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Quests: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (in-game)
Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game) Services: written by Corevette789 N/A (In-Game), checked by SerCenKing (CS) Personal Inventory: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by mxk101 (in-game) House Contents: written by GK (lives at Priory of the Nine), checked by Emoboy64 (CS) Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by SerCenKing (in-game) Rumors: written by Already Written, checked by SerCenKing (CS & in-game) Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS) |
Sir Ralvas (RefID: xx001C76) |
Added by | Knights of the Nine | ||
Location | Priory of the Nine | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Male |
Level | PC-3 (min=3) | Class | Knight |
RefID | xx001C76 | BaseID | xx000F81 |
Other Information | |||
Health | 43 + (5+2.6)x(PC-4), PC=8-22 | ||
Magicka | 100 + 1.5x(PC-4) (max=250) | ||
Responsibility | 50 | Aggression | 0 |
Faction(s) | Knights of the Nine (Knight Commander ![]() |
Sir Ralvas is a Dark Elf ghost added by the Knights of the Nine official download. He was a Knight of the Nine long ago and quested for the Mace of the Crusader, but is now found in ethereal form in the basement of the Priory of the Nine, guarding the Cuirass of the Crusader. There he will give you the quest The Path of the Righteous.
Sir Ralvas wears chainmail boots, gauntlets, greaves, and helmet. He also wears a Knight of the Nine Cuirass. He wields a steel longsword in combat.
Related QuestsEdit
- Priory of the Nine: Retrieve the Cuirass of the Crusader from the Priory of the Nine.
- The Path of the Righteous: Retrieve the Mace of Zenithar from the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin.
- Umaril the Unfeathered: Defeat Umaril and kill him for good, in both the physical and spiritual planes.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
Priory of the NineEdit
Ralvas is the second ethereal knight you will need to defeat in order to access the Cuirass of the Crusader. After you've defeated Sir Casimir, Sir Amiel will introduce him with:
- "Impressive. You have bested Sir Casimir. Now, face Sir Ralvas."
After you defeat him, Amiel will exclaim:
- "Sir Ralvas, you have fallen. Step back and let the challenge continue. Sir Henrik, come forward and prove yourself."
Ralvas will then return to his position and kneel down. Once you have defeated all other knights, he will remain standing in the same spot in the chapel undercroft.
Later asking him about the Gauntlets of the Crusader will net you:
- "Casimir left with the Gauntlets when the Order dissolved. I heard that he lost them, but I had my own problems to deal with."
The Path of the RighteousEdit
Speaking to Sir Ralvas for the first time after this will net you:
- "You have my tribute, sir knight. In three hundred years, none have passed the gauntlet. In three hundred years, we have never known hope. But for the first time, it seems that someone may succeed where we have failed. I see in you the chance to redeem our souls and restore the order. And now, I must ask you to press forward where I could not. I must ask you to face the challenge of Zenithar."
- I don't have time for this now.
- "Very well. Return when you are ready, and I will tell you of the Mace of Zenithar."
After this he will greet you with:
- "Are you ready to begin your quest for the Mace of Zenithar?"
- Mace of Zenithar
- "You have passed our test and now, I must ask you to press forward where I could not. I must ask you to face the challenge of Zenithar."
Either way, it will lead to:
- How did you fail?
- "I was arrogant and foolhardy. I sought personal glory. I placed my own will and my own lust for fame over the will of the Nine. In facing the challenge of Zenithar, I failed. I tried dozens -- no, hundreds of times to reach the Mace. I fell each time. And each time I awoke in the chapel, I leapt again. I tried to enlist the help of the other knights, but none would come to my aid. The inscription says to "walk in the faith" but even now, I do not know what this means."
- What must I do?
- "Below the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin there is a shrine to the great craftsman, Saint Kaladas. Those seeking the Mace must pray before the shrine. When you bow, you will receive a vision -- or perhaps not. It is unclear. The priests saw that my body never moved, but it felt so real. You will see the Mace, separated from you by a great chasm. The chasm represents your doubt. Your faith must be your guide across it."
- My faith will guide me?
- "This is what I know. As I said, my faith was weak. I did not understand the test and I fell from the platform each time I tried to cross. I have told you all that I know. All that is left is for you to prove yourself more worthy than I. If you seek the Mace, travel to Leyawiin's chapel, kneel at the shrine in the undercroft, and let your faith in the Nine be the salvation of us all."
Asking Sir Amiel about the Mace now will reveal more of Ralvas's story:
- "After Berich betrayed us, Sir Ralvas journeyed to the Chapel of Leyawiin to attempt Zenithar's test of faith. He tried to reach the mace again and again, failing each time. He became obsessed with it, refusing food or drink for days. When I finally received word of his quest, I went searching for him. But.. I was too late. Sir Juncan helped me carry his body back here. I failed my friend and I failed Zenithar. Perhaps you can succeed where Sir Ralvas could not and redeem us both."
Any of the other knights will also provide more background:
- "Sir Ralvas quested for the Mace after Sir Berich's betrayal. He believed that with the Mace, he would be able to bring the rest of us together. He stayed in the Chapel of Leyawiin for months, attempting the test over and over. He hardly ate. Hardly slept. In the end, he failed. He left the chapel broken and beaten. Sir Amiel found his body and laid him to rest here at the Priory."
If approached again he says:
- "Have you recovered the Mace of Zenithar?"
- Knights of the Nine
- "Our greed for the relics overshadowed our faith in the Nine. I can only hope that you are stronger than we were."
- Zenithar
- "Of the original divines, Zenithar is thought to be the most in touch with the mortal realm. Some legends say that Zenithar has close ties to Kynareth, an idea that is supported by the manner in which the two gods' realms interact. Craftsmen devoted to Zenithar are able to create and profit from the materials provided by Kynareth's natural world. The two work in harmony -- the natural world providing for the craftsmen. One cannot revere Zenithar without acknowledging the power of Kynareth."
- Mace of Zenithar
- "Legends say that when Pelinal Whitestrake was slain by the Ayleids, a messenger carried the Mace to the human settlement of Leyawiin as a message. Centuries later, the master craftsman Saint Kaladas built the Chapel of Zenithar in Leyawiin as a tribute to the legend. When Saint Kaladas was laid to rest, those who prayed to Zenithar at his tomb began to receive visions of the Mace of the Crusader."
Once you have managed to claim the Mace of Zenithar:
- "You've retrieved the Mace! I... I can't beleive [sic] it! Sir Knight, I bend my knee in awe at your wisdom. You deserve to carry the mace."
If you speak to Sir Amiel about the Mace after this, he will note:
- "You've passed Zenithar's challenge and redeemed Sir Ralvas. Congratulations. Sir Juncan will be pleased to hear this."
Juncan himself will bitterly mourn:
- "So it was the boots that Sir Ralvas needed to complete his quest? What a fool I was to refuse to help him. I will carry this regret for all time."
Umaril the UnfeatheredEdit
After speaking to Sir Amiel upon your return from definitively defeating Umaril the Unfeathered, Ralvas and all other knights will ascend into Aetherius and disappear from the game. Instead you will be able to visit his tomb in the basement of the Priory of the Nine and receive Zenithar's Blessing: "Zenithar grants you good fortune. May you always endeavor to become the master of your craft." This blessing gives you an additional five points to your Luck Attribute. This effect is semi-permanent: it stays in effect until you activate another of the Knights' tombs and receive a different blessing.