Fame is a player-only attribute that measures how well known your heroism is among the general population of Cyrodiil. At the beginning of the game, it is zero, and a limit only exists in how many quests award Fame. You can increase your Fame by helping others or by completing quests in a virtuous manner.
Infamy is the counterpart to Fame and measures how notorious a character is for their misdeeds. The miscellaneous statistics menu records both your Fame and Infamy. Neither attribute can be gained in the Shivering Isles.
What Fame AffectsEdit
- Fame increases NPCs' disposition: disposition increases by 3 points for every 10 points of Fame. This disposition increase is capped at +20 (reached at a Fame of 67). Further increases in Fame will not have any further effects on disposition (even if you have Infamy points). The benefits of increased disposition are detailed in the article on Disposition.
- Certain quests and activities have a minimum Fame requirement:
- 5 Fame to start the quest Order of the Virtuous Blood.
- 10 Fame to start the quest Lifting the Vale.
- 12 Fame to purchase Arborwatch in Chorrol and 15 Fame to purchase Rosethorn Hall in Skingrad, the two most expensive houses.
- To receive Master Training in the Blade skill, your Fame or Infamy must be at least 20.
- Altars of the Nine Divines cannot be activated unless your Infamy is less than your Fame. Wayshrines can be activated if your Fame is less than your Infamy, but each wayshrine can only be activated once per Fame point (unless the Knights of the Nine official download has been installed).
- Each Heaven Stone will only grant you its unique Greater Power once you have reached sufficient renown (combined Fame and Infamy, ranging from 10 to 70 depending on the stone).
Gaining FameEdit
You can earn 198 points of Fame, consisting of 103 for completing quests, 64 for closing Oblivion gates, and
Main QuestEdit
Quest | Fame | Unofficial Oblivion Patch |
Deliver the Amulet | 1 | |
Breaking the Siege of Kvatch | 1 | |
The Battle for Castle Kvatch | 1 | |
Weynon Priory | 1 | |
The Path of Dawn | 1 | |
Dagon Shrine | 1 | |
Spies | 1 | |
Blood of the Daedra | 0 | 1 |
Bruma Gate | 1 | |
Allies for Bruma | 7 or fewer | |
The Wayward Knight | 2 or fewer | |
Blood of the Divines | 0 | 2 |
Miscarcand | 2 | |
Defense of Bruma | 1 | |
Great Gate | 2 | |
Paradise | 0 | 2 |
Light the Dragonfires | 3 | |
Total | 16 to 25 | 21 to 30 |
- In some of these quests, you have to close Oblivion Gates. Closing them awards extra Fame, which this table does not factor in. The Oblivion Gates section below explains how much extra Fame you can receive.
- In Allies for Bruma, you gain +1 Fame for each city that sends aid to Bruma.
- In The Wayward Knight, you gain +2 Fame if Farwil Indarys escapes the Plane of Oblivion alive. If he dies, you gain +1 Fame, or if you kill him, nothing.
Total Fame: 25 (including all optional quests and excluding closed Oblivion Gates).
Fighters GuildEdit
Completing each Fighters Guild quest awards +1 Fame, except for the last three duties from Modryn Oreyn (Information Gathering, Infiltration, and The Hist), which offer no Fame.
Total Fame: 16
Mages GuildEdit
Completing Mages Guild quests mostly results in gaining +1 Fame for each. There are some exceptions:
- In Fingers of the Mountain, you can gain +1 (Earana) or +2 (Teekeeus) Fame, depending on whom you return the book to.
- Completing Join the Mages Guild awards +1 Fame.
- Completing A Mage's Staff awards +2 Fame.
- Completing Confront the King awards +3 Fame.
Total Fame: 23
You earn +1 Fame for each match before the Champion match and +10 Fame when you become Grand Champion.
Total Fame: 31
Daedric QuestsEdit
Acquiring any artifact from the Daedric Princes (except Namira) awards +1 Fame.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.1.0, adds +1 Fame for acquiring the Ring of Namira.
Total Fame: 14
Oblivion GatesEdit
Closing each Oblivion gate (random or fixed) awards either +1 or +2 Fame. Random Oblivion gates (of which there can be up to forty) will always award +1 Fame for taking the Sigil Stone. Although some Planes of Oblivion may contain two gates (i.e., Random Oblivion World 5 and Random Oblivion World 6), you still only gain +1 Fame per Sigil Stone.
Ten fixed Oblivion gates award Fame differently.
- The Great Gate does not award any Fame.
- The Kvatch, Fort Sutch, and Bruma gates award +1 Fame each when you take their Sigil Stone.
- The Cheydinhal gate awards +1 Fame after the gate is closed (when you appear back in Tamriel).
- The Anvil, Bravil, Chorrol, Leyawiin, and Skingrad gates award +2 Fame each (+1 for the Sigil Stone, as usual, and +1 after the gate is closed).
Total Fame: 64
Miscellaneous QuestsEdit
Most of these quests award Fame no matter how you complete the quest. However, in some cases, you can receive Fame or Infamy, depending on your choices during the quest. Typically, you gain Infamy when quest NPCs die unnecessarily or prematurely. The notes in the table below indicate those quests where receiving Fame is not guaranteed. Full details are available on the individual quest pages.
Total Fame: 25
- Wearing the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal hides your character's identity under the guise of the Gray Fox. Any Fame, Infamy, or bounties you gain while wearing the Cowl will be attributed to the Gray Fox, not your character. Remove the Cowl during quests if you want your character to build up Fame.
- Significant increases in Fame will occur if you use the Frostcrag Spire Glitch to obtain Sigil Stones. You will gain +1 Fame for each Sigil Stone obtained.
- You cannot remove Fame without console commands, so if you desire Infamy, avoid the quests listed above or complete them the infamous way.
- Origin of the Gray Prince was supposed to award +1 Fame but does not due to a scripting error.
- The Unofficial Oblivion Patch, version 3.3.6, fixes this bug.