This article is about constructs that provide blessings. For the places of worship, see Daedric Shrines.
There are numerous shrines all over Vvardenfell. In exchange for a small donation, these shrines typically bestow powerful, though temporary, blessings to the faithful.
Tribunal ShrinesEdit
All of the Tribunal shrines give you at least four options for your blessings. The first three are common to all of them, Cure Common Disease, Cure Blight Disease, and Cure Poison. The other blessings vary from shrine to shrine. The size of the donation required depends on your status with the Tribunal Temple. Non-members must pay 35 gold in order to receive a blessing. Laymen and Novices need pay only 5 gold, and Initiates or above can receive blessings for free.
St. AralorEdit
Aralor's Intervention - Fortify Personality 5 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. DelynEdit
Shield of St. Delyn - Resist Blight Disease 10 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. FelmsEdit
Felms' Glory - Fortify Restoration 5 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. LlothisEdit
The Rock of Llothis - Fortify Willpower 5 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. MerisEdit
Meris' Warding - Resist Corprus Disease 20 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. NerevarEdit
Spirit of Nerevar - Fortify Fatigue 20 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. OlmsEdit
Olms' Benediction - Resist Common Disease 20 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. RilmEdit
Rilm's Grace - Fortify Endurance 5 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. RorisEdit
Roris' Bloom - Fortify Health 5 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. SerynEdit
Seryn's Shield - Resist Poison 20 pts for 48 mins on TouchSt. VelothEdit
Veloth's Indwelling - Fortify Magicka 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch
Almsivi Restoration - Restore Agility 100 pts on Touch, Restore Endurance 100 pts on Touch, Restore Intelligence 100 pts on Touch, Restore Luck 100 pts on Touch, Restore Personality 100 pts on Touch, Restore Speed 100 pts on Touch, Restore Strength 100 pts on Touch, Restore Willpower 100 pts on Touch
- Andavel Ancestral Tomb
- Andrano Ancestral Tomb
- Andrethi Ancestral Tomb
- Aran Ancestral Tomb
- Falas Ancestral Tomb (×3)
- Ghostgate, Ghostgate Temple
- Helan Ancestral Tomb
- Heran Ancestral Tomb
- Hlaalu Ancestral Tomb
- Hleran Ancestral Tomb
- Holamayan Monastery
- Orethi Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Ravel Ancestral Tomb (×4)
- Rothan Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Salothan Ancestral Tomb
- Samarys Ancestral Tomb
- Sarys Ancestral Tomb
- Savel Ancestral Tomb
- Telvayn Ancestral Tomb
- Tharys Ancestral Tomb
- Thelas Ancestral Tomb
- Uveran Ancestral Tomb
- Veloth Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Vivec, High Fane
Shrine of the TribunalEdit
Lady's Grace - Fortify Endurance 5 pts for 48 mins on Touch
Soul of Sotha Sil - Fortify Magicka 5 pts for 48 mins on Touch
Vivec's Mystery - Fortify Luck 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch
Almsivi Restoration - Restore Agility 100 pts on Touch, Restore Endurance 100 pts on Touch, Restore Intelligence 100 pts on Touch, Restore Luck 100 pts on Touch, Restore Personality 100 pts on Touch, Restore Speed 100 pts on Touch, Restore Strength 100 pts on Touch, Restore Willpower 100 pts on Touch
- Ald Velothi, Outpost
- Ald'ruhn, Temple
- Balmora, Temple
- Beran Ancestral Tomb
- Gnisis, Fort Darius
- Helan Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Helas Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Norvayn Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Orethi Ancestral Tomb (×2)
- Redas Ancestral Tomb (×4)
- Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House, Chambers
- Salothran Ancestral Tomb
- Vivec, Hlaalu Ancestral Vaults
- Vivec, Hlaalu Temple
- Vivec, Redoran Temple Shrine
- Vivec, Telvanni Temple
Shrine of Vivec's FuryEdit
Vivec's Fury - Fortify Attack 5 pts for 48 mins on TouchImperial Cult AltarsEdit
All Imperial Cult locations have Imperial Cult altars. Their blessings cost 25 gold for non-members, 10 gold for Laymen and Novices, and are again free for Initiates and above. Just like Tribunal Shrines, there are four blessings available from these shrines: Cure Common Disease, Cure Blight Disease, and Cure Poison. In addition, they have Restore Attributes, which is exactly the same as Almsivi Restoration on the Shrines of the Tribunal; it restores skills as well as attributes despite the name. They can be found at the following locations:
- Ald'ruhn, Guild of Mages
- Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
- Ebonheart, Imperial Chapels
- Gnisis, Fort Darius
- Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
- Pelagiad, Fort Pelagiad
- Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall, Imperial Shrine
- Vivec, Foreign Quarter Canalworks
Unique ShrinesEdit
There are a few unique shrines, mostly related to Tribunal Temple quests. These provide more powerful blessings, though at a somewhat higher price.
Shrine | Location | Requirements | Blessing | Notes |
Assarnibibi Shrine | Mount Assarnibibi | Must complete 4 corners quest | Gnisis Shrine Blessing - Cure Blight Disease on Touch, Cure Common Disease on Touch, Cure Poison on Touch | When you first receive this shrine's blessing, you will be rewarded with the Ebony Mail. |
Shrine of Humility / Fields of Kummu Shrine |
Ascadian Isles Region, [1,-5] | Muck | Fields of Kummu Blessing - Feather 100 pts for 48 mins on Touch | |
Shrine of Pride / Ghostgate Shrine |
Red Mountain Region, [2,5] | Any soul gem | Ghostgate Shrine Blessing - Fortify Magicka 50 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Shield 25 pts for 48 mins on Touch | The shrine does not accept Azura's Star. |
Shrine of Valor / Koal Cave Shrine |
Koal Cave | Dreugh Wax | Koal Cave Blessing - Fortify Unarmored 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Light Armor 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Medium Armor 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Heavy Armor 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch | If you have defeated the Dreugh Warlord deeper in the cave, you will also receive an enchanted dreugh cuirass. |
Magic Rock of Maar Gan | Maar Gan, Shrine | After taunting the Daedra | Maar Gan Shrine - Fortify Speechcraft 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Personality 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch | |
Mount Kand Shrine | Mount Kand, Cavern | During or after Pilgrimage to Mount Kand quest | Mount Kand Shrine - Fortify Endurance 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Intelligence 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch | |
Shrine of Generosity / Palace Shrine |
Vivec, Palace | 100 gold | Palace Blessings - Fortify Mercantile 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Luck 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch | There are two shrines in front of the entrance to the palace. You need to donate to only one of them. |
Sanctus Shrine | Sheogorad Region, [1,21] | During or after the Silent Pilgrimage quest | Sanctus Shrine - Fortify Endurance 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Willpower 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch | |
Shrine of Justice / Shrine of the Mask / Vivec Ash Mask |
Gnisis, Temple | Potion of Cure Common Disease | Gnisis Shrine Blessing - Cure Blight Disease on Touch, Cure Common Disease on Touch, Cure Poison on Touch New spell: Vivec's Touch - Cure Blight Disease on Touch, Cure Common Disease on Touch (costs 10 magicka) |
The pillar hides the real Vivec Ashmask, which is revealed when you activate a panel on the pillar itself. |
Shrine of Courtesy / Shrine of the Puzzle Canal |
Vivec, Puzzle Canal | Silver Longsword | Puzzle Canal Blessings - Water Breathing for 48 mins on Touch, Swift Swim 25 pts for 48 mins on Touch | You need to donate a silver longsword only once. Afterwards, you can receive the shrine's blessing without having to make another donation. |
Shrine of Daring / Shrine to Stop the Moon |
Vivec Temple | Any Rising Force Potion | Stop the Moon Blessings - Levitate 100 pts for 24 mins on Touch | Any type of Rising Force Potion will do; the shrine will take the cheapest in your inventory. Danso Indules near the shrine always has a Bargain Rising Force Potion for sale. |
Statue of Malacath | Sheogorad Region, [5,21] | 4 Daedra's Hearts | Blessings of the First Corner - Fortify Strength 10-20 pts for 48 mins on Touch | |
Statue of Mehrunes Dagon | Ald Sotha | none | Blessings of the Second Corner - Fortify Destruction 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Axe 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch, Fortify Attack 10 pts for 48 mins on Touch | |
Statue of Molag Bal | Bal Ur | During 4 corners quest | Blessings of the Third Corner - Fortify Speechcraft 5 pts for 24 mins on Touch New spell: Command of the Third Corner - Command Humanoid 5-25 pts for 30 secs on Touch (costs 30 magicka) |
Statue of Sheogorath | Ald Daedroth, Inner Shrine | Gambolpuddy | Blessings of the Fourth Corner - Fortify Intelligence 1-25 pts for 24 mins on Touch, Fortify Luck 1-25 pts for 24 mins on Touch, Fortify Personality 1-25 pts for 24 mins on Touch, Fortify Willpower 1-25 pts for 240 mins on Touch, Drain Intelligence 1-25 pts for 24 mins on Touch, Drain Luck 1-25 pts for 24 mins on Touch, Drain Personality 1-25 pts for 24 mins on Touch, Drain Willpower 1-25 pts for 24 mins on Touch | This shrine raises and lowers the same four attributes by a random amount. |
- For the Shrines of the Tribunal, the blessings Vivec's Mystery and Almsivi Restoration are actually free for non-members due to a scripting error. ?
- In the Xbox version of the game, they also do not offer Almsivi Restoration.
- If you have killed the Dreugh Warlord in Koal Cave, you'll receive an enchanted enchanted dreugh cuirass every time you donate dreugh wax to the Shrine of Valor.
- The Morrowind Patch Project, version 1.6.4, addresses this issue. You can receive the dreugh cuirass only once.
- The GOG Game of the Year Edition also fixes this bug.
- The Shrine of Pride will take one of each type of soul gem you have in your inventory, including filled ones.
- Before activating the shrine, drop all your soul gems except for the one you intend to donate.