This page lists both labeled and unlabeled bodies of water (lakes, rivers, and seas) seen throughout Tamriel.
- Abecean Sea — A pirate-ridden sea within the Eltheric Ocean.
- Blessed Water — A lake in southwestern Cyrodiil, west of Castle Black Boot. (map)
Dreugh Waters — A small lake in central Stormhaven, west of Wayrest. (map)
Echo Pond — A small body of water in northeastern Greenshade, north of Marbruk. (map)
Ghost Haven Bay
— An ancient pirate cove and ship graveyard on Amenos. (map)
- Green Lake — A lake in western Cyrodiil, southwest of Chorrol. (map)
Halcyon Lake — The site of an Ayleid ruin in northern Bangkorai, northeast of Evermore. (map)
- The Inner Sea
— A body of water surrounding Vvardenfell. (map)
- Lake Arrius — A lake in northeastern Cyrodiil, just east of Arrius Keep. (map)
Lake Hlaalu — The western region of Deshaan.
Lake of Teeth — A lake found east of the Spellscar. (map)
Lake Olo
— A small lake to the east of Skingrad in West Weald. (map)
- Lake Rumare — A lake in central Cyrodiil, surrounding the Imperial City. (map)
- Loch Abhain (map)
- Niben Bay — A large bay in southeastern Cyrodiil, east of Castle Bloodmayne. (map)
- Niben River — The largest river of Cyrodiil. (map)
- Silverscale Pond — A lake in southwestern Cyrodiil, southwest of Vlastarus. (map)
Sacred Springs — A small source of water located northeast of Hallin's Stand, in southern Bangkorai. (map)
- Viridian Lake — A large lake located in Bangkorai. (map)
- Amenos Passage (High Isle)
- Bjoulsae River (Bangkorai/Stormhaven)
- Blue Divide[1]
- Caomus River (Summerset)
- The Clott River (Summerset)
- Coral River (High Isle)
- Crescent River (Reaper's March)
- Darkarn River (Northern Elsweyr)
- Diceto River (Auridon)
- Eltheric Ocean[2]
- Glimmertarn River (Galen)
- Gonfalon Bay (High Isle)
- Great Bay (Rivenspire/Wrothgar)
- Hubalajad's Bay (Hew's Bane)
- Hunding Bay
- The Jugular River (Wrothgar)
- Iliac Bay (Daggerfall Covenant zones)
- Karth River (Craglorn)
- Keel-Sakka River (Murkmire)
- Liriel River (Summerset)
- Onkobra River (Shadowfen)
- Ooze River (Malabal Tor)
- Padomaic Ocean
- River Strid (Gold Coast/Malabal Tor/Reaper's March)
- Sea of Ghosts (Bleakrock/Eastmarch/Vvardenfell)
- Sea of Pearls (Summerset)
- Spurt River (Greenshade)
- Topal Bay
- Two Rivers (Wrothgar)
- Xylo River (Malabal Tor)
- Lake Blackwood

- Brena River

- Corbolo River
- Lake Poppad
- Larsius River
- Panther River

- Reed River
- Silverfish River
- White Rose River (dry)
- Lake Amaya (Deshaan)
- Lake Amaya (Vvardenfell)

- Lake Hairan

- Lake Masobi

- Lake Nabia

- Odai River

- River Samsi

- Thir River
- Zafirbel Bay

- Clearpine Pond

- Darkwater River
- Lake Honrich
- River Hjaal

- Lake Geir
- Karth River

- Mouths of the Karth
- River Yorgrim
- Reachwater River

- Solitude Inlet

- Stillwaters Lake (Frozen)
- Treva River
- White River