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Quests: written by Already written, checked by Aegithalos
Services: written by Aegithalos (none) Personal Inventory: written by Aegithalos House Contents: written by Aegithalos (none; lives in the High Fane) Unique Dialogue: written by Aegithalos |
Tholer Saryoni (tholer saryoni) | |||
Home City | Vivec, Temple Canton | ||
Location | High Fane | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Male |
Level | 26 | Class | Priest |
Other Information | |||
Health | 145 | Magicka | 150 |
Alarm | 90 | Fight | 30 |
Essential | Yes | ||
Faction(s) | Tribunal Temple (Patriarch) |
Tholer Saryoni, a Dark Elf priest, is the Patriarch and Archcanon of the Tribunal Temple, as well as the Chancellor of Vivec. He can be found in his office in the High Fane of Vivec's Temple Canton. The office is locked from both sides, and the front door is in plain sight of an Ordinator guard. The rear entrance from the Hall of Wisdom is unguarded, but beware that it will lock behind you, so if you visit Saryoni early on in the game and he doesn't give you the key, you'll need to find a way to avoid being spotted picking the lock to exit, or will need a means to teleport out. Saryoni provides the final quests for the Temple, as well as arranging for you to contact Vivec himself near the end of the Main Quest.
Saryoni is the author of Saryoni's Sermons, copies of which can be found in many locations around Vvardenfell. The original manuscript is in the care of Llirala Sendas, in her shack at the Sanctus Shrine in the Sheogorad Region. This book has the distinction of being the most valuable in the game (50,000 gold).
Saryoni wears an extravagant robe and a matching pair of shoes. Furthermore, he carries an ebony staff, the Archcanon's Private Key, and the Secret Palace Entrance Key with him. In addition to his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following selection of spells: Poet's Whim, Vivec's Mercy, Masterful Fluid Evasion, Feet of Notorgo, Masterful Green Wisdom, Masterful Unseen Wisom, Blood Gift, Masterful Golden Wisdom, Blood Despair, Absorb Strength, Dire Weakness to Shock, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Fire, Deadly Poison, Sleep, Summon Greater Bonewalker, Levitate, Great Levitate, Great Feather and Burden of Sin.
Related QuestsEdit
Main QuestEdit
- Hortator and Nerevarine: Make the arrangements to meet the god Vivec and receive the plan to defeat Dagoth Ur.
House HlaaluEdit
- Control the Ordinators: Talk with Archcanon Saryoni on how to control the Ordinators.
Tribunal TempleEdit
Tholer is the quest-giver for the following quests:
- Malacath of the House of Troubles: Start the Pilgrimages of the Four Corners by visiting the Statue of Malacath.
- Mehrunes Dagon of the House of Troubles: Renew the pact with Mehrunes Dagon by visiting his shrine.
- Molag Bal of the House of Troubles: Renew the pact with Molag Bal by visiting his shrine.
- Sheogorath of the House of Troubles: Visit the Statue of Sheogorath to finish the Pilgrimages of the Four Corners.
- Ebony Mail: Retrieve this artifact from the shrine at the top of Mount Assarnibibi.
His standard greeting, if you neither are a member of the Tribunal Temple nor have progressed particularly far in the Main Quest:
- "Please leave. These are my private quarters."
If you become a member of the Tribunal Temple, his standard greeting changes to:
- "Are you here to request an audience, %PCRank?"
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Malacath of the House of TroublesEdit
Once you have risen to the rank of Diviner within the Tribunal Temple, you may receive your first duty from the Archcanon himself:
- duties
- "I am old and will soon retire. You are one of the most promising %PCRanks. If you want to replace me as Archcanon of the Temple, you must complete the Pilgrimages of the Four Corners."
- Four Corners
- "The First Corner of the House of Troubles is Malacath, the Daedric patron of the Orcs who tests the Dunmer for weakness. There is a shrine to Malacath on Sheogorad, southwest of Dagon Fel. Head south past the Dwemer ruins and take the second road to the west. Look for the shrine to the north. Take four Daedra hearts to the shrine. When you donate the hearts at the shrine, recite Vivec's "Four Corners of the House of Troubles.""
Mehrunes Dagon of the House of TroublesEdit
Return to Tholer Saryoni after completing the first part of your pilgrimage to receive instructions for the second part:
- Four Corners
- "The Second Corner of the House of Troubles is Mehrunes Dagon, the Daedra of Destruction who represents the trials the Dunmer face in the lands of Morrowind. At Ald Sotha, the daedric ruins northeast of Vivec City, Vivec rescued Sotha Sil, the only survivor of the minor House Sotha, from the armies of Mehrunes Dagon. Fight your way to the statue of Mehrunes Dagon and recite Vivec's "Four Corners of the House of Troubles.""
Molag Bal of the House of TroublesEdit
Speak with Tholer Saryoni again to learn about the third part of the pilgrimage:
- Four Corners
- "The Third Corner of the House of Troubles is Molag Bal, who tries to destroy the Dunmer by corrupting our bloodlines. Bal Ur is known as the Birthplace of Molag Bal where the Doom Drum tricked Molag Bal into becoming mortal. Vivec defeated Molag Bal here and sent him back into Oblivion. Bal Ur is just north of Suran, but to get there easily, you will need a way to levitate over the mountains."
Sheogorath of the House of TroublesEdit
And finally, for the fourth stage of your pilgrimage, Tholer Saryoni wants you to appease the Mad God Sheogorath:
- Four Corners
- "The Fourth Corner of the House of Troubles is Sheogorath, the Mad Star, who threatens the Dunmer with madness. It is time to renew a pact Vivec made with Sheogorath long ago. To do so, you must find the Gambolpuddy."
- Gambolpuddy
- "Yes, I know it is a strange name, but all Sheogorath's creations have the touch of madness. Find the Gambolpuddy in Ald Daedroth and donate it to Sheogorath's statue there while reciting Vivec's "Four Corners." This will renew the pact and prevent Sheogorath from tormenting us with madness. Ald Daedroth is on one of the islands between Sheogorad and Azura's Coast. I will mark this place on your map."
Return to the Archcanon after completing this fourth and final task in order to finish your pilgrimage:
- "Have you completed the Pilgrimages of the Four Corners?"
- Four Corners
- "You have finished the Pilgrimages of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles. I may have more duties for you."
If you mention the topic again after rising to the rank of Patriarch, Saryoni reacts as follows:
- Four Corners
- "You already made these pilgrimages, %PCRank."
Ebony MailEdit
Speak with Tholer Saryoni after completing the Pilgrimage of the Four Corners and rising to the rank of Master within the Tribunal Temple to receive your next and final Temple duty from him:
- duties
- [If your current rank within the Tribunal Temple is at most that of a Diviner.] "First you must advance to the rank of %NextPCRank."
- [Else.] "You have completed the Pilgrimages of the Four Corners. Now you should know the enemies of the Temple. I ask only one more thing. You must recover the Ebony Mail."
- Ebony Mail
- "The Ebony Mail may be found on Mount Assarnibibi, which is north of Molag Mar. Mount Assarnibibi is where Molag Bal oversaw the 99 lovers of Boethiah that gave birth to Almalexia. Go there and pray before the shrine. If you are worthy, you will receive the Ebony Mail. Return it to me and I will make you %NextPCRank of the Temple."
Return to Tholer Saryoni after you have found the Ebony Mail to complete the quest and receive the rank of Patriarch within the Tribunal Temple:
- "Have you found the Ebony Mail?"
- Ebony Mail
- "Have you found the Ebony Mail, %PCName?"
- Yes, here it is.
- [If you have the Ebony Mail in your inventory. Disposition +20.] "Ah, keep the Ebony Mail, %PCName. Treat it well and do good deeds when you wear it. You are the new %NextPCRank. I have long wanted to retire from the politics of the Temple and write another book of sermons."
- [Else.] "So you found it? Where is it? I don't see it..."
- Not, not yet.
- [Disposition -10.] "Perhaps you are not devoted enough to be the %NextPCRank of the Temple."
After the completion of this quest, Tholer Saryoni remarks on your promotion:
- duties
- "You are the Archcanon now, %PCName. I will retire from the politics of the Temple and devote the rest of my life to writing."
- Ebony Mail
- "The Ebony Mail is yours. You are the new %NextPCRank of the Temple."
Control the OrdinatorsEdit
Speak with Tholer Saryoni to learn what it will take to earn his cooperation:
- control the Ordinators
- "I understand your concerns, but the Ordinators are a necessity. Especially in these troubling times."
- Ordinators have failed
- "It is rare, but recently... Perhaps you could help with one of these failures. There is a cavern, Assemanu, known to those who follow Dagoth Ur. In this cavern is the Robe of St. Roris, a holy relic. If you can succeed where the Ordinators failed by bringing me the Robe, I will speak with Berel Sala."
- Assemanu
- "To get to Assemanu, take the southern road towards Seyda Neen. After you cross the bridge, you will see swamplands to the south. Go across the swamps and look for an island to the south. Assemanu is on that island."
Return to Saryoni after finding the Robe of St. Roris to earn his favor and cooperation:
- Ordinators have failed
- "You have succeeded where the Ordinators have failed. Give me the robe and I will help Duke Dren control the Ordinators."
- control the Ordinators
- "You have the Robe of St. Roris the martyr. It is the robe he wore when he was slain and was thus blessed with his blood. Will you hand over the robe now?"
- Yes, here it is.
- [The Robe of St. Roris has been removed from your inventory.] "Good. Yes, I will place this robe somewhere safe. I will speak with Berel Sala and see to it that the Ordinators take their orders from the Temple."
- No.
- "If you want my aid, you must give me the robe."
If you speak with Saryoni again before you report your success to Duke Dren, he says:
- Ordinators have failed
- "You have succeeded where the Ordinators have failed. I will listen to your words and do what I can to control the Ordinators."
- control the Ordinators
- "You have brought me the Robe of St Roris. For this I will speak with Berel Sala, and I will not let him influence Temple policy as much as in the past."
After the completion of the quest, he has the following to say about the matter:
- control the Ordinators
- "I have heard the Duke's concerns. Rest assured that from now on, there will be limits to the Ordinator's [sic] influence."
Hortator and NerevarineEdit
If you have killed one of the leaders of the Ashlander tribes, and have thus become a Failed Incarnate, Saryoni won't be willing to speak with you at all:
- "I'm sorry, but the Temple's doctrine on the Nerevarine is clear. The Nerevarine prophecies are evil superstitions, based on lies and delusions. And even if the prophecies were genuine, since you have killed one of the leaders of the Ashlander tribes, now there is no possibility that you could be accepted by the Ashlander tribes as the Nerevarine of prophecy. I'm afraid we have nothing to discuss." Goodbye
If you try to speak with Saryoni after you have received the Moon-and-Star but before you have been named Hortator of all three Houses and Nerevarine of all four tribes, he dismisses you with the following words:
- "I'm sorry, but the Temple's doctrine on the Nerevarine is clear. I'm afraid we have nothing to discuss."
- Temple's doctrine
- "The Temple's doctrine on the Nerevarine is clear. The Nerevarine prophecies are evil superstitions, based on lies and delusions. Attacks on the Temple cannot be tolerated. The people's faith in the Tribunal is all that protects us from the hosts of Dagoth Ur. And your association with the Emperor's Intelligence service makes your motivations and integrity suspect. We believe you to be a False Incarnate, and a danger to the Temple and the Dunmer people, and our Ordinators will treat you as an enemy."
Speak with him again and he says:
- "I'm sorry, but we have nothing to discuss."
One exception to this rule, is if your current level is at least 20 and your current Reputation is at least 50. In that case, he will, in fact, be willing to speak with you:
- "Thank you for coming, %PCName. You know the Temple's doctrine on the Nerevarine. Perhaps it is time to change that doctrine."
Under normal circumstances, you will have to be named Hortator or Nerevarine by all relevant Houses and Clans, in which case he gives you the same greeting as the one listed above. If you exit the conversation at that point and then speak with him again, he says:
- "We're here to discuss the Temple's doctrine on the Nerevarine, %PCName."
In both of the two above cases, you will have to speak with him about the Temple's doctrine in order to progress in this quest:
- Temple's doctrine
- "The Temple must protect the people from false doctrines. And your association with Imperial intelligence makes your motivations and integrity suspect. But we have reached a crisis with Dagoth Ur. We can no longer defend the people against the awakened Sixth House. You and your prophecies may represent our last hope."
- Continue
- "Our situation is desperate. But I would rather have you hear the details of our situation, and the circumstances leading up to that situation, from Lord Vivec himself. He has asked to see you. Would you agree to a private meeting with him, and hear in person what he has to say?"
- Yes, I will meet with Vivec
- [1 Archcanon's Private Key and 1 Secret Palace Entrance Key have been added to your inventory.]"Good. Here are two keys: one to the private back entrance to my quarters, the other to a locked entrance to Lord Vivec's palace. I regret that, at present, the Ordinators are not completely under my control, so, for now, I'll ask you to avoid confrontations with them. Lord Vivec is expecting you. His Lordship is remarkably patient, but perhaps it would be better not to keep him waiting."
- No, I don't trust you
- "I'm sorry. I understand. Then we have nothing further to discuss at this time. I will not apologize for the Temple's actions against you, or against the Dissident Priests. But I do believe it is time for such hostilities to stop. I regret that, at present, the Ordinators are not completely under my control, so I cannot guarantee that you will not be harmed. But if you change your mind, and are willing to meet with Vivec, please return to me at any time."
Things will be somewhat different if you killed at least one Ordinator before speaking with Saryoni. In that case, you will have to apologize to him before you can have the above conversation with him:
- Temple's doctrine
- "It is most unfortunate that you have killed more of the Temple's faithful Ordinators. It is not that you were unprovoked. But the fact that you do not make more of an effort to spare the lives of these earnest, innocent servants of the Temple that disturbs us. Surely it is within your power to avoid them, or avoid killing them. What do you have to say to that?"
- Apologize, and promise to avoid bloodshed in the future
- [If Disposition < 70.] "You have said all the right things, and yet... I do not feel I can trust you. Perhaps we are not ready yet to discuss changing the Temple's position towards you." Goodbye
- [Else.] "Thank you. I know these are just words, and it is naive to trust words, but I feel it is time to risk trusting one another. I believe we are ready to discuss changing the Temple's doctrine concerning the Nerevarine prophecies and your claim to them."
- Insist on your right to defend yourself when attacked
- "I'm sorry that is the position you choose to take. It is important that we trust one another, and, at present, I do not feel I can trust you. Perhaps we are not ready yet to discuss changing the Temple's position towards you." Goodbye
If you speak with him again after agreeing to speak with Vivec but before actually doing so, Saryoni has the following to say to you:
- Temple's doctrine
- "Lord Vivec is expecting you. His Lordship is remarkably patient, but perhaps it would be better not to keep him waiting." Goodbye
Speaking with him again after accepting Wraithguard from Vivec elicits the following response:
- "Faith conquers all, Nerevarine. Bless your breath and blood."
- Temple's doctrine
- "I have heard that Lord Vivec and you have spoken. And now it appears that the Temple and the Dissident Priests shall be reconciled, and that we shall all be working together towards a common end. It is more than I could have hoped."
Finally, if you speak with Saryoni again after fulfilling the prophecy and killing Dagoth Ur at the Red Mountain, Saryoni reacts as follows:
- Temple's doctrine
- [If Vivec is still alive.] "The Devil is dead, and the Blight is gone. Praise Almsivi, and bless you, Nerevarine. Now we must set ourselves to work on reconciling the Dissident Priests with the Temple hierarchy. It should be difficult. We have been greatly at fault. But, with energy and goodwill, we must make a start."
- [Else.] "The Devil is dead, and the Blight is gone. Praise Almsivi, and bless you, Nerevarine. Now we must set ourselves to work on reconciling the Dissident Priests with the Temple hierarchy. It should be difficult. We have been greatly at fault. But, with energy and goodwill, we must make a start. It is strange, however. that I have not heard from Lord Vivec. From time to time he does disappear, for reasons of his own, but it seems odd that he should be absent now in the moment of his triumph."
- Saryoni is also the author of Yngling's Letter.
- Saryoni also appears in the Houses of Morrowind card expansion for Legends as the card Archcanon Saryoni.
- If you to talk Saryoni about bad daedra and then four corners, you can start, as well as complete, all of his quests. You don't have to be a Diviner, or even a member, of the Tribunal Temple.
- The Morrowind Patch Project fixes this bug.