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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game)
Schedule: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Services: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS) Personal Inventory: written by Dwarfmp (CS), checked by mxk101 (ingame) House Contents: written by GK (N/A - lives in Castle Chorrol), checked by SerCenKing (CS) Unique Dialogue: written by Dwarfmp (CS), checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Faction: written by SerCenKing (N/A - no changes) (CS), checked by Manic (CS) |
Chanel (RefID: 0002BA87) |
Home City | Chorrol | ||
Location | Castle Chorrol | ||
Race | Redguard | Gender | Female |
Level | 3 | Class | Mage |
RefID | 0002BA87 | BaseID | 000222BA |
Services | |||
Available | 8pm-12am between Stage 200 and 220 of Canvas the Castle, 12pm-8pm after Stage 220. | ||
Training | ![]() ![]() |
Other Information | |||
Health | 39 | Magicka | 115 |
Responsibility | 80 | Aggression | 5 |
Essential | Until Canvas the Castle is completed | ||
Faction(s) | Chorrol Castle; Chorrol Citizen |
Chanel is the Court of Chorrol's resident mage and is also an excellent painter. She is one of the major suspects in the quest Canvas the Castle. After you have completed the quest without having returned the painting, she will offer basic training in Destruction from noon to 8pm every day while she wanders around Chorrol (near the statue at the south gate).
Life as a castle mage isn't exactly back-breaking, and Chanel can therefore take life on the easy side. After sleeping in her own personal bed in the Private Quarters between midnight and 6am, she strolls around for four hours before taking breakfast between 10am and midday. After eating, she will return to her pacing until her bedtime. On Sundas, she will skip breakfast to travel to the Chapel, where she will be found praying for two hours.
Her schedule will suffer some alterations during and after the related quest. If you tell the Countess that Chanel wasn't involved, she will be delighted and will be found wandering around the Castle Great Hall from 8pm to midnight, at which point she will offer her services. After you have waited three weeks for the painting, at those times she will instead be found painting in the cramped West Tower. She will now also be found wandering around Fountain Gate between 12pm and 8pm, offering her services all the while.
She wears a blue & green outfit with quilted shoes. She also carries tan linens, a medium-sized amount of gold, a paint brush, a Chorrol Castle Private Area key, and the Countess' key. She doesn't wield any weapons, relying instead on a leveled set of Apprentice-level mage spells.
If you meet her for the first time, she'll introduce herself:
- "Welcome to Chorrol Castle. I am Chanel, the court mage. What brings you to me today?"
- Chorrol
- "We're simple, Gods-fearing folk here in County Chorrol. Easterners worship their wallets and their fat bellies."
On exiting conversation she will say: "Until we meet again."
Related QuestsEdit
- Canvas the Castle: Someone has stolen a valuable painting from Castle Chorrol!
Canvas the CastleEdit
After you've been tasked by the Countess to investigate the missing painting, you'll need to track down Chanel and interrogate her:
- "Hello. Are you searching for something?"
- Investigation
- "Yes, I have heard that the painting of the Count was taken. I was unaware she hired an outsider to conduct the investigation. May luck be with you."
- Stolen Painting
- "The stolen painting was of Count Valga. Whoever painted it could not do the man justice. He was kind and noble, which is difficult to convey on canvas. I am afraid other than that, I cannot offer much more information."
If you try to press on her whereabouts, her response will depend on how much she trusts you:
- Gather Clues
- "I am sorry. I don't really feel comfortable talking with you about that night. I barely know you." (Disposition below 60)
- "The night that the painting was stolen, I was in the courtyard of the castle taking star readings. After a while, I decided to go into the dining area just off the Great Hall. I poured myself some wine and studied the charts I had made until it was time to sleep. From there, I went directly to my chamber and slept the rest of the night."
On leaving conversation she will say: "Until your return." If you speak to her again before gathering all the physical evidence she will say:
- "Any luck yet?"
- "Hello again. I hope your search for the painting goes well."
If you accuse her at any point before you have collected all the necessary evidence, you will only succeed in annoying her:
- Accuse
- "Are you accusing me of taking the painting?"
- Yes, I accuse you of the crime.
- "How dare you accuse me without enough evidence to back up your story!" (-20 Disposition)
- No, I'm not accusing you.
- "Very well."
Speaking to other Castle residents will provide you with quite the circumstantial evidence:
- Bittneld the Curse-Bringer: "The only odd occurrence lately was with Chanel. I have seen her spending a lot of time in the West Tower. When I asked her about it, she said it involved her spell research. I suppose at the time it sounded good enough for me."
- Orok gro-Ghoth: "Hmmmm. I don't remember seeing Chanel or Orgnolf that entire evening. But then again, I stayed in my quarters most of the night. There was no point in going on my usual walk with all of the rain falling. As far as Chanel and Orgnolf go, they seem fine to me."
Once you've built up a sufficiently strong case, you can again accuse her, with her response depending on her Disposition:
- Yes, I accuse you of the crime.
- "You have strong evidence, but I do not trust you enough to speak true my motivations." (Disposition below 70)
- "Very well. I confess to the crime. But please understand I only did it out of the great love I had in my heart for Count Valga. It was I that painted that portrait. When the Count was lost, the Countess spent so much time with it that I became jealous. I had to have the painting back, so I decided to steal it then hide it behind the painting in my quarters. I am ashamed of my crime, but ready to face what fate has in store for me."
You will also be able to ask her some more questions:
- Accuse
- "We have already been through this, and I admitted my guilt."
- Gather Clues
- "I was careless to leave my art supplies around the castle like I did. I suppose I was easy to discover."
- Investigation
- "You have your "criminal." Congratulations."
- Stolen Painting
- "I am ashamed that I took the painting, but my love for the Count was greater than you could imagine."
After this she will be disconsolate, leaving conversation with: "I am undone." Trying to speak to her now will only net you:
- "My fate is in your hands."
- "I understand the decision that you have made. And I accept my fate. Now please leave me to my thoughts."
If you decided to let Chanel keep the painting, she will be overjoyed:
- "I sing your praises and welcome you again."
- "Words cannot to do justice for the joy I feel... many blessings upon you, my friend. I do not have much, but I wish to reward such valor. Return to me in three weeks, and I'll have a special painting for you. It is the least I can do for you."
- Stolen Painting
- "The painting will reside with me for the rest of my days as a reminder of the man I once loved."
She will now exit conversation with: "Until our paths cross again, my friend."
Before the three weeks have passed, she will greet you like this:
- "It is with the warmest regards I welcome you again, my friend. But you have returned a bit too early. I should have the painting done soon."
When the three weeks have passed, she will reward you with a unique painting:
- "Welcome back, friend. Here is the painting. When you place it in your home and gaze upon it, may you always remember the deed you have done for me."
After that, she will be overjoyed every time you greet her:
- "I am overjoyed at your return. What may I assist you with?"
If you turn her in, the Countess will be aghast:
- "I am shocked to hear of Chanel's crime, as she has always been such a nice member of our court, but I see that your evidence is without question. She shall be banished from Castle Chorrol and stripped of her duties. However, I am not without pity, and therefore she shall not be jailed. But she is never to set foot in Chorrol again."
After this, Chanel will disappear from the game.
Unused DialogueEdit
- Chanel has two "hello" lines for before the quest: "Hello." and "Hello, fellow magician." (if your class was one of Battlemage, Mage, Sorcerer or Spellsword) However, as she never leaves her room in the Castle Private Quarters, they will always be overridden by the generic trespass lines.
- A further "hello" line ("My heart is broken.") is never heard, as it was meant to be heard after you reported her to the Countess. However, once you do this Chanel disappears from the game.
- She also has an additional greeting line that is never heard: "I'm Chanel, Chorrol Castle Mage. You'll tell me what you're here for. Right?"