The Champion System in the Elder Scrolls Online is a system of horizontal character development that complements the more vertical progression of Leveling and Skill development. The Champion System is unlocked when one of your characters reaches Veteran rank at Level 50. From that point on, experience points provide progression in Champion Points. Champion Points are required to wear Level 50 gear and use Level 50 consumables, and are used to unlock new abilities within the realms of the three Guardian Constellations.
The current cap is 3600, and you are unable to spend any points that you have earned above this cap. This means you are able to spend 1200 points in each of the three constellations.
The new system needs to be documented following the system overhaul with Update 29
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While you are Enlightened, experience gain is multiplied by four, effectively reducing the required XP for one Champion Point to a quarter of its original value. Once per day, you receive 400,000 XP of Enlightenment; after your Enlightenment is used up, you will return to requiring the standard amount of XP to earn a Champion Point. Enlightenment accumulates in a pool with a cap of 4,800,000 XP after twelve days. Each single experience point earned through normal gameplay expends four of the stored points in the Enlightenment pool; killing an enemy usually worth 76 XP will give you 304 XP, while completing a standard Level 50 quest will reward you with 29940 XP instead of 7485 XP.
Note that only Level 50 characters can be Enlightened, and the Enlightenment pool is shared across all Level 50 characters on your account.
Improves the chances of extracting Woodworking, Blacksmithing, Clothing, and Jewelry Crafting ingredients and allows the refining of more powerful resins, tempers, tannins, and platings from raw materials.
Removes 1000 gold from your bounty once per day when committing a crime where bounty is added. You must be level 50 for this passive to activate, and your current bounty must be at or greater than 1000 gold.
When you kill an enemy with Blade of Woe, you become invisible for 5 seconds after a short delay while distracting nearby enemies or potential witnesses. While under this effect you can cast Blade of Woe.
Whenever you kill an enemy under the effect of a status effect, they violently explode for 2560 Oblivion Damage per stage to all other enemies in a 4 meter radius.
When you block an attack from an enemy within 7 meters, your next direct damage attack made within 5 seconds deals 33% additional damage. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.
When you take damage below 20% Health you gain Major Heroism, granting 3 Ultimate every 1.5 seconds for 9 seconds. This effect can occur once every 9 seconds.
You deal 504 Magic Damage to attackers whenever they damage you with a Direct Damage attack within 7 meters. This effect scales off the higher of your Physical or Spell Resistance and can activate your Weapon Enchantments and Poisons.
Overhealing yourself or an ally grants them Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovery equal to .5% of your Max Magicka, up to a cap of 150, for 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds per target.
Whenever you heal yourself or an ally under 25% Health, you grant them a damage shield that absorbs up to 2200 damage per stage, for 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 30 seconds per target.
Whenever you remove a harmful effect from yourself or an ally, you sanctify the ground beneath them and heal them and allies within 8 meters for 1318 Health per stage. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.
Healing yourself or an ally under 50% Health grants them Minor Heroism for 1 second for every 300 Magicka Recovery you have. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per target.
When you are affected by a disabling effect, you automatically Break Free for no cost. After using this effect, you become Winded and cannot trigger this effect or others like it for 21 seconds.
At certain Champion levels you will receive one-time rewards or unlocks, which will be delivered via In-Game Mail or added to your account automatically.
Veteran Dungeons (Note: You start out at Champion level 10 when reaching level 50 on your first character)
In theory, to unlock all passive perks and the most expensive four active perks 793 points for Craft, 542 points for Fitness and 520 points for Warfare are needed. This however is based purely on the numbers in the above tables and neglects reachability (e.g. "Bastion" must be unlocked before "Arcane Alacrity" can be unlocked) of the perks, so the actual points needed ingame might be a bit higher.
Once you have access to Champion Points on an account, you will always have access to them, even if you delete all of your Level 50 characters.