There are 27 Medium Armor trainers in Morrowind. Cinia Urtius, who would have been on the docks at Tel Fyr, was intended as the master trainer for Medium Armor. However, she does not appear in the game unless corrected by unofficial patches. Khargol gro-Boguk, in Dagon Fel's Vacant Tower, is the second best trainer and can train you to skill level 83.
Since Cinia is the only master trainer that is completely inaccessible, Medium Armor is the only skill that cannot be trained to 100.
For a list of all skill trainers, see the Trainers page.
- The numbers on this page represent the highest value which your skill may be at in order to receive training. Trainers can thus raise your skill one point higher than what is listed, with the exception of the Master Trainers, since no skill may be trained above 100.