This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Crime discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links. |
Unexpected murder count
I removed the paragraph that explained the unexpected murder counts, because these would apply in real life as well. The first one is commonly referred to as "friendly fire," and it's just as illegal as manslaughter, even more so if you're a soldier on the frontlines. The second one is also murder in real life, because if you know someone is going to kill you, it's still illegal to kill him back, but if he's ACTUALLY TRYING to kill you, it's okay to defend yourself, and just like in real life, you're only allowed to use as much force as is necessary to repel the force being brought against you, which explains why, if he yields (aka, you've successfully repelled the force), you're expected to stop hitting him on the stop.
Aside from indirect killings being perfectly legal, the murder system is actually pretty intuitive when you think about it.Dstebbins 20:16, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
- I put it back again. So what if it occurs in real life? This is a game, and given the number of people who post "lol i saw too forestres atacking each othr", it needs including. Priam 20:32, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
- I think the ease with which one can accidentally and unknowingly kill an ally in combat in this game is worth noting, at least--I know that plenty of people have come out of battles like Kvatch and Bruma with a murder bounty and not even known about it until they were arrested. The bit about undetected sneak attacks is, as far as I know, not even true (I spent maybe the first 50 hours of the game killing every human enemy in dozens of dungeons with one-hit sneak attacks, and had something like 11 murders total), so that should probably go. Shashakiro 21:51, 27 August 2009 (UTC)
- Is it really too easy to kill an ally that gets in the way of you're shots, or is it really that difficult out on the real frontlines, only we're not trained soldiers?
- Also, The no-detection sneak attack kill still applies, in the sense that it would increase your murder count and trigger the Dark Brotherhood Questline, but those mere 11 murders must be due to poisons and enchantments, which aren't considered murders.Dstebbins 16:45, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- The difference is that your allies in this game don't have any survival instinct, and don't make any attempt whatsoever to avoid getting killed by you. Real soldiers are disciplined and trained, yes, but they also have the common sense not to jump in front of their allies' bullets. As for the 11 murders, I was referring to my murder count on the stats page--it read 11 after I was Listener of the Dark Brotherhood and had killed hundreds of NPCs with one-hit sneak attacks. Shashakiro 17:24, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
- Perhaps, but that's just real-time AI for you. Turn-based AI, oh yes, it'll tear you limb from limb if you make even one wrong move to a different space. Turn-based AI in games like Chess and Advance Wars are like Shadowgate, in the sense that any movement that is not the absolute correct solution would result in a death. Real-time AI, however, has always had problems like this. Do you have any idea how difficult it is for an NPC to get even simple pathfinding correct, and not get stuck behind a dumpster?
- Perhaps we should consider what's feasible, rather than what's ideal, in this particular aspect.Dstebbins 18:44, 2 September 2009 (UTC)
- The difference is that your allies in this game don't have any survival instinct, and don't make any attempt whatsoever to avoid getting killed by you. Real soldiers are disciplined and trained, yes, but they also have the common sense not to jump in front of their allies' bullets. As for the 11 murders, I was referring to my murder count on the stats page--it read 11 after I was Listener of the Dark Brotherhood and had killed hundreds of NPCs with one-hit sneak attacks. Shashakiro 17:24, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
Help Getting Rid of Quest Items
Hey I have Oblivon(GOTY) for Xbox 360 and I was wondering how can I get rid of qust items,to be more specific: Arrow of Extrication,Ring of Vipereye,Fork of Harrilipation, and some Mage Guild/Thieve's Guild Quest Items. I've tried the breaking out of jail thing,and it works until I load a new zone,like going to the Courtyard.I havn't tried the SI Jail yet so I'll see if that works also, but if anyone can help give advice on how to get rid of these darn things that would be great. Also I completed the questline for each item if that info helps.— Unsigned comment by Achawks123 (talk • contribs) at 14:53 on 3 October 2009
- No, there is no way to get rid of those items on the XBox. You'll be stuck with them forever. It's a well-known glitch. Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 15:58, 3 October 2009 (UTC)
Can't lower some skills
I'm trying to boost my maximum level by decreasing major skills in jail, but i can only decrease 9 skills, and only 1 of which is on my major skills list(blade). I want to know how to fix this, but anyone trying to help should know i've already tried another disc of oblivion, and i've only tried in the imperial city jail, if that would matter at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! --NJDThanatos 03:37, 16 September 2009 (UTC)
- It could be that the game does this on purpose to keep people from overpowering their character like you'tre trying to do, and caps skill decreases at 9. --Darkheart 01:21, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
- It's not like the game is stopping me from deleveling as much as i want, its just that the 9 skills that will be randomly selected are Armorer, alchemy, athletics, alteration, blunt, block, blade, hand to hand and heavy armor. the only major skill on this list is blade, which i could use, but its boosted to 105 permanently and i don't want to lose that. id rather decrease illusion or conjuration because they are easiest to increase, and do nothing more if the 100 limit is surpassed. thanks for the input anyway! --NJDThanatos 02:20, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
- I was recently trying to de-level my skill as well and had the exact same problem. I know on other charachters I've lost point in other skills so I think it's all of your specialized skills (combat in your case) and the next two alphabetically. I haven't gotten a chance to test this however -- 18:14, 6 August 2010 (UTC)
- It's not like the game is stopping me from deleveling as much as i want, its just that the 9 skills that will be randomly selected are Armorer, alchemy, athletics, alteration, blunt, block, blade, hand to hand and heavy armor. the only major skill on this list is blade, which i could use, but its boosted to 105 permanently and i don't want to lose that. id rather decrease illusion or conjuration because they are easiest to increase, and do nothing more if the 100 limit is surpassed. thanks for the input anyway! --NJDThanatos 02:20, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
is there an easy way to kill somebody (in a house, inside a city), and not getting arrested for it? [Moved]
everytime i kill someone, even if it's in a secure place, i still get caught... i mean, there's nobody watching, that can report it, so there's ought to be a way to kill somebody (in a house, inside a city) without getting caught... right?— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 7 September 2009
- if the victim has time to cry out then the guards will be alerted even if you are inside a house. Your best bet is to try killing them in one strike with a sneak attack. Griffinsong 16:08, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
Oblivion Unreported Crimes bug?
The Oblivion:Increasing_Skills article mentions a bug relating to unreported crimes causing instability. This is not mentioned on the crimes page at all. Is this information legitimate? If so it seems like it should be mentioned here as well. Lamey 02:30, 23 September 2009 (UTC)
- i would love to know how to get rid of unreported crimes, i've been level boosting with summoned creatures and the sleeping prisoner in the evil lair, and i don't want this to happen to me. my assaults are up to 5900 and some, so this is a very important thing for me to know thank you :) 20:31, 3 May 2010 (UTC)
- Does anyone care to clarify the "instability?" What exactly are we talking about here? Random bounties? No bounties? Freezing/lagging? Tea ache sea 20:41, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
- I suppose that "instability" in this case means that there will be problems similar to those of the Reference Bug. It includes lagging, corrupt saves and general problems. --Rigas Papadopoulos • Talk • Deeds • 20:52, 13 November 2010 (UTC)
removing the tags of stolen items?
I have encountered a strange bug that sometimes causes items dropped in Rosethorn hall to lose their stolen status anyone know why this is. it seams to happen with misc items such as gems, silver nuggets and madness ore.— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 31 January 2010
Huge time skip for a crime
I was bored, so I went to Cheydinhal and killed every single guard in the town except for the one that respawns, and my bounty was somewhere around 20000. Eventually I decided to reload the save I made just before I went on my rampage but I noticed it was on day 1638, whereas the save I made right before that was on day 141, and the only jail time I served was for an earlier assault (I also attempted to break out of jail and took my items, but I got re-arrested). What could have caused the massive time lapse? -- 06:35, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
- I'm not exactly sure what could have caused it and I've never encountered this before. It seems strange because a bounty of 20,000 would only give 200 days in jail anyway, not the massive amount of time that seems to have been caused for you. Which platform are you playing the game on? PC/Xbox 360/PS3 etc Jaden 09:37, 17 February 2010 (UTC)
- I'm on the PC right now. I deleted the save anyway, but I'm still curious. That's almost 1500 days for no reason. -- 02:24, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
NPC bounties
i was just doing a quest and was killing somebody so i ran into the local mages guild and got some one else to kill them so does that mean that they got a bountie?
- This depends on whether or not the Mage was hit first. People only gather bounties if they outright attack an innocent non-creature NPC such as a Guard or Mage Scholar. However, if you are attacked first by something else, then you don't get a bounty because it is classed as self-defence. Jaden 09:53, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
- ok thanks! — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 27 February 2010
Bribe the Guard
In the CS, I found a topic that has something to do with bribing a guard, but I've never seen it in the game. According to its conditions, you need to be wearing the Gray Cowl AND not wearing the Gray Cowl in order to use it. Is it something that's in the game that I've just never seen before? -- 05:22, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
- Indeed. That's exactly why you've never come across it in-game. My best guess is that it was supposed to be a way of not getting arrested while wearing the cowl (since the only option is to resist arrest). --SerCenKing Talk 17:48, 3 March 2010 (UTC)
Bounty Bugs
It's possible to have a non-zero "Largest Bounty" (40 septims, for Assault) on your stats page even if you have never had a "Current Bounty". This almost certainly came from Permanent Retirement. UOP fixes part of that bug so you don't incur a Current Bounty, but the Largest Bounty is still set (if you never had a Largest of 40+ before). Confusing, and irritating, but not really harmful. - Ali
- If being cheated out of your "perfect" criminal record annoys you, you can fix it with "modpcmiscstat 4 -40"
- I have something similar, but I have never done Permanent Retirement on this character (or any other Dark Brotherhood quest, for that matter). I have apparently committed a witnessed murder, probably either during the Bruma Gate battle or the Light the Dragonfires battle (not really surprising). My murder count and Infamy have been increased by 1 and my Largest Bounty has been set to 1000 -- this is the kind of thing that I'd notice, since this character is supposed to be "good". I have not been arrested, neither have I had my bounty paid off by the Thieves Guild, but it's currently zero. Is there some sort of pardon for your crimes at the end of the main quest or something? 23:00, 19 October 2010 (UTC)
Bounty of 1...
This is kind of weird... is it just me or is it possible to get a bounty of 1? I was walking by an Imperial Legion Soldier with the Gray Cowl on and he spotted me so I immediately took it off so I wouldn't get arrested. But when the dialogue was initiated it said the normal "under arrest" dialogue and my current bounty was 1. Is this normal or is this yet another bug? --Chef-Willis 14:19, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
- Yes - you can get a bounty of 1 by stealing (or even just grabbing) an item that is worth 1 or 2 gold. You must have done it accidentally and then forgotten about it. rpeh •T•C•E• 16:13, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, I just now figured it out. I actually came here to say that, thanks though. --Chef-Willis 16:58, 1 April 2010 (UTC)
I was Wondering... If a Town guard accidentally hits another town guard, would he get a bounty? And therefore be attacked by the rest of the town guards..--VergilSparda 12:00, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
- No. All Actors are technically capable of having a bounty, but HITTING the guard is merely assault, so the bounty is only 40, and unless a bounty is over 500 guards will only take action if the player talks to them - which the guard can't do.
- If a guard KILLS another one though, they incur the standard 1000pt Murder bounty, and their buddies WILL then attack them. It's not uncommon to see this happen when Mythic Dawn agents show themselves: one guard will attack in melee, and another will "support" with a bow but is just as likely to kill the first guard as he is the sleeper. Whoever kills the second guard will NOT get a bounty though, since he was putting down a murderer, so eventually the battle will stop, though the more guards that get drawn into the fight the more likely it is that there'll be another Friendly Fire incident.
- What if the player were to talk to them? Would they arrest themselves?--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 07:47, 20 October 2010 (UTC)
- (moved from the article)
Before the quest Unfriendly Competition Thoronir will buy some stolen goods.
- I very, very much doubt that. His responsibility is too high. Please provide a specific example where Thoronir bought stolen goods, because "some" isn't very helpful. rpeh •T•C•E• 10:29, 16 April 2010 (UTC)
- I think OP means "in a plot sense", not "from the player" - as you say, Thoronir is no fence.
Convince the game I'm not trespassing?
Is there a console code or cheat that will convince the game I'm not trespassing? I keep killing people like Glarthir and I want to "claim" their house (i.e. sleep in their bed), but it says I'm trespassing. I think this might go away after a while, and I tried setownership a few different ways. Any suggestions? I think you can "setownership" of a door, giving you acess to a house.
NPCs followed me to "court"
I paid a fine for stealing just now (I was at the Imperial Bridge Inn at the time and was busted by the alcoholic Legion officer there) and after I was processed and released in front of Castle Leyawin, two NPCs who had no business being in Leyawin inexplicably appeared in front of the castle beside me. The two NPCs were Schlera Sestius of Pell's Gate, and Merildor of Brindle Home. They immediately began walking towards the exit gates (presumably heading back to their respective settlements). I just did a search on them here and it seems that they do have one thing in common. Neither of them eat or sleep. They wander around their respective settlements all day and all night. I play on xbox so there's no way for me to examine their AI packages more closely(not that I'd know what to look for anyway). Can someone see if there's anything in their AI that could account for them appearing beside me in Leyawin under these circumstances? P.S. The same thing happened on an earlier occasion except I was released in front of Skingrad castle and only Schlera was there (I didn't see Merildor) and I wrote it off as just a bit of weirdness, but there has to be a reason for it since it's now occurred twice. 00:03, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
- Whoa! Your Merildor problem struck something with me; I got that too. Coincidence, or something is wrong with Merildor's script, needs investigating. One theory I have is that if you steal something of their's they appear when you go to jail. I have two questions for you. One: Have you visited them recently, and two: Did you steal anything from them recently? "Recently" = before you went to jail.--Arch-Mage MattTalk 00:11, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
Nope. Never stole anything from either of them. I believe I visited Merildor fairly recently, but I hadn't seen Schlera in some time. 12:43, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
Guards letting the player go?
I've never once got this to happen. Even on playthroughs where I've got all the guards in the general area to over 100 disposition and committed a mere 40 gold crime, they still just give me the usual talk and options; never offering to look the other way. It might seem odd to ask, but is the existence of such a thing just some sort of elaborate prank? I'm rather convinced it doesn't happen at all. ~ SotiCoto 18:50, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
- No, it definetly happens, I've had it occur. Your bounty has to be below 500 and their normal disposition has to be above 90. Was the crime you commited stealing from them? If so, that lowers their disposition below 90, thus making them arrest you.--Arch-Mage MattTalk 18:56, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
- I had a guard offer to look the other way - only to arrest me a few moments later. Talk about indecisiveness! :) --IronMaiden 23:23, 11 May 2010 (UTC)
- Not all guards will do it. there must be some hidden modifier that determines whether they will or not. I use a charm 100 for 1 second spell and talk to the guard. if he wont offer to pay the bounty for me i resist arrest and try a different guard. eventually one will do it. -Baval — Unsigned comment by (talk)
Worship at a chapel
A lot of my orc characters abilities have been damaged and I want to pray at a chapel to make them go away. But I have comitted a lot of crimes lately. When can I pray, and how do I make myself a better character Lord Jeerus 00:38, 2 June 2010 (UTC)Lord Jeerus
- Upping fame or having the Vile Lair plugin are the only ways without buying potions.--Corevette789 00:42, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
- If you have a bounty, get it removed either by being arrested or paying it off to Armand Christophe or S'Krivva. If your infamy is greater than your fame, do the Pilgrimage quest if you have Knights of the Nine, or follow Corevette's suggestions. rpeh •T•C•E• 04:38, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Possible "Look the other way" Bounty Problem
While I was playing Oblivion a few days ago, I tried out the 90 disposition guard trick. First, I lifted some small things worth 10 or 20 gold. No penalty. But when I tried to steal some steel greaves (same guard with 100 disposition caught me), I was suddenly under arrest. Funny thing is, steel greaves are nowhere near the 1000 gold limit mentioned in the wiki. I tried another item worth 50 gold. Sure enough, I got caught. I tried one worth 40. Nothing.
What I've concluded (and I may be wrong) is that the limit for guards "looking the other way" is 50 gold, not 1000. Again, this is based on my experiences.
--Tau434 03:58, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
- In my experiance, as long as the bounty is under 1000 theres a chance that the guard will offer to pay the fine for you. Maybe the guard didnt see you or the items you were picking up wern't stolen.Mikeyboy52 06:34, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
- This subject has come up a couple of times (here and here). Having been involved in both of those discussions, I'm still fairly sure that 500 is the correct amount. If you'd like to check it yourself, make sure your bounty is 0 beforehand, then go steal something and see what it is afterwards. I think both rpeh and I checked using the Console, so it's possible that there's a discrepancy there and that the figures are different if you do it completely naturally. ‒ Robin Hood↝Talk 02:15, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
- I have once again tested the theory. Setting my bounty to 0, I first stole an item worth exactly 45 gold in front of a guard with 100 disposition. He looked the other way. I then proceeded to snatch a pair of steel greaves worth 95 gold. The guard did his "stop right there" and attempted to arrest me (My bounty was 47 which is half of 95 for some reason). To confirm the theory, I went to another guard with 100 disposition and stole a cuirass worth 90 gold in front of his face. I was once again apprehended. Finally, I grabbed something worth 55 gold. Bounty of 27 and attempted arrest. This leads me to conclude that my previous theory is plausible, unless other evidence can be brought against it. --Tau434 01:41, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
- I managed to pick up steal greaves in the first, second and third try. Mikeyboy52 02:55, 8 June 2010 (UTC)
- I have once again tested the theory. Setting my bounty to 0, I first stole an item worth exactly 45 gold in front of a guard with 100 disposition. He looked the other way. I then proceeded to snatch a pair of steel greaves worth 95 gold. The guard did his "stop right there" and attempted to arrest me (My bounty was 47 which is half of 95 for some reason). To confirm the theory, I went to another guard with 100 disposition and stole a cuirass worth 90 gold in front of his face. I was once again apprehended. Finally, I grabbed something worth 55 gold. Bounty of 27 and attempted arrest. This leads me to conclude that my previous theory is plausible, unless other evidence can be brought against it. --Tau434 01:41, 7 June 2010 (UTC)
Max bounty to pay off?
I play on the ps3 GOTY edition, and for some reason, I can't pay off bounties over 5K gold (i can only go to jail or resist arrest). Is this a glitch, or is it part of the game? — Unsigned comment by MrSensiBob (talk • contribs)
- I'm assuming you have 5,000 gold? --Arch-Mage MattTalk 01:44, 8 June 2010 (UTC)
Lol yeah I have 115,000 gold — Unsigned comment by MrSensiBob (talk • contribs)
- This happens to me, but only if I've resisted arrest before. Mikeyboy52 02:52, 8 June 2010 (UTC)
K..... It also happened to me after I had resisted arrest..... Must be the problem. — Unsigned comment by MrSensiBob (talk • contribs)
- Must be a ps3 problem, if you really want to get rid of it go to jail (If you have vampirism get 100 vampirism and then go to jail so that you dont lose any skills) Arny 10:29, 8 June 2010 (UTC)
Ok, I just went to jail, so I'll see if it works. Thanks for the tip.
Totally had this happen to me today. But I killed the entire skingrad guard and my bounty was like 30000 gold. 11:59, 13 December 2010 (UTC)
5000 is the maximum bounty that you can pay a fine for. I believe it is controlled by the CrimeForceJail global variable, if you are interested. Rtfm92 23:44, 13 January 2011 (UTC)
Max Bounty?
Simply, is there one? Or will the game just keep adding numbers until they go off the screen? I'm working on a 1,000,000 bounty right now but so far I'm only at around 200,000 :)
Equipment in Jail
Can you leave stuff on the ground in a jail cell so you can use it when you are thrown into said jail cell? Barring respawns, that is. -- /\/\oses 01:24, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
I just killed soris arenim in his house with an arrow right as the guard arrested me, and i only had a small tresspassing fine
- did you had a 1 hit kill sneak attack, if so, soris arenim didnt had time to call the guards, so the crime never existed 112jesse 18:57, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Bug Section - Bug Added: NPCs outside of jail
This Bug is listed on the individual quest pages, but when it happened to me I first checked this crime page and could find no reference to it. This seems like an appropriate place to mention it, and for more detailed information the links will take you to the individual quests. --Duke Stevrick 06:06, 15 November 2010 (UTC)
- Oops! OK I did not see the section Other Consequences of Jailtime and now I realize my edit seems like a duplication of information. Perhaps some changes need to be made, either my edit should be undone or a clarification of the info should be made.
- (from the article)
- During your time in jail, it is possible for various quest-related creatures or NPCs who have been following you (sometimes without you realizing it) to catch up with you. These creatures or NPCs will be waiting outside the jail when you are released.
- This implies that it is designed/intentional behavior, when in fact for 3 of the quests it is a known bug. Not only is this listed in the bug sections of the 3 quests, but was also corrected by the UOP. Some of the NPCs are not actually "following you" around so they are not able "to catch up with you" nor are they "waiting outside" but instead are stuck in a limbo whereby they stand around aimlessly and appear at each jail you leave. Though technically it could be said that the Bleak Mine gaurds and Audens Avidius are following you to finish you off, certainly the FG member's are not.
- In my opinion, I think the NPC followers list should be deleted from the above section, Other Consequences of Jailtime, since this is a bug and not a normal "Consequence" of jailtime, and then merged with the list of NPCs down in the Bug section. What do you think? --Duke Stevrick 20:29, 17 November 2010 (UTC)
- OK, thanks for the heads-up, I will go ahead and make the necessary changes. --Duke Stevrick 18:53, 18 November 2010 (UTC)
Jail Break Trick and Hints
At any time you are arrested and share a cell with another prisoner, you can escape. Simply punch the other prisoner and the jailer will open the cell door to stop you. Then you can escape. Remember to go to the evidence chest and retrieve your stuff. Then run and try not to get, caught
Warning: A jailbreak will increase your bounty, however you won't lose your skills.
Hint: You can kill the jailer and take his armor and weapon. You can use these to fight your way to freedom. (Or kill all the guards) — Unsigned comment by Leader (talk • contribs) on 12 December 2010
M'raaj-Dar can act as a fence
Noticed that M'raaj-Dar (dark brotherhood before the purification) wasn't added in the list of people who will buy stolen goods, i've sold stolen goods to him before so he can definitely act as a fence. Could somebody add it as i'm not sure how to please? 04:46, 2 January 2011 (UTC)
- Unfortunately, this shouldn't be true. He has a responsibility of 35, and to buy stolen goods it must be less than 30. I have never been able to fence with him...or I should say sell stolen goods. Fencing must be done through the Thieves Guild. Although others will take your stoeln goods, including the Dark Brotherhood Murderer who takes M'raaj-Dar's place. --DKong27 Talk Cont 05:20, 2 January 2011 (UTC)
I think you should put "Feeding" in the list of crimes, i am almost sure the bounty is 65 gold. By Miguel Corral — Unsigned comment by (talk)
- It counts as assault doesn't it? So it is already on the list. Alpha Kenny Buddy 19:45, 9 January 2011 (UTC)
Multiple unreported crimes leading to game instability?
My questions are ... How many unreported crimes approximatly are enough to cause problems? What instability can be expected?
I'm playing a stealth type Bosmer. He's not a criminal and doesn't belong to any guild, but when he's in a vampire lair, he doesn't wait around for them to attack first. He does what comes naturally. Sneak around and pick them off with ranged poisioned arrows. It's funny, if they die immediately it's not considered assault, or even murder. But if it takes two or more, the counter for assault goes up.
I don't really care about assaults on my record sheet. I have no bounty because these assaults only happen against hostile npc's. But it does bother me if he ends up having pay a fine or go to jail when he's done nothing to deserve that.
So, please how many are we talking about? hundreds? what can i expect in the way of instability? Thanks! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:00 on 14 February 2011 (UTC)
- Can anyone give an approximate guesstimation to this question? 18:38, 16 May 2011 (UTC)
Difference from Morrowind Section
Wouldn't another difference from Morrowind be that the guards will not give you a death warrant when your bounty gets over 5000? In Morrowind, when your bounty reaches that number, you will be forced to pay off your fines through the Thieves Guild. APSX3427 02:15, 10 April 2011 (UTC)
- I'm not sure we need that section at all here, this article is about Oblivion not Morrowind. I'll move it to Oblivion:Oblivion for Morrowind players. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 02:54, 10 April 2011 (UTC)
If one had a dagger which was enchanted to heal more damage then it dealt would it still count as a crime--Candc4 18:24, 19 April 2011 (UTC)
12.84 Years In Prison
So, what would cause that much of a sentence?--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 02:04, 1 May 2011 (UTC)
- I'd assume any combination of crimes adding up to a bounty of 468660 gold. Have fun with that. Shadowrose6663 18:48, 21 May 2011 (UTC)
- Well, the problem is, the highest bounty my character has ever had was somewhere around 20,000.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 15:05, 22 May 2011 (UTC)
More NPCs who show up near jails
Today I was watching my girlfriend play, and the worm thrall Mucianus Alias from the Liberation or Apprehension quest (mage's guild) showed up outside Skingrad jail... now he is wandering around Skingrad. Is the list at the bottom supposed to be comprehensive? It says "includes" but if it is known that there are more, then that should be made more clear. Is there a full list somewhere or could one be created? Have we or could we isolate the problem?
By the way are there any documented cases of this where it could break quests? Are there any fixes or workarounds to this relatively minor (and sometimes hilarious) bug? (other than UOP) Cultist O 05:49, 24 May 2011 (UTC)
- I think it just documents those that it happens to to many different people, a bunch of people come in and have it happen with 1 person but only the ones that happen a lot and definetely those under certain, reproducable circumstances. Just chalk it up to one of those things that makes Oblivion Oblivion!--Catmaniac66 06:01, 24 May 2011 (UTC)
Unable to pay doyens to take care of bounty
Any body else have this problem? I've paid Armand and S'krivva many times to take care of my bounty in the past (which routinely goes 30,000+) with no problem. Now the option won't come up at all, all I get is "I'll work my problems out on my own". I haven't done it in awhile though, and with the Thieves Guild being the first quests I completed, I've probably become the Grey Fox, a vampire, Arch-Mage, etc since then. I've tried showing up at S'krivva and Christophe at midnight, and all other hours of the day, and every time it's the same. I've noticed that Armonde no longer appears at Dareloth's Garden at midnight, instead he hangs out in Dareloth's house (top of the stairs, outside the Grandmaster's Quarters), and leaves at midnight to go back to his house (where he's still unapproachable). This normally wouldn't bother me, as I'm sure I can console-remove my bounty... it's just that the only Daedric quest I have before Mora is Sanquine, which requires me to charm/ talk to the guard in order to get into the party. Hard to do when you've got the blood of countless guards on your hands.
Guess I'll find a work around, but was just wondering if this has happened to anyone, or is just a random glitch. Thanks guys 06:07, 6 June 2011 (UTC)
- Do you wear the cowl when speaking to them?112jesse 19:00, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Dahlia Rackham also stands outside prisons after I serve time in Jail
She is added by the thieves den plugin and everytime I've been to jail, she's been outside when I get out, and proceeds to walk away (presumably back towards Anvil). This even happened on very old saves, so it is definitely repeatable. I've completed the thieves den quest too. If no one else can confirm I'll ask someone on the forums to recreate it before someone adds it to the list. I'm on xbox btw. dtm 02:29, 19 July 2011 (UTC)
Section about loosing skills is a bit misleading
"The selected skill will be permanently lowered by one point (...). This reduction is not a Damage Skill effect that can be repaired by a Restore Skill spell (none are available anyway) or even by activating an altar in a chapel: it is truly permanent."
I found this section a bit misleading. As I understand "truly permanent", there is no possibility to regain your loss, e.g. if your Blade skill is 100 and it has been lowered from serving time in jail, it get's 99 and you are never able to get it back to 100 (loosing Master perk in a process). But as far as I know, this is not true. If you happen to lower skill from 100 to 99, all you have to do is train it back to 100. So your loss isn't that permanent after all. -- 00:25, 22 July 2011 (UTC)
Guards coming for me with a bounty below 500
I'm currently playing on PS3 and only just discovered this in the article:
"Unless your bounty is 500 gold or higher, guards won't try to arrest you until you get their attention by speaking to them. However, they will still arrest you if they catch you committing a crime in the act (e.g. if you assault someone, and they are at the scene, they will arrest you even though your bounty is far less than 500 gold). As long as you have a bounty, speaking to a guard will result in being arrested."
I just killed someone in their house (Bravil) in 2 hits. I had a bounty of 40 (for assault alone as they obviously couldn't report their own murder) and reading this I headed outside. A guard ran up the stairs and arrested me.
Now, why did this happen if they're not supposed to come at me with a bounty below 500? He couldn't have heard me do the deed otherwise I would have had the murder fine tacked on too (it was only 40 I had to pay). Thanks in advance for help. Is this just unpatched on PS3 or something? I've never had any occasion where I've not had guards come after me, no matter how small my bounty. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:46 on 26 August 2011 (UTC)
- The guard was most likely alerted at the first strike, hence the common nickname "psychic guards". This has definitely nothing to do with your PS3 version, it's a common pain. While I myself don't know when and where a guard gets alerted of my crimes, I can tell you that it's hard to kill someone in their house without getting a bounty, in fact, I think you can only get away with it if you were to kill them as part of a quest. I think you should be grateful you only got a bounty for assault! ~ Dwarfmp 03:05, 27 August 2011 (UTC)
NPCs are piling up outside of jail...
Ontop of the three Fighter's Guild goons, now a Pirate (which everyone instantly attacked), some wood elfs, an imperial, and a nord appear outside of jail. I admit it was entertaining to see everyone, then they all turned on the Pirate at once. It's the male non-redguard Pirate from the Marie Elena...though I believe they turned on him because having killed their captain (yet I only slew the pirates in the cabin), any time they see me they go into outrage. So that's likely what happened here but...why are so many appearing outside of jail? Might have a town before I know it...TVthePunisher 04:44, 30 August 2011 (UTC)
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