (44) Imperial Legion Service, high rank only
Fasile Charascel Balmora, Guild of Fighters Block (44) Medium Armor (44)
Hasell Wolverine Hall: Fighters Guild Athletics (49) Block (44)
42 Brildraso Nethan Vivec, Redoran Scout & Drillmaster Athletics (56) Block (52)
Bugdurash gra-Gashel Maar Gan, Andus Tradehouse Block (52) Medium Armor (52)
Elvas Savel Molag Mar, Redoran Stronghold Athletics (56) Block (52)
Mandran Indrano Ghostgate, Tower of Dusk Lower Level Athletics (56) Block (52)