This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Thieves Guild discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links. |
Amusei wont show up
I talked to a beggar and he told me to go to the garden but i cant join because amusei isnt there ive looked for him and found him in the layawein dungeons any suggestions — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 24 June 2009 - - Hello! Uh, had he been arrested for stealing a fish or for trying to fence the Countess' ring? Depending on the charge you help him out. Check his list of topics to find the right method needed. LSD1. Leo Star Dragon 1 08:20, 10 January 2010 (UTC)
It is a serious bug that occurs if you pick the lock at the last cell at the Leyawiin dungeon before the Thives Guild quest Ahdarji's Heirloom. After you pick the lock, when you exit the dungeon, Amusei will permanently relocate to cell that you picked the lock. A workaround is to use Command Humanoid at Amusei and lead him by foot to the Waterfront. --Rigas Papadopoulos 13:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)
Dark Brotherhood Murderer is a real fence for me
The article states that only official Thieves Guild fences can be used to complete the Independent Thievery quest, and that others don't add to the Amount Fenced total. This is definitely not true in my game--I successfully completed the entire questline in two different playthroughs without selling a single item to an official fence. Instead, I sold thousands in stolen goods to the Dark Brotherhood Murderer before ever even joining the Thieves Guild, and this was sufficient (the Amount Fenced that displays when talking to fences did, indeed, display the amount I'd sold to the Murderer). This is incredibly helpful IMO, since it allows you to complete the "fence" part of the Thieves Guild questline long before even touching the Thieves Guild (if you do the Dark Brotherhood questline first).
I'm on the PC, and have no plug-ins or patches installed other than the Shivering Isles expansion.
Shashakiro 19:25, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
- That doesn't seem likely. An NPC must be have the Thieves Guild Fence class to act as a fence, and the DBM doesn't. Are you sure you weren't running a mod that affected this aspect of the game? –rpeh•T•C•E• 20:05, 27 July 2009 (UTC)
- I'm absolutely certain that I have never installed or downloaded any mods, patches, plug-ins, or anything of the sort, and that this was true both before AND after I installed SI, as I had two playthroughs where I did this, one without SI and one with SI. I do have the version that has the ESRB re-rating of "M" as opposed to an earlier one, if that's relevant. Shashakiro 17:05, 31 July 2009 (UTC)
- Hi! Hmm. That "trick" I suppose it is, has worked for me as well. So does selling stolen items to Maulhand in the "Inn of Ill Omen", including his own inventory items that I've stolen as well as the decor, et cetera, in the inn itself. Sometimes I've encountered the glitch with having fenced more than required, but more often than not, it has only helped me to speed through the quests without having to wait to get them. I hope that helps. Leo Star Dragon 1 08:37, 10 January 2010 (UTC)
- Okay, I've been playing this a lot, and by now I don't think it is a "glitch" in the intended context, but an oversite on behalf of those who informed this site about the fencing rules. On the other hand, I do have lots of mods including one that allows the man in black by the horse stables to buy stolen goods, "Shady Sam" is his name I think. But I've not always had that mod, mind you. Leo Star Dragon 1 02:29, 24 June 2011 (UTC)
Second mission for the grey fox
I did the 1st mission on my PS3. I than fenced 1400 worth of stuff. And i got the message for the arrow quest and i go to the house in Chorrel and it says he is there but he isnt. I tried getting kicked out of the guild and paying the blood money but he still wont show up. What am i to do— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 10 January 2010
Glass of Time
I just activated the glass of time twice is this a problem ? Also what quest is it used for--TheAlbinoOrc 13:35, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
- It's used for The Ultimate Heist (although there's a bug). Activating it twice shouldn't matter. rpeh •T•C•E• 13:45, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
- That's a relief I thought it might do something like that one door in the temple of the ancestor moths. Thanks!!--TheAlbinoOrc 15:07, 11 February 2010 (UTC)
Ultimate Heist-- Can't Start The Quest.
So, I fenced over 1000 gold-- to be precise, I've fenced about 5000. Amusei never showed up to give me my next assignment, so I took advice from another user and typed in 'setstage tgstolengoods 115' and then 'setstage tg11heist 10'. I got the message that I should meet the Grey Fox. Problem is, I can't find him. The house I'm supposed to meet him in is locked.
How can I fix this, if I can at all....? Help is appreciated.
- Pull up the console and use the command coc "Cell Name" this will put you in the cell, then coc to another cell.--TheAlbinoOrc 19:44, 19 February 2010 (UTC)
Is it worth adding albert jamane in the list of members/former members — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 25 February 2010
- The members section listed all NPCs part of the Thieves Guild faction. It is to do with quests, dialogue options and disposition multipliers so adding an NPC that doesn't even appear in-game isn't necessary. --SerCenKing Talk 08:29, 25 February 2010 (UTC)
Independent Thievery and topic bug with the Grey Fox
So, I had the same bug as the person who said Amusei would never show up to give the message to get the Ultimate Heist quest (had like 4000 gold fenced), In fact, it would never say that I reached 1000 gold. So i typed 'setstage tgstolengoods 115' and then 'setstage tg11heist 10'. I got the message that I should meet the Grey Fox. For me the house wasn't locked, but when I go in, they Grey Fox is here and only as two topics "Rumors" and "About the Thieves Guild", so I can't start the quest. Weird thing is that when I typed 'setstage tg11heist 10', I got the message I should talk to the Grey Fox, but the map marker is pointing on the Imperial Palace, like I shoudl already get in there.
I did this quest with others char, so I assume this is the "too much money to the fences" bug, still I wonder if there is no relation with the "Thieves Arsenal" mod I installed at the period I got that bug. If someone has a solution, please let me know! — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 8 April 2010
- (moved from the article)
Over the course of the Thieves Guild Quest line a document can be found in each quest revealing the history of the mysterious Gray Fox. If you manage to piece together these puzzles you may reach some interesting conclusions...
- Most of the documents you find have nothing to do with the GF. The only one that actually mentions him is the Diary of Springheel Jak, although Instructions: the Gray Cowl obviously mentions the cowl. rpeh •T•C•E• 11:03, 18 April 2010 (UTC)
- hmm...i think that it may be a joke...or the person who put it there never read the books--GUM!!! 12:40, 21 April 2010 (UTC)
- Actualy many of the the documents found are connected to the lore of the Gray Fox and the questline in general. I came to this talk page asking if there existed a list of them (to make sure I got them all), as the quest pages don't have them all (Fragment: Song of Hrormir is not mentioned on the Misdirection page, but it mentions Nocturnal and her stolen cowl).
- The ones I know of are Oblivion:Divining the Elder Scolls, the Fragment, the Lost Histories of Tamriel itself, Instructions: the Gray Cowl, and Diary of Springheel Jak. ~TrentR 01:55, 5 March 2011 (UTC)
Orc Thieves
Despite the fact that the nearly identical comment at Oblivion:Mages Guild that there are no Orcs in the Mages Guild has not been removed the one here has (twice in fact see above). While I don't particularly care about it I do think that there should be continuity, so what if any consensus has been reached about this ?--TheAlbinoOrc 02:30, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- Everyone on the IC Waterfront is in the guild on the CS and there is the Orc in the Bloated Float so I don't know.--Corevette789 02:43, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- As rpeh said, there's no point in documenting what isn't. A user can simply browse through the members section and deduce the fact that there aren't any Orcs. In case you didn't notice, the sentence was removed from the MG page too. --SerCenKing Talk 18:52, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- I just don't see the point in noting this. You're absolutely right that the MG and TG pages should be consistent, but I think the final result should be to list it on neither page rather than both. rpeh •T•C•E• 19:43, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- Incidentally, apologies for not having checked the talk page. It's always a good idea to mention in the ES if you're commenting further, though. rpeh •T•C•E• 19:45, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- Looking at this from a slightly different perspective, I find the lack of Orcs an interesting tidbit, but probably not all that notable in its own right and would remove it on those grounds as well. ‒ Robin Hood↝Talk 20:18, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- Okay, makes sense. As for mentioning in the edit summary, I thought I had, but that's what I get for doing this in the middle of the night. And I didn't see that on the Mages Guild page next time I do something like this I'll add both pages to my watchlist.--TheAlbinoOrc 21:03, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- Looking at this from a slightly different perspective, I find the lack of Orcs an interesting tidbit, but probably not all that notable in its own right and would remove it on those grounds as well. ‒ Robin Hood↝Talk 20:18, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- Incidentally, apologies for not having checked the talk page. It's always a good idea to mention in the ES if you're commenting further, though. rpeh •T•C•E• 19:45, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- I just don't see the point in noting this. You're absolutely right that the MG and TG pages should be consistent, but I think the final result should be to list it on neither page rather than both. rpeh •T•C•E• 19:43, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
- As rpeh said, there's no point in documenting what isn't. A user can simply browse through the members section and deduce the fact that there aren't any Orcs. In case you didn't notice, the sentence was removed from the MG page too. --SerCenKing Talk 18:52, 19 April 2010 (UTC)
Methredhel Lythandas?
- (moved from the article)
- Upon completion of the thieves guild when you are in Dareloth's basement, thieves guild member Methredhel will sometimes talk to you as Tivela Lythandas. This will occur if you have begun, but not finished the quest 'A Brush With Death.' She will say 'You have returned. But where is Rythe?' To avoid this glitch, simply finish the quest before you become the Grey Fox.
- This seems incredibly unlikely. That line of dialogue is only spoken by Tivela Lythandas so I don't see any way that Methredhel could possible say it. It seems more probably that somebody mistook one NPC for another or that it was a one-off. rpeh •T•C•E• 06:57, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
No, no. Nobody mistook an NPC for another. It just came from Carwen's mouth and I have the game paused with her name there. Clearly, no other female NPCs in sight. I am in the Dareloth basement. I'm a completely different person than who you replied to. I actually came here out of confusion, since I remembered that Rythe was the painter and wondered what Carwen had to do in all this. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:50 on 18 December 2010 (UTC)
To add some input of my own here, I've been getting the exact same glitch, but I never even started that quest before becoming the gray fox, and for that matter, I still havent started it. It seems like someone screwed up and somehow that line got into the wrong NPC.
Problem paying Bloodprice to Armand
Uhm, i got attacked on the 'arrow of extrication'-mission, so i eventually had to kill the guy and got kicked out of the guild, now every time i try to pay the bloodprice armand just says: 'Are you here to pay the bloodprice' then in the upperleft corner my bloodprice of thousand gold pieces appears and the conversation just.. stops..
No-one else having this problem? cuz i'm stuck :P
Thanks in advance — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 17 May 2010
- It looks like you've found a rather nasty bug. All the other blood price quests show two options, one allowing you to pay the price and the other postponing it. This one doesn't have those options. If you're on the PC, install the UOP, which fixes the problem, or enter the following console commands:
SetStage TG09Arrow 39
SetStage TG09BloodPrice 95
Set TG09Arrow.TotalDead to 0
- I'll add a note to the page now. rpeh •T•C•E• 17:36, 17 May 2010 (UTC)
Hey, I've got this problem too and I wasn't even doing a quest for the Thieves Guild yet. Instead I was doing a Mages Guild quest and I got expelled for killing that certain mage, even though it was just a coincidence thanks to Dark Brotherhood problems and ambushes from the Mythic Dawn all happening at once. For the Thieves Guild I've just completed "Misdirection" and I did the Console Cheat for "Cast Out of the Thieves Guild" prematurely because it didn't apply to "Blood Price". Resurrecting that mage didn't reset any stages either. By the way, I did the "Dark Brotherhood", butt-backwards, because of a certain chest under a bridge. I found it ahead of time and it got me into those quests, so I was the Listener when I killed Rufio later on. I got demoted as I did the quests up until the family needed killing and the house was changed of course, so I had to add the family matron in to start and finish that questline. Then I used the Console to repromote back up to Listener. As for the Thieves Guild quests, I didn't skip any promotions when that incident triggered the "Blood Price" quest, much to my relief! Whew! So now I'm hoping that playing on through in the correct order until I catch up to that stage will fix this for me. If not, then I'm glad that Rpeh provided the solution needed, I hope, so thanks! By the way, in the Russuan version of this Wiki, that I went to before I found this one, they included a quest that this site refuse at the time, to include. It's a quest that keeps track of the locations of the Beggars. It would help with that Master Trainer quest as well as with seeking information. But it is one fo those that requires a Console Command to "complete" it. But if you do that, you won't have green arrows showing where the Beggars are on your maps. (As opposed to "green lanterns" or "green hornets"?!) Maybe that unknown or secret quest affects related faction quests in a way not yet known? Hmm. Leo Star Dragon 1 02:48, 24 June 2011 (UTC)
Methredel has vanished from tamriel!!
Hello i got a big problem with methredel i have just fenced over 600 gold to orrin(not much over 600) and i got the message to go wait in the imperial city so i go there and sleep for 24 hours and that bosmer woman will not show up!! so looking on the internet see i can start the quest myself by going to find her.......only thing is shes gone shes nowhere to be found last i saw her was in a fellow thieves house on the misdirection quest when lex and his buddys were on the waterfront. shes not there infact shes nowhere its as if shes vanished from tamriel altogether. on my other character who is not in the thieves guild atall shes still in the city though. any help to make her show up or locate her would be cool thanks!!
Last Quest But The Grey Fox Says To Take Care Of My Problems With The Guild...
I'm on the last quest; I've gotten the message from the messenger in the imperial city. I went to start the quest by speaking with the grey fox and he tells me I need to take care of my problems with the guild first, I've spoken with both doyens and none offer any kind of blood price or anything, they just speak as if any other NPC. I'm using the GOTY edition on the Xbox 360, How do I resolve this problem? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 3 June 2010
Can Anyone Confirm?
I moved this:* Bug in which no matter who you steal from, you can get the "Cast out of guild" quest. The reason is unknown, and it seems to be a rare bug, a fix would be appreciated. from the main page right after GUM removed it just to check and see if somebody other than the original poster has noticed this.--TheAlbinoOrcGot_a_question? 18:25, 25 June 2010 (UTC)
Any advice?
i just finished the quest where you kill Springheal Jak...but the Gray Fox wont leave the house in cheydenhall and im not getting the message that i have to fence 1000 gold...i have oblivion for the 360 and im open to suggestions
I have that problem too. I spent about a month trying to fix it, and i couldnt figure anything out. Im on xbox 360 so i cant do any of that fancy console command stuff. I was super angry becuase i wanted the Cowl of Nocturnal. I guess the only way to fix it is load an earlier save or start a new game- if you you just want to beat it so you can get the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal then you can just steal the cowl from the Gray fox. He should be in Ganredhel's house in Cheydinhal. its next door to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Look up "Oblivion: Gray Cowl of Nocturnal" on the UESP. It works great!
Amount Fenced
I have encountered the issue of Fathis Aren being stuck in Chorro because I did not give him the Honorblade of Chorrol when completing the quest Sins of the Father (I gave it to Laythe Wavrick, Herald to the Countess of Chorrol). And he won't talk to me other than to tell me that I made my decision so get lost. I have read the various comments from the various locations here on this site and am trying to find a work around. One problem I have is not knowing exactly the amount I have been credited with fencing so far. A console suggestion would be appreciated, or a console command that would simply force a trigger on the quest stage. I have tried selling stolen goods at the Inn of Ill Omen but not sure if I can easily come up with what I estimate is about 80 septims of food and drink items to push me over the 800 threshold required to trigger the visit from Amusei (so I can start the quest Boots of Springheel Jak assuming that the amount fenced is why he has not shown up). I would prefer not to install a patch at this time so if anyone can suggest a console force I would be grateful. — Unsigned comment by Mgntml (talk • contribs) on 23 August 2010
- I apologize for not posting in the right section I hope someone will fix that or simply delete my post. I have gone back to Orrin and sold to him and got the message regarding the "amount fenced" 770. But it obviously was not counting the non-stolen items because I sold him over 500 worth of goods just before that message. — Unsigned comment by Mgntml (talk • contribs) on 23 August 2010
help with ultimate heist
I completed the quest where you get the boots of Springheel Jack, but "independent thievery" is the only thieves guild related quest I have, and it keeps telling me that I have indeed fenced 800 gold worth of items, and need to wait for a guild representative to give me a message. In my "completed quests" it registers that I gave the boots to the Gray Fox and completed that quest, but "independent thievery" wont tell me that I need to or have already fenced 1000 gold, which is the prerequisite to "the ultimate heist," or so I have read on the Oblivion wiki. How do i fix this without a previous save (I no longer have one to use), or will i have to start a new character?
(Xbox 360--no expansions)
- I too am having this problem except I completed Savilla's stone yet it still shows the 600 gold fenced sign saying i should wait to be contacted by the grey fox...-- 20:33, 9 October 2010 (UTC)
- I'm also having this problem with the 800 gold. I've never figured out how to fix although i've spent about a month trying.
- I had the same problem. I pretty sure that theres no way to fix though. If you mainly want to beat it so you can get cowl of nocturnal then theres another way to get it; Go to where the Gray Fox is. He'll be wherever you last met him. So if you just did boots of springheel jack he'll be at Ganredhel's house in Cheydinhal. It's right next door to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. Then use the permanent bound item glitch( and reverse pickpocket the helm into his inventory. Then hit him once(you'll get kicked out of the Thieves Guild, but it's only 200 gold to get back in) and then he'll put on the bound helmet to fight you. Yield him and he'll stop, and he usually doesnt alert the guards. Then since he's not wearing the cowl of nocturnal, you'll be able to pickpocket it. It works just as good as beating the Theives guild.
- How does that work? I thought you can't reverse pickpocket someone if the item was in a container of whatever. Oh, I'm also having this problem. I have pretty low magika and I am level 14.
- Bound Armor has a weight of zero, therefore if you can glitch it so it will be unequipped, as detailed in the link provided, you could put it on The Fox and he will equip it. As for taking The Cowl off of him, you can take weight off of a NPC...although the heavier the object the harder to steal.--Corevette789 22:52, 22 January 2011 (UTC)
Message for "independent thievery" not showing up!
"after the arrow of ectrication" the message for "independent thievery" did not show up! So i fenced 800 gold anyway (even though i knew it wouldn't make a difference) and nobody showed up... i cannot use consle commands as i am on xbox 360. What can i do to make the "independent thievery" message show up?
-help please :0 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:12 on 12 October 2010
- On an XBox or PS3, usually the only way to solve issues like this is to load an earlier game and try again. – Robin Hood↝talk 05:58, 13 October 2010 (UTC)
- On Xbox 360, success in voiding this glitch was attained by restarting the system, loading a previous save (before the arrowhead was given to the Gray Fox), and fast traveling to the Talos Plaza District in Imperial City (price was payed before). After waiting for two days, the quest updated, giving the option for the 800 gold. After waiting another two days, the quest updated stating that the price was payed. A final day of waiting allowed for Amusei to show and begin the quest. (6:47, 25 March 2011 (PST))
Theft Help
I just want to know, if a steal, say, a minor soul gem from a random house in burma, will it restore itself, when the cell resets? Or can you run out of stuff to steal? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 6 November 2010
(moved from the article)
- If you fence enough money, you can talk to Methredhel, giving you the location of the Gray Fox for a quest before doing any quests.
- This was added as a bug, but I have absolutely no idea what it's talking about. Anybody? rpeh •T•C•E• 09:46, 21 November 2010 (UTC)
- Quest skipping through fencing.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 17:20, 21 November 2010 (UTC)
- Fencing enough allows you to skip most of the guild quests and go straight to the Gray Fox.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 17:36, 21 November 2010 (UTC)
- Just clarifying what they meant. I've never seen it.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 18:01, 21 November 2010 (UTC)
Ahjidaris (lol. Can't remember name) Airloom problem. The countess has INSOMNIA!!!!!!
When I started the quest, I found out I had killed most of the beggars in the city. So I couldn't ask them for help. I found the people I'm meant to see, I went into the countess's quarter (even through the secret room) At the right time, when she is supposed to be asleep! All she does is walk around.....I can't find the assistant lady.......Please help.... (btw Xbox 360 version)
(btw I looked in her jewelery box)
Freaking Amusei!
I've finished the arrow of extrication quest and that was all good, except the independent thievery quest hasn't updated since 600. I've fenced a little over 800 now and I've gone to see Amusei sooo many times but he just acts normal. So I tried breaking into the house of Jakben and either no one is there or he's not got the boots on him. He pretty much just seems pissed off and tells me to get out of his house. The Imbel Geneology is not where it's meant to be either. I'm on xbox360 so can't type in things and I've spent ages trying to work this out. If anyone knows any fixes, please help! Thanks!
- I think this bug is mentioned on the Boots of Springheel Jak page, try looking there.--Catmaniac66 04:31, 14 January 2011 (UTC)
— Thanks but I tried all of that pre-post
Thieves Guild merchants. Can I move them to the guild hall?
I was wondering......Could I move a thieves guild merchant (for example, Ongar, the world weary) with a command humanoid spell move him to the guild halls without him walking back?G-Raffe 10:09, 19 January 2011 (UTC)
- Nope. His normal schedule would eventually take over again and he'd walk back to Bruma. rpeh •T•C•E• 13:49, 19 January 2011 (UTC)
What about the other fences?G-Raffe 21:37, 19 January 2011 (UTC)
- I'm afraid the same goes for the other fences, and there is not really a way to move them without them moving back eventually. KrazorM 21:46, 19 January 2011 (UTC)
That's stupid. What kind of guild hall doesn't have a Fence?
- I for one am really disappointed with the Theives Guild hall in general. I think Bethseda could have done alot more with it, however, the gray cowl is pretty awesome Western3589 06:10, 20 January 2011 (UTC)
If you became arch-mage BEFORE the quest where you have to steal the ice staff...what would happen?G-Raffe 04:07, 21 January 2011 (UTC)
Boots of Springheel Jak bug
So I got the boots, and went to the GF, I accidentally hit the other option, to learn the lore of the Gray Fox. Now Im stuck with the 'I learned that the Gray Fox is not immortal: boots of springheel jak' questline, and whenever I talk to the GF, he says 'Not now I need to think', note: I am on the xbox 360. I have over 1000 gold fenced. — Unsigned comment by, February 14, 2011 (talk • contribs)
- As it says on the quest page:
- At the end of the quest, after retrieving the boots, do not discuss the diary entry or the Imbel Family Tree (if you stole it from Jak's desk) with the Gray Fox until after you've turned in the boots for your reward. It will glitch the quest, making it impossible to finish. The Gray Fox will simply stand there saying "Not now. I need to think" when you try and talk to him. You can fix this glitch by typing setstage TG10Boots 50 in the command line, in order for the quest to finish. Once you've fenced 1000 gold, the next and final quest will be enabled.
- Please read the appropriate articles. --DKong27 Talk Cont 01:49, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
- If you really want us to verify it: you HAVE to reload a previous save. If you haven't left the house yet, you should have an autosave (unless Xbox versions don't autosave on entering cells). If you don't have a previous save you can use, there may be something you can do in order to make the TG questline make sense. Assuming you have played through the whole questline before (so I'm not handing you spoilers), you should check this out. Good luck. ~ Dwarfmp 08:53, 15 February 2011 (UTC)
Cant Fence any goods
I have joined the theives guild and stolen alot of things and every time i go to fence them he will buy them but then the amount fenced thing always says i have sold 0 gold. please help — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:43 on March 17, 2011
Fathis Aren
I can't seem to find him at his fence location ever i waited for a full day one hour at a time what is wrong. Candc4 03:19, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
- Fathis Aren is not a fence. You sure you shouldn't be looking for Fathis Ules? If, however, you just got the header wrong, look through Fathis Ules' bugs section, especially the second bug, describing how he can be stuck inside Dul gro-Shug's house. --Krusty 06:24, 3 April 2011 (UTC)
i need help
ive heard that u can not find the stranger if u have not completed the quests before that quest so i went and looked at my jornal and remembered that i finneshed the temple of moths mission but i did not take the thing to the gray fox instead i found a begger and asked him about the temple of moths he told me the info. so in my jornal it says the quests in order but at the end it says what the begger told me, and now i cant find the stranger any where i finnished the mission but i dont think the game reconised that. and im sure i finnished all the other missions
- Did you try the quest page for the quest you are doing? Datacaust 04:57, 23 April 2011 (UTC)
yes and it said the stranger will not appear if u have not finnished the previous missions i think
Moved note
- The Legion Commanders chest in Imperial Legion Offices can contain up to 6 pieces of armor and weapons, some of which can be enchanted.
I added this, I may have messed up some facts or something though. At level 9 I got about 2-3 thousand gold total from the chest (just to give an example) and got a pair of greaves enchanted with spell absorbtion, which was worth about 6k, although this doesnt matter much either with seller gold being limited. I still feel it should go into the article though, especially if Roland Jensiric's house gets mention when it actually doesnt have anywhere close to 500 in it...--Catmaniac66 17:30, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
- If we were to start adding information like this about every location in the game plus the other games on this site the amount of data that could be compiled would be MASSIVE. This information would only be of use to people interested in burglary and is more of a roleplaying idea really, which we don't document here. There is already maps of all locations that give details on the types of loot available. Feel free to develop your ideas on a user space or on the forums. Datacaust 18:40, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
- Im not adding random information, Im adding something that has the potential to have more gold in it than any of the other choices. I just gave examples to show that it can be the best method. At Higher levels you can get 10k. If a cabin with a flawless diamond worth 100 and thats it gets mentioned, there is no way the chest shouldnt get mentioned. In the Permanent Retirement page it gets a mentioned and you dont even need to steal from it, why should it not go here?--Catmaniac66 19:03, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
- The chest is mentioned on Imperial Legion Offices which is where it should be mentioned. I'm not against you here, I'm just letting you know what's up. Datacaust 19:15, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
- Yeah, I seem a little snappy right now. It got reverted all of once, it might be for incorrect information, Im gonna find the stats on it and re add it. And Im going to remove the cabin, it has absolutely nothing of value besides the diamond. And not to seem even more snappy, but every other option really is mentioned on their pages AND here, so thats not really a good reason to boot it.--Catmaniac66 19:27, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
- One thing you've definitely drawn attention to is how terrible and opinion based the tips section is and they usually are. Datacaust 19:35, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
- Its not terrible or opinionated, those places generally have the best loot. Its just one really good option wasnt included and one really bad option was. I went bold and removed the cabin, someone added it back in but didnt remove mine. If the cabin is gonna be in there I fixed the numbers, since you dont get more than 200 gold from there. The Diamond is the only thing worth over 10 gold that isnt random. I also used my sandbox to add a bunch of more exact figure (I have the exact figures, I just didnt feel that would be worth it, so I added estimates that were closer to the truth (poor drakelowe said "over 1000" when its 4264)...--Catmaniac66 20:13, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
- One thing you've definitely drawn attention to is how terrible and opinion based the tips section is and they usually are. Datacaust 19:35, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
- Yeah, I seem a little snappy right now. It got reverted all of once, it might be for incorrect information, Im gonna find the stats on it and re add it. And Im going to remove the cabin, it has absolutely nothing of value besides the diamond. And not to seem even more snappy, but every other option really is mentioned on their pages AND here, so thats not really a good reason to boot it.--Catmaniac66 19:27, 24 April 2011 (UTC)
Quest not showing.
So i'm just a shadowfoot in the thieves guild and I just finished all of Skrivva's missions. Now I'm waiting for the gray fox's messenger to show up, but when i went into somebodys house in the imperial city i found the boots of springheel jak and now i have a mission to go to the gray fox's house in Cheydinhal, but now the gray fox's messenger's mission has disappeared and I've already skipped two of the gray fox's missions. WHAT DO I DO!!!??? 8:40 P.M.-June 18,2011 Posted by Skylord30. — Unsigned comment by (talk)
- To date, the only reliable solution to this bug is to load a previous save from before you picked up the Boots and then simply avoid them until the appropriate quest is available. Dlarsh(T,C) 02:53, 19 June 2011 (UTC)
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