Captain Rian Liore | |||
Home City | Leyawiin | ||
Location | Fort Redmane, Gideon Wretched Spire ![]() |
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Ivory Brigade |
Captain Rian Liore is an Imperial captain of the Ivory Brigade.
Related QuestsEdit
- A Deadly Secret: Find and warn former Elder Council members in Blackwood.
- An Unexpected Adversary: Unmask the mysterious faction behind the deaths of former Elder Councilors in Blackwood.
- A Hidden Vault: Find out just what lies within the Daedric vault at Ojel-Bak.
- A Mysterious Event: Crash an exclusive Waking Flame event and find an Ambition.
- Weapons of Destruction: Help the twins gain control of their powers by meeting Sombren's mentor.
- Pyre of Ambition: Defend Fort Redmane against the forces of Mehrunes Dagon.
- Heroes of Blackwood: Attend the celebration thrown for you.
- Ambition's End : Assemble your allies and launch an assault on Mehrunes Dagon's capital.
- Hope Springs Eternal : Return to Leyawiin for a celebration in your honor.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
A Deadly SecretEdit
You'll find him outside the gates of Leyawiin or on the Docks speaking to Vinicius Castorius, Gratia Fauseius, and Llavane Gilaram about Councilor Jirich's disappearance.
You'll hear him addressing the trio as you approach:
- Captain Rian Liore: "You have my word. If the councilor is in Leyawiin or the surrounding countryside, the Ivory Brigade will find her."
- <He notices you and calls you over.>
- Captain Rian Liore: "You there. A moment of your time, please."
Speak with him to begin the quest.
- "Leyawiin has problems enough, and now the predictions of the Wood Elf archer seem to be coming true. Damn these old Imperial secrets!
Councilor Jirich has disappeared and my Ivory Brigade is spread thin as a sliver of butter on day-old bread." - Tell me more about this Wood Elf archer and the Imperial secrets.
- "The Wood Elf, Eveli Sharp-Arrow. She brought news that the Dark Brotherhood was targeting members of the Elder Council. All because of some secret of the Longhouse Emperors.
We took her warning seriously, but Jirich refused brigadine protection." - You think the Dark Brotherhood harmed Councilor Jirich?
- "With that guild of assassins, I'm not sure what to think. But Jirich is missing and I don't have enough brigadines at the ready to conduct a proper search.
You look capable. So, care to earn some gold and help us determine the councilor's fate?" - I'll try to find Councilor Jirich.
- "Here. Let me update your map. These are places Jirich visits during her daily routine. If something befell her, it happened somewhere along this path.
Meanwhile, I have Eveli Sharp-Arrow checking locations in the city. She was very eager to help."
If you accepted the quest from Brigadine Antonius instead of Captain Rian Liore, his intro dialogue will be different as the questions will be the same:
- "Not now, citizen. Can't you see I have my hands full at the moment? I'm sure a guard or one of my brigandines can assist you."
- I heard you were looking for help. Brigandine Antonius sent me.
- "Why didn't you say so? Leyawiin's problems are legion and now the predictions of the Wood Elf archer seem to be coming true. Damn these old Imperial secrets! Councilor Jirich has disappeared and my Ivory Brigade is already spread too thin to my liking."
You can ask him a few questions after accepting the quest.
- What else can you tell me about Councilor Jirich?
- "Councilor Jirich was a member of the Imperial Elder Council, back when we still had an Empire. Now her title is mostly ceremonial, but she continues to assist the legates by serving as an intermediary with the local nobility."
- The legates?
- "Since the collapse of the Empire and the dissolution of the Elder Council, Leyawiin has become an independent city-state. Countess Caro sits on the throne, but the Chamber of Legates governs the city."
- You have a countess but the legates are in charge?
- "I suppose the countess is technically the highest authority in Leyawiin, but she leaves the administration of the city to the Chamber of Legates. Lovidicus, another former council elder, leads this august body, along with Tebeza-ko and Am-Halu."
- Tell me about the locations you marked on my map.
- "Councilor Jirich is a creature of habit. Her daily routine is to stroll along the river and stop to read near a cave across the way.
While Eveli Sharp-Arrow examines spots the councilor frequents in the city, you should check these locations."
- "Councilor Jirich is a creature of habit. Her daily routine is to stroll along the river and stop to read near a cave across the way.
- Tell me more about the situation here in Leyawiin.
- "On paper, Countess Caro rules Leyawiin, but in practice, the Chamber of Legates governs the city. Legates Tebeza-ko and Am-Halu, and Councilor Lovidicus, they handle day-to-day tasks.
Me? I'm commander of the Ivory Brigade, Leyawiin's militia." - You mentioned your soldiers were stretched too thin?
- "Indeed. Since the fall of the Empire, the Ivory Brigade had to redouble its efforts to replace the Imperial Legions. We maintain active defenses in the north to keep the ongoing war at bay, but we have our hands full with refugees, bandits, and such."
- Ongoing war?
- "The Three Banners War. Let the alliances fight over the Ruby Throne, as long as they leave us in peace.
I just wish I had more soldiers to spare for this new threat that Eveli Sharp-Arrow brought to our attention."
- "The Three Banners War. Let the alliances fight over the Ruby Throne, as long as they leave us in peace.
- "On paper, Countess Caro rules Leyawiin, but in practice, the Chamber of Legates governs the city. Legates Tebeza-ko and Am-Halu, and Councilor Lovidicus, they handle day-to-day tasks.
- I know Eveli Sharp-Arrow.
- "Interesting. She arrived a short time ago with a tale straight out of a mystery novel. She said that Emperor Leovic's former steward had been murdered by the Dark Brotherhood. Killed over some secret pertaining to the Longhouse Emperors."
- I was with Eveli when we found the steward's body.
- "Ah, then you must be the associate she was waiting for. She'll be glad to hear that you've arrived.
Eveli presented her evidence to Councilor Lovidicus. That the members of the Elder Council were in danger. He decided the threat was credible." - Where's Eveli now?
- "Councilor Lovidicus has kept her close while the two of them try to make sense of this so-called secret. I have yet to be made privy to the details.
With Jirich's disappearance, I'll send Eveli to check places the councilor frequents in the city."
- "Councilor Lovidicus has kept her close while the two of them try to make sense of this so-called secret. I have yet to be made privy to the details.
- "Ah, then you must be the associate she was waiting for. She'll be glad to hear that you've arrived.
- How did Eveli get involved in all this?
- "She apparently has been investigating this so-called Longhouse Emperor secret for a while now. She approached Councilor Lovidicus with news of the murder and evidence to suggest the rest of the Elder Council were in danger."
- Where's Eveli now?
- "Councilor Lovidicus has kept her close while the two of them try to make sense of this so-called secret. I have yet to be made privy to the details.
With Jirich's disappearance, I'll send Eveli to check places the councilor frequents in the city."
- "Councilor Lovidicus has kept her close while the two of them try to make sense of this so-called secret. I have yet to be made privy to the details.
When you eventually find Councilor Jirich you will be too late to save her. Further investigation will have you track down Councilors Faleria and Sophus before searching Councilor Jirich's Manor for hidden documents. You and Eveli can then head to Leyawiin Castle to report to Councilor Lovidicus, though you will first have to speak to Captain Rian before entering the Legate's Chamber.
- "I need your report, mercenary. Word reached me that Councilor Jirich was murdered. What about Sophus and Faleria?
And did you find definitive proof that the Dark Brotherhood is our culprit?" - Councilor Sophus has been murdered too, but Faleria is safe. These notes were by each of the bodies.
- "That's the black hand, symbol of the Dark Brotherhood. I wish Jirich and Sophus had allowed me to assign brigadines to protect them. At least Faleria, however reluctantly, agreed to a military escort.
Did you and Eveli uncover any other information?" - We gathered a few documents we think Councilor Lovidicus should see.
- "It appears that Councilor Lovidicus's trust in the Wood Elf was not misplaced.
Very well. You and Eveli can head in and talk to the councilor."
If you talk with him again before entering:
- "Quickly, Councilor Lovidicus is in the chamber just ahead. Show him what you uncovered and let him decide how best to proceed."
After you report to Councilor Lovidicus, he will have you head to Fort Blueblood to convince Councilor Abor to return to the castle for safety. Captain Rian will make preparations:
- "Commander Ortin oversees the Fort Blueblood brigadines. Tell him I sent you and he'll give you his full cooperation.
Meanwhile, I'll recall Ivory Brigade squadrons from the surrounding countryside. The city and this castle will be defended."
Councilor Abor will have been assassinated before you arrive, but your attempts at reaching Councilors Faleria and Vandacia will be successful. After this you can return to Leyawiin Castle, where the captain will be among those gathered in the hall.
- "The mercenary returns! I dare say, you and Eveli make a good team. Once Councilor Lovidicus and the Chamber of Legates reach a decision, I expect that we'll call upon you again.
In the meantime, Councilor Lovidicus has been waiting for your report."
You can then report to Lovidicus and tell him about your contact with a Dark Brotherhood assassin and his own claims. If you talk to Captain Rian after completing the quest:
- "I'd deal with the Dark Brotherhood myself. Me and my brigadines. But I can't afford to leave Leyawiin unprotected. Not with everything else that has happened. The risk is simply too great."
An Unexpected AdversaryEdit
Captain Rian will be waiting for you outside the east gate of Leyawiin if you have not started the quest and will call out to you:
- Captain Rian Liore: "Mercenary, you're needed back in Leyawiin Castle."
Speak with him to start the quest:
- "Mercenary, you are to report to Leyawiin Castle at once!"
- What's going on at Leyawiin Castle?
- "The remaining councilors have taken refuge in the castle and have been discussing options with the Chamber of Legates. The prevailing opinion is that we send you and Eveli to investigate the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary you learned about in Gideon."
- And what do they want us to do when we get there?
- "Use your discretion. We want to know if the Dark Brotherhood is really behind the murders. And if so, who gave them their contract? Moreover, we want to dissuade them from reestablishing a presence here in Blackwood.
So, observe and investigate." - I'll go to Leyawiin Castle and speak to Eveli.
- "Eveli is waiting for you in Leyawiin Castle. She wants to discuss plans before the two of you set out to investigate the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary.
I'd find her soon. I get the distinct impression that she isn't the most patient sort."
When in the castle before you speak to Eveli:
- "Keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. The threat could come from anywhere."
After you have spoken to Eveli about investigating the old Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, you have the option of talking to Captain Rian before you go. If you do so, he will give you a recap of the previous quest:
- "Bloodrun Cave is a dangerous place, whether the Dark Brotherhood is present or not. You and Eveli should be on your guard at all times. Watch out for each other. I would hate to lose operatives as valuable as you two have been."
- Remind me what we're dealing with.
- "Eveli brought word of a threat against the former members of the Imperial Elder Council, including Councilor Lovidicus. The threat seems to be related to a secret of the Longhouse Emperors. A secret concerning something called the Four Ambitions."
- What are the Four Ambitions?
- "We don't actually know. We sent for an Imperial scribe to decipher the coded documents you found, but they have yet to arrive.
In the meantime, we've been doing everything we can to protect the councilors from Dark Brotherhood assassins." - And are the councilors safe?
- "Lovidicus, Faleria, and Vandacia are safely ensconced in Leyawiin Castle. Unfortunately, we couldn't save Jirich, Sophus, and Abor.
You found the Dark Brotherhood's calling card at every scene, yet the assassin you met claims they killed no one." - And do you believe them?
- "Assassins are not the most reliable source of truth. Still, that's part of what we're sending you to their sanctuary to determine.
Good luck, mercenary. We're all counting on you."
Your investigation of Bloodrun Cave becomes more complicated, as Waking Flame Cultists invade the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, trying to kill both you, Eveli and the assassins. You and Elam Drals follow the cultists into their base at Welke, where you learn that the High Priest is Councilor Vandacia and that there is a planned attack on Leyawiin Castle. When you arrive, you will find Captain Rian and his Brigadines outside the castle, trying to break in.
- Captain Rian Liore: "Get those doors open! We need to get to the councilors!"
- Brigadine Virgil: "They're barred from the other side!"
- <Captain Rian turns and notices you.>
- Captain Rian Liore: "Mercenary, you've returned! Eveli's attempting to breach the barracks. Go!"
It looks like you were too late, but you can apprise the captain of what you know, going to Eveli:
- "The Waking Flame cultists created a distraction. And like raw recruits, both Eveli and I fell for it.
As soon as we left the castle, they swarmed the place and barricaded themselves inside!" - Are the councilors still alive?
- "I'm not sure. By the time we realized the distraction was nothing more than a ruse, the cultists had locked us out!
If the cultists harm Lovidicus, Vandacia, and the others, I won't rest until they pay." - Councilor Vandacia is a traitor. He's the high priest of the Order of the Waking Flame.
- "What? Are you certain? Vandacia has served Blackwood and the Empire before that for more than fifty years. Enough! We need to get inside. Then we can determine the truth of all this.
Find Eveli by the barracks and assist her."
After talking to him, Captain Rian will go over to the door and begin banging on it. After meeting up with Eveli, you enter the castle through the barracks. You are unable to save Councilor Faleria from Vandacia, but Councilor Lovidicus is still alive when Vandacia escapes, summoning the Disciple of Aspiration to fight you.
Once the Ruinarch is defeated, Captain Rian and his Brigadines will get through the courtyard gate:
- Captain Rian Liore: "Councilor Lovidicus, you're alive!"
- <Captain Rian runs up to Lovidicus and helps him up.>
- Captain Rian Liore: "Let me get you out of here and somewhere safe."
- <He then places a hand on his shoulder and leads him out of the courtyard.>
- Councilor Lovidicus: "Vandacia … the bastard fooled us all!"
Once outside, you can talk to Captain Rian who will tell you who got out:
- "Thank the gods Councilor Lovidicus and the legates survived the attack. Even Countess Caro was able to slip away unharmed.
We were lucky. The casualty count could have been much higher."
After speaking with Beragon, you can hear Captain Rian talk to Lovidicus:
- Captain Rian Liore: "Councilor Lovidicus, you need to rest."
Before you speak to the councilor:
- "Councilor Lovidicus is ready to speak with you now. Just don't push him too hard. He's been through a terrible ordeal today."
Lovidicus will suggest you seek out Keshu the Black Fin for information. Rian will agree:
- "Do as Councilor Lovidicus ordered, mercenary. While you and Eveli track down the vault, I must redouble my efforts and make sure the legates and the countess remain safe.
My brigadines will be needed again before all is said and done, I'm sure."
A Hidden VaultEdit
If you start the quest immediately after the end of the last, Captain Rian will urge you to get a move on:
- "To Gideon, mercenary. If Governor Keshu can identify the location of the hidden vault, make your way there with all due haste!"
If you start the quest later on, Captain Rian will be found standing near the Leyawiin Wayshrine, where he may call to you as you approach, "Mercenary, we have much to discuss." or "Over here, mercenary! I have news!"
After the attack on Leyawiin Castle, he will have message for you from Eveli:
- "I can't believe Councilor Vandacia betrayed us! That he was behind the murders of his fellow councilors. And that he's the leader of a damn Daedric cult!
But that's a worry for another time. Right now, Eveli Sharp-Arrow has need of you." - Eveli? Where is she?
- "After the events at Leyawiin Castle, she's been waiting for your return.
Her brother the scribe deciphered part of the coded message before Vandacia ran off with the councilors' documents. Lovidicus recognized the term, if not the meaning." - And that term will lead us to the Four Ambitions?
- "Lovidicus believes so, but Eveli's waiting for you before proceeding. Meet her near the entrance to Leyawiin Castle.
And remember that you're still in the city's service. You'll be well rewarded for your efforts in this matter, whatever the outcome." - I'll head to Leyawiin Castle and talk to Eveli.
Once you start the quest, you can ask the captain for a refresher on previous events:
- "Get to Leyawiin Castle as quickly as you can. Eveli wants to move out before that traitor Vandacia beats us to the hidden vault."
- Remind me what happened at Leyawiin Castle.
- "The Waking Flame cultists lured me and Eveli out of the castle. Then they opened portals inside and attacked the remaining councilors and the Chamber of Legates."
- Is everyone all right?
- "Mostly. You arrived and helped turn the tide. But not before Vandacia revealed himself to be the cult's high priest. He killed Councilor Faleria and stole the coded documents you recovered."
- So we're back at square one?
- "Not quite. The scribe that Lovidicus sent for was able to decipher a portion of the code before Vandacia took the documents. That's the lead we want you to follow up on.
Find Eveli at Leyawiin Castle. She knows more about the details than I do."
A Mysterious EventEdit
If you don't start the quest in Gideon with Eveli, Captain Rian will be waiting for you in plaza outside the Great Chapel to Zenithar. As you approach, you may hear "Mercenary, we should talk!"
He is delivering a message to you:
- "There you are! I have a message for you, mercenary."
- A message? From who?
- "Eveli Sharp-Arrow. She sends word that she's waiting for you at the governor's mansion in Gideon. She indicated that she has news concerning the Ambitions."
- Is that the entire message?
- "More or less.
Will you go to Gideon? Leyawiin will continue to compensate you for any assistance you can provide in this matter." - Yes, I'll go meet Eveli in Gideon.
Speaking with him again, he will remind you of where Eveli is waiting for you:
- "Remember, you'll find Eveli in the governor's mansion in Gideon. She said she'd wait for you before continuing her investigation."
Weapons of DestructionEdit
If you don't immediately start the quest with Keshu, you can encounter Captain Rian in Leyawiin who will put you on the path. As you approach, you will see him walk out of Sweet Retreat Baked Goods before he notices you and calls out, "Mercenary, we must speak."
Talk with him to see what is going on:
- "Mercenary! I was hoping I'd find you here. It seems they require your presence in Gideon."
- Who requires my presence, captain?
- "Governor Keshu wants to discuss the arrangements for the guests you brought to her city. It seems she has gotten word of an imminent threat."
- What kind of threat?
- "The kind we don't want to speak openly about. There are ears everywhere.
Go to Gideon and speak to Governor Keshu. You've served us well so far. Keep it up and Leyawiin will reward you greatly. You have my word." - I'll go to Gideon and talk to Governor Keshu.
After accepting the quest:
- "You can find Governor Keshu in her mansion in Gideon. I believe Eveli is already there.
Consider this matter to be of the utmost importance, mercenary."
Pyre of AmbitionEdit
If you don't immediately start the quest with Keshu, you can encounter Captain Rian in Leyawiin who will put you on the path. As you approach, you will see him walk out of Sweet Retreat Baked Goods before he notices you and calls out, "Over here, mercenary!"
He has news about Waking Flame forces outside Gideon:
- "Good to see you, mercenary, but you're needed in Gideon."
- What's going on in Gideon?
- "I received word that the Order of the Waking Flame is gathering outside the city. They appear to be seeking whatever you and Eveli turned up on your recent investigations. I suggest you make your way to Gideon and report to Governor Keshu right away."
- I'll head to Gideon and speak to Keshu.
Speaking to him again:
- "Report to Governor Keshu in Gideon. I got the impression that time was of the essence."
When you speak with Keshu in Gideon, she will explain that she wants to move the Ambitions to Fort Redmane as to protect the city and its citizens from the Waking Flame. After speaking with Eveli, you can gather your allies from around Blackwood before going to Leyawiin to speak with Captain Liore about the plan. He can be found in the courtyard of Castle Leyawiin, doing a stocktake of the barrels:
- "Mercenary. You have news?"
- Governor Keshu sent the Ambitions to Fort Redmane, but we need help defending them against the cult.
- "That explains the reports I received from my scouts. Increased and flagrant Waking Flame activity in the countryside around Gideon.
I take it Vandacia knows the Ambitions are there?" - We think so. Keshu doesn't want to fight the cult in the city.
- "Governor Keshu is wise. Gideon isn't as defensible as Leyawiin. A battle inside the city limits will cause untold damage and deaths among the common folk.
Very well, mercenary. The Ivory Brigade will stand with the Black Fin Legion." - Thank you, captain.
After you have reported to the captain, you can ask some questions before leaving to find Eveli outside Fort Redmane:
- "I'll rally the Ivory Brigade here in Leyawiin and we'll meet you at Fort Redmane.
We'll stop Vandacia and his cultists. We have to." - What else have you heard from your scouts about the Order of the Waking Flame?
- "The cultists seem to have moved away from Leyawiin. I don't think the legates are in any immediate danger. But they're also no longer trying too hard to hide their identity. They're gathering in great numbers and setting up a perimeter around Gideon."
You can then travel to Fort Redmane, where you will find a camp outside the fort's gates. Both Ivory Brigade and Black Fin Legion forces will be preparing for a fight. Captain Liore can be found at one of the tents:
- "The Ivory Brigade stands ready!
I had to leave half my brigadines behind to protect Leyawiin, but every soldier here volunteered to come. We'll do our part to defend Fort Redmane and protect the Ambitions." - Why leave soldiers behind when this is where Vandacia is going to attack?
- "We assume that to be the case, but Vandacia attacked Leyawiin once before. I couldn't take a chance and leave the legates and the countess unprotected. Not to mention the common folk.
I assure you. These are among the best brigadines in my service." - What role will the Ivory Brigade play in Fort Redmane's defense?
- "General Keshu asked me to defend Fort Redmane's front gate from the battlements. I've posted a strong contingent of archers along the walls, and I intend to lead them personally."
- We can't lose the Ambitions to Vandacia. No matter what.
- "Both Governor Keshu and Councilor Lovidicus made that abundantly clear to me.
There's no finer general in Blackwood than the Black Fin. My brigadines stand ready to follow her orders to the letter. We'll keep the Ambitions safe."
- "Both Governor Keshu and Councilor Lovidicus made that abundantly clear to me.
Once you have spoken with Eveli and Governor Keshu, the plan to protect the Ambitions will begin. Captain Rian Liore will begin to give orders:
- Captain Rian Liore: "Brigadines, take your positions! The enemy could arrive at any time. Eveli, take the Ambitions to the guardhouse!"
- <Eveli leads the ambitions into the fort The brigadines form up in front of him.>
- Keshu the Black Fin: "Black Fin Legion, to me!"
- <The Black Fin Legionnaires line up in front of her.>
Speaking with Captain Rian before you enter Fort Redmane:
- "General Keshu will command the Black Fin Legion out here. I'm heading inside to oversee the brigadines on the battlements.
I understand that your role is to protect the Ambitions and serve as the last line of defense. Strike true, mercenary!"
When you enter the courtyard, you will see that the Ambitions have gone ahead. Meanwhile, Eveli will ask for an update from Captain Rian who will be with some of his archers on the battlements:
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "Any sign of Vandacia's forces, Captain Rian?"
- Captain Rian Liore: "I just received word. The Waking Flame has arrived. And they have portal mages with them! Eveli, take the Ambitions to the guardhouse!"
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow: "I'll protect them! You stay here and defend the courtyard!"
At this point several Deadlands portals appear in front of the doors to the guardhouse and Daedra pour out.
- Captain Rian Liore: "Portals! Cut down the cultists!"
During this fight, Captain Rian can have his archers unleash an Arrow Barrage at the place you point out:
- Captain Rian Liore: "Give the order and we'll release a volley!"
Once you have activated the synergy, you will have a few seconds to kite the mobs to the target area:
- Captain Rian Liore: "We're about to loose! Lead the enemy to our target!"
When the volley begins:
- Captain Rian Liore: "Arrows away!"
Once you have defeated the forces in the courtyard, Captain Rian will jump down and you have the option of talking to him before chasing after Eveli:
- "Portals, just as we feared. At least they can't transport overwhelming forces in that manner.
Go check on the guardhouse. Make sure Eveli and the Ambitions are secure." - Are you sure you don't need me here?
- "Positive. With the added brigadines the lieutenant brought us, we'll be able to hold the courtyard. It's the Ambitions that concern me now.
Get to the guardhouse and stay with them. Enemies could emerge from portals at any moment." - What about outside the fort?
- "My scouts tell me we closed the gate just in time. It appears the Waking Flame used magic to conceal their approach. The Black Fin Legion is holding them back, but you should make sure the Ambitions are safe."
- What about you?
- "I need to make sure we hold the battlements. Deal with any other portals that open and see what support we can provide to Keshu and her legionnaires.
Now go, mercenary. I hear more fighting inside."
Once inside the guardhouse, you will find Eveli with her cousins and fighting daedra. You will then need to catch up with and defend the Ambitions from the Daedra and cultist forces. However when Vandacia confronts your group, Destron is sacrificed and Vandacia uses the energy to summon Mehrunes Dagon to Nirn. You then have to fight your way back through the keep to the courtyard to find Vandacia so you can weaken and defeat him. Captain Rian and his forces will have survived and will assist you from the battlements:
When the Arrow Barrage is ready:
- Captain Rian Liore: "My archers are ready. Give us a target!"
- Captain Rian Liore: "Give the order and we'll release a volley!"
Once you have activated the synergy, you will have a few seconds to kite the mobs to the target area:
- Captain Rian Liore: "We're about to loose! Lead the enemy to our target!"
When the volley begins:
- Captain Rian Liore: "Arrows away!"
Once Vandacia is killed, Mehrunes Dagon will speak to your group before he is drawn back to Oblivion. You can then make your way outside to the camp, Captain Rian can be found there and can be spoken to:
- "That battle was not what I expected. Things were getting out of hand for a time, what with Mehrunes Dagon stomping around, knocking down towers and crushing anything in his path.
I'm glad that it's over. And I'm glad that you fought by our side."
Heroes of BlackwoodEdit
Captain Rian is one of the characters who can start this quest, he can be found in the northwest area of Leyawiin and will call you over when you approach him, "Ah, mercenary, there you are!"
He has a final mission for you:
- "Mercenary, I have one more mission to send you on."
- What do you need me to do this time?
- "Relax, this isn't a matter of life and death. Governor Keshu is throwing a victory celebration at her mansion. I order you to attend!
Oh, and grab Calia and Sombren on the way. They deserve a little revelry after what they've been through." - Where can I find Sombren and Calia?
- "I understand they're staying at the Temple of Dibella in Gideon. If they're not there, someone in the temple should be able to direct you.
Now go. I look forward to seeing you at the party!" - I'll find Sombren and Calia and bring them to the celebration at the governor's mansion.
Speaking with him after beginning the quest:
- "Gather the Ambitions from the Temple of Dibella in Gideon. Make sure they attend the celebration. I'll see you there."
- Who else is attending Keshu's celebration?
- "Everyone who helped ensure our victory. Brigadines, legionnaires, the allies you gathered. Not to mention dignitaries and nobles from all across Blackwood. It promises to be a grand event!
I'll be personally escorting Countess Caro and the legates."
- "Everyone who helped ensure our victory. Brigadines, legionnaires, the allies you gathered. Not to mention dignitaries and nobles from all across Blackwood. It promises to be a grand event!
- What's next for the Ivory Brigade?
- "A great deal of boredom, I hope.
I need to rebuild my forces. Do my best to make sure Blackwood remains safe and secure. And I plan to closely coordinate my efforts with Keshu's Black Fin Legion. We work well together. I want to see that continue."
- "A great deal of boredom, I hope.
He'll be present for the ceremony at Gideon, if you speak with him before the ceremony begins:
- "It's good to see you mercenary. Enjoy yourself at the party. You certainly earned it."
Once Keshu has given her speech and the quest is completed, you can talk to Captain Rian some more:
- "So, any chance I could talk you into enlisting in the Ivory Brigade? No? I didn't think so.
I want to thank you for helping us with all this. I hate to imagine what would have become of Blackwood if not for you and Eveli. I'm in your debt."
Ambition's EndEdit
As you near the final confrontation with Mehrunes Dagon, Lyranth will gather a number of your allies you encountered in Blackwood. Captain Rian Liore will be among the troops:
- "I have to admit, I thought we finished our business with Mehrunes Dagon at Fort Redmane.
Ah, well. It's an honor to fight beside you again, mercenary." - What have you been doing since I saw you last?
- "We've had no more trouble with apocalyptic cults since the defeat of Vandacia and the Waking Flame. And between the Ivory Brigade and the Black Fin Legion, we've kept Blackwood safe.
Truth be told, it's been rather boring." - This won't be boring.
- "Don't mistake my bravado for foolishness. Your ally Lyranth explained the stakes of the game to me. I'll see this through to victory, or die in the attempt. You can count on no less from me."
He will be one of the comrades that will enter the city with you, but will be separated from you. You will run into him later on top of the battlements, healing Brigadine Cartier's wounds.
At Destruction's Solace, Captain Liore will be there to fight by your side before you go into the portal:
- "We'll give you as much time as we can, but I can't make any promises. The sooner you put a stop to Dagon's plan, the better."
At Fort Sundercliff after defeating the waves of Dagon's forces, he will arrive from a portal and secure a defensive perimeter with Arox and Keshu.
After defeating Mehrunes Dagon, he'll be at Wretched Spire:
- "By the Eight, that was close!
As a small favor to me, the next time you ask for my help, try to make sure we're not fighting creatures from Oblivion. I'd much rather deal with bandits or even a mundane monster or two."
Hope Springs EternalEdit
After speaking to Eveli, you can speak to Liore again:
- "This day belongs to you, friend. I can't imagine how we would have stopped Vandacia or Mehrunes Dagon without your help."
Join the celebration at Leyawiin Castle:
- "This day belongs to you, friend. I can't imagine how we would have stopped Vandacia or Mehrunes Dagon without your help."
- You played an important part, too.
- "I fought for my home and my people. Any soldier would do as much. But you, my friend, had the courage to take up a cause that wasn't yours and face dangers beyond this world. And all for the sake of strangers.
I salute you."
- He is the author of the Ivory Brigade Style crafting motif.