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Elven Ruin:
Errinorne Isle
(view on map) (lore page)
Striking Locale
Discoverable Yes
Completion None
Heritance Cutthroat, Heritance Deadeye, Heritance Ice Master, Heritance Soldier, Imp
(Quest-specific): Initiate Cutthroat, Initiate Soldier
East of Skywatch
Errinorne Isle

Errinorne Isle is an island containing elven ruins in central Auridon, just off the coast from the city of Skywatch.

On the island itself

The island has become a Veiled Heritance training ground, where new recruits are tested to determine their potential. Rumor has it that the Veiled Queen herself will appear on the island, within the ruins of The Veiled Keep.

The island was used by the ancient elves as a shipping and warehouse complex for the city of Skywatch. When the sload invaded Auridon, they occupied the island, until a force of the All-Flags Navy finally destroyed them, along with most of the island's buildings.

A chapter of the book, Auridon Explored, and a welcoming pamphlet for new recruits can be found on the island.

Related QuestsEdit



  • After first visiting the island during the related quests, you can return at any time using a boat from Skywatch docks. (map)


There is one achievement associated with this location:

Achievement Points Description
   Auridon Pathfinder 5 Discover all of the striking locales on Auridon.