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< Morrowind: People / Merchants / Spell Merchants / Trainers
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Morrowind Overhaul Project.
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Quests: not written

Services: written by TheRealLurlock, checked by Salamangkero

Personal Inventory: written by Salamangkero

House Contents: written by Imperialbattlespire, checked by Salamangkero

Unique Dialogue: written by Salamangkero

Spells: written by TheRealLurlock, checked by Salamangkero
Tyermaillin (tyermaillin)
Home City Balmora
House Tyermaillin's House
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 10 Class Healer Service
Training Enchant (50)
Mysticism (50)
Restoration (50)
Gold 150 Mercantile Novice (10)
  • Magic Items Magic Items
Spells Alteration SpellsIllusion SpellsMysticism SpellsRestoration Spells
Other Information
Health 83 Magicka 120
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Blades 2(Journeyman)

Tyermaillin is a High Elf healer who has a house in Balmora. He is a member of the Blades, one of the trainers that Caius Cosades will recommend to you, and if you are also a member, he will sell you ingredients, potions, and spells, as well as provide medium training in Enchant, Mysticism, and Restoration, and also has a free bed to sleep in if you need it. If you ask him about "Blades Trainers", he will give you a free journeyman's alembic. He is otherwise not related to any quests, and only provides a little unique information regarding the Blades business. He lives below Rithleen, a fellow Blade member.

He is wearing a common robe with a matching pair of shoes. Aside from his natural weaknesses to fire, frost, shock and magicka, his natural bonus to magicka, and resistance to disease, he knows a variety of spells, which you can buy from him.

Related QuestsEdit


Thieves GuildEdit


  • Greetings:
    • "Welcome, %PCRank %PCName. Tyermaillin is my name, Healer is my trade. I'd be happy to share a little advice or Morrowind lore with a fellow Blade. Or maybe you'd like to catch up on the latest rumors?"
    • "Hello again, %PCRank %PCName. Is this about my trade. Or are you here for a little advice? Or Morrowind lore? Or the latest rumors?"

  • Altmer:
    • "There aren't many of us here in Balmora. Just me, Estirdalin, Imare, Nalcarya the Alchemist, Hecerinde, and Culumaire. Why do you ask?"
  • Blades:
    • "I'm a Blade, too, and I report to Caius, like you. You're welcome to use my bed to rest, but leave my other stuff alone, please."
    • "Yes, we heard Caius had been recalled. He said we'd still be forwarding our reports to him. I think he thought what you're doing is important -- whatever it is -- he didn't tell us -- and we weren't supposed to bother you." (after starting Mehra Milo and the Lost Prophecies)
  • Blades Trainers:
    • [Journeyman's Alembic has been added to your inventory.] "Basic skill training is cheap. We give you discounts for higher rank in the Blades, and we keep our prices low. But advanced training is never cheap, even from us. Look. To get you started, here's my old alembic. Maybe you can get a few gold for it, or use it yourself."
  • latest rumors:
    • "I'm just support here. I don't pay much attention to what's going on."
  • South Wall:
    • "Clearly you have confused me with someone else. I don't care about that infested hole-in-the-wall."


  • While Tyermaillin is listed as selling Magic Items, there are no Magic Items of the types that he sells, so this distinction is fairly meaningless.
  • A bug with the map does not show his house as it is under Rithleen's House.


Tyermaillin has the following spells for sale:

Spell Name Cost Effects
Crushing Burden Touch 30   Burden 60 pts for 10 secs on Touch
Fifth Barrier 150   Shield 50 pts for 30 secs on Self
Fourth Barrier 120   Shield 40 pts for 30 secs on Self
Great Burden of Sin * 30   Burden 40 pts for 10 secs on Target
Heavy Burden * 30   Burden 40 pts for 10 secs on Target
Sixth Barrier 180   Shield 60 pts for 30 secs on Self
Strong Feather * 25   Feather 50 pts for 10 secs on Self
Tinur's Hoptoad 30   Jump 20 pts for 10 secs on Self
Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather * 25   Feather 50 pts for 10 secs on Self
Calm Creature 23   Calm Creature 30 pts for 10 secs on Target
Dispel 25   Dispel 100 pts on Self
Sotha's Mirror 25   Reflect 10 pts for 5 secs on Self
Spell Absorption * 25   Spell Absorption 10 pts for 5 secs on Self
Vivec's Feast * 25   Spell Absorption 10 pts for 5 secs on Self
Seryn's Blessing 20   Resist Common Disease 20 pts for 10 secs on Self

* Tyermaillin sells three pairs of spells identical in all but name, making the second versions almost completely redundant.
