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< Oblivion: Items(Redirected from Oblivion:Leather Helmet)
Armor Rating
Leveled List Info
Non-Random Items
Light Armor Heavy Armor
Fur Armor Iron Armor
Leather Armor Steel Armor
Chainmail Armor Dwarven Armor
Mithril Armor Orcish Armor
Elven Armor Ebony Armor
Glass Armor Daedric Armor
Images Images

Armor is a type of apparel, along with clothing and jewelry, that can be worn on the player character's body. Shields, which are wielded by the player, are also categorized as armor. Armor comes in two classes: Light and Heavy. This page lists the base non-enchanted varieties of both kinds of armor. Other non-enchanted armor is listed in Specialty Gear, along with some unique items. The category Oblivion-Armor provides lists of all of the individual pieces of armor available in the game.

Armor Rating

The Armor Rating displayed in the table represents the percentage of damage the piece of armor absorbs. A player's combined rating may not exceed 85%. The listed armor rating is modified by the player's Skill in the armor type (Light Armor or Heavy Armor) and the armor's condition by the following multiplier:

( 0.35 + 0.0065 * Skill ) * ArmorHealth%

Note that Skill is modified by Luck before it is used in this formula, and is constrained between 0 and 100 as usual, meaning the maximum value for the skill portion of the multiplier is 1 - i.e. skill values below 100 make armor worse, until at 100 you get the full value.

Armor protects the wearer from damage due to weapons, but not from magical damage (at least for non-enchanted armor). For each blow that armor absorbs, it becomes damaged, although the exact mechanism for determining which armor pieces you are wearing take how much damage is unclear. Armor can be repaired using the Armorer skill.

A shield only contributes to your armor rating if you have both it and a one-handed weapon equipped. If you have a two-handed weapon, a bow, or no weapon (i.e., any combat would be Hand to Hand) equipped, the shield is assumed to be unavailable because you would not be able to use it in combat. This can be a problem for spellcasters who wear armor but never use weapons, and therefore would tend to never bother equipping any weapon. It may be worth carrying around a dagger and having it equipped just to maximize your armor rating. However, any enchantments associated with an equipped shield will be effective no matter what type of weapon you do (or do not) have equipped.

When your skill stats reach 100 for both light and heavy armor, both types will be weightless (only while wearing them), and light armor will be at 150 % effectiveness. This makes Elven equivalent to Ebony and Glass equivalent to Daedric. However, heavy armor will still last longer without needing repairs.

Leveled List Info

Most items are randomly spawned from lists based on the player's level. The following table describes the minimum level at which an armor type begins to show up for the player; lower level armor will also randomly appear. Enchanted versions of each armor type will begin to appear 2 levels later; see Generic Magic Apparel for more information. See Leveled Lists for details on how these lists are used to determine the probabilities of individual items appearing.

Level Light Armor Heavy Armor
1 Fur Iron
3 Leather Steel
6 Chainmail Dwarven
10 Mithril Orcish
15 Elven Ebony
20 Glass Daedric

This table applies to the vast majority of the armor you will encounter, both on enemies and in loot. One general exception is vendors in stores: they will not offer Chainmail/Dwarven armor until level 10 and Mithril/Orcish until level 15. Vendors will never offer the higher quality equipment, with the exception of certain unique items, such as The Birthright of Astalon. There are very few places where randomly generated armor will appear at lower levels than listed in this table. Some of these exceptions are:

  • Dwarven shields and Light Iron shields (Chainmail-quality shields) can be found starting at level 1 on tribal Goblin Berserkers. Leather shields and Steel shields are also possible starting at level 1 on either tribal Goblin Berserkers or on tribal Goblin Skirmishers.
  • Chainmail armor can be found starting at level 4 in middle-level and upper-level houses.
  • Elven shields can be found starting at level 10, in particular on marauders and other NPCs who wear heavy armor. Elven shields were substituted for Orcish shields on several leveled lists (which also means that orcish shields can be more difficult to find than other orcish gear).

Non-Random Items

Some armor is also available as non-random loot. These armor pieces will always be found in a specified location (or on a specified NPC), and will always be of the same quality type, no matter what your character's level is. Most non-random armor is low-level armor, generally fur/iron or maybe leather/steel armor.

For exceptions, see:


Light Armor

Heavy Armor

Rough Leather Armor

Name Object ID        
Full Set* 15.75 81 20.75
Rough Leather Boots 0015985B 2.25 80 10 2.5
Rough Leather Cuirass 0015985C 7.5 160 35 6.25
Rough Leather Gauntlets 0015985D 1.5 80 10 2.5
Rough Leather Helmet 0015985F 1.5 80 10 2.5
Rough Leather Shield 00047AC8 3.0 100 16 7.0

* A full set of Rusty Iron armor or Rough Leather armor does not exist in-game. The only time you will find that quality is in the tutorial, and it does not have a full set of either.

Rusty Iron Armor

Name Object ID        
Full Set* 72.0 100 32.5
Rusty Iron Cuirass 000661C1 30.0 250 40 9.0
Rusty Iron Gauntlets 000661C2 6.0 125 10 3.5
Rusty Iron Greaves 000661C3 18.0 175 20 5.5
Rusty Iron Helmet 000661C4 6.0 120 10 3.5
Rusty Iron Shield 000661C5 12.0 175 20 11.0

Fur Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 13.5 43 16.0
   Fur Boots 00024767 1.5 50 4 2.0
   Fur Cuirass 00024766 5.0 100 15 5.0
   Fur Gauntlets 00024765 1.0 50 4 2.0
   Fur Greaves 00024764 3.0 75 8 3.0
   Fur Helmet 00024768 1.0 50 4 2.0
  Fur Shield 00025056 2.0 75 8 2.0

Iron Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 81.0 250 40.0
  Iron Boots 0001C6CF 9.0 150 25 4.0
   Iron Cuirass 0001C6D1 30.0 300 85 10.0
   Iron Gauntlets 0001C6D2 6.0 150 25 4.0
   Iron Greaves 0001C6D0 18.0 225 45 6.0
  Iron Helmet 0001C6CE 6.0 150 25 4.0
  Iron Shield 000352C1 12.0 225 45 12.0

Leather Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 19.5 105 25.00
  Leather Boots 0002319B 1.5 80 10 2.50
   Leather Cuirass 0002319A 7.5 160 35 6.25
  Leather Gauntlets 00023199 1.5 80 10 2.50
  Leather Greaves 00023198 4.5 120 20 3.75
  Leather Helmet 0002319C 1.5 80 10 2.50
  Leather Shield 00025058 3.0 120 20 7.50
  Leather Bracer* 000229A9 1.5 80 5 1.00

*Leather bracers are wrist armor that can be worn in place of gauntlets; they are not considered to be part of the full set of leather armor. They can be purchased at The Archer's Paradox in Bravil; they are worn by Baurus, Jalbert, Kurz gro-Baroth, Shaleez, one of the Clarabella pirates, and some Imperial Legion Foresters.

Steel Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 94.5 520 45.00
  Steel Boots 000229A5 10.5 250 50 4.50
  Steel Cuirass 000229A2 35.0 500 180 11.25
  Steel Gauntlets 0001C6D8 7.0 250 50 4.50
  Steel Greaves 000229A3 21.0 375 95 6.75
  Steel Helmet 000229A4 7.0 250 50 4.50
  Steel Shield 00023923 14.0 375 95 13.50

Chainmail Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 23.6 255 30.0
  Chainmail Boots 0001C6D4 2.0 135 25 3.0
   Chainmail Cuirass 0001C6D3 9.0 270 90 8.0
  Chainmail Gauntlets 0001C6D6 1.8 135 25 3.0
   Chainmail Greaves 0001C6D5 5.4 202 45 4.0
   Chainmail Helmet 0001C6D7 1.8 135 25 3.0
  Light Iron Shield 00032D49 3.6 202 45 9.0

Dwarven Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 108.0 1165 50.0
  Dwarven Boots 00036347 12.0 400 115 5.0
  Dwarven Cuirass 00036349 40.0 800 400 12.5
  Dwarven Gauntlets 00036346 8.0 400 115 5.0
  Dwarven Greaves 00036348 24.0 600 210 7.5
  Dwarven Helmet 00036345 8.0 400 115 5.0
  Dwarven Shield 0003634A 16.0 600 210 15.0

Mithril Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 29.7 650 35.00
  Mithril Boots 0002C0FC 3.3 240 65 3.50
   Mithril Cuirass 0002C0FE 11.0 480 225 8.75
  Mithril Gauntlets 0002C100 2.2 240 65 3.50
  Mithril Greaves 0002C102 6.6 360 115 5.25
  Mithril Helmet 0002C104 2.2 240 65 3.50
  Mithril Shield 000352BF 4.4 360 115 10.50

Orcish Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 121.5 2610 55.00
  Orcish Boots 0003634D 13.5 600 250 5.50
   Orcish Cuirass 0003634F 45.0 1200 940 13.75
  Orcish Gauntlets 0003634C 9.0 600 250 5.50
  Orcish Greaves 0003634E 27.0 900 460 8.25
  Orcish Helmet 0003634B 9.0 600 250 5.50
  Orcish Shield 00036350 18.0 900 460 16.50

Elven Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 35.1 1740 40.0
  Elven Boots 0002299F 3.9 440 170 4.0
  Elven Cuirass 0002299C 13.0 880 600 10.0
  Elven Gauntlets 0002299E 2.6 440 170 4.0
  Elven Greaves 0002299D 7.8 660 315 6.0
  Elven Helmet 000229A1 2.6 440 170 4.0
  Elven Shield 000229A0 5.2 660 315 12.0

Ebony Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 141.75 5550 60.0
   Ebony Boots 00036353 15.75 950 550 6.0
   Ebony Cuirass 0002AD85 52.50 1900 1900 15.0
  Ebony Gauntlets 00036352 10.50 950 550 6.0
  Ebony Greaves 00036354 31.50 1425 1000 9.0
   Ebony Helmet 00036351 10.50 950 550 6.0
  Ebony Shield 00036356 21.00 1425 1000 18.0

Glass Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 40.5 5300 50.0
  Glass Boots 00036341 4.5 675 500 5.0
   Glass Cuirass 00036343 15.0 1350 1800 12.5
  Glass Gauntlets 00036340 3.0 675 500 5.0
   Glass Greaves 00036342 9.0 1000 1000 7.5
  Glass Helmet 0003633F 3.0 675 500 5.0
  Glass Shield 00036344 6.0 1000 1000 15.0

Daedric Armor (Image)

Name Object ID        
Full Set 162.0 13850 75.00
  Daedric Boots 00036359 18.0 1350 1350 7.50
   Daedric Cuirass 0003635B 60.0 2700 4800 18.75
  Daedric Gauntlets 00036358 12.0 1350 1350 7.50
   Daedric Greaves 0003635A 36.0 2025 2500 11.25
   Daedric Helmet 00036357 12.0 1350 1350 7.50
  Daedric Shield 0003635C 24.0 2025 2500 22.50

Light Armor Images

Heavy Armor Images