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Online:Harrowstorm Abomination

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Harrowstorm Abomination
Location Harrowstorms
Species Flesh Colossus
Health 2,021,938 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Gray Host
Harrowstorm Abomination
A Harrowstorm Abomination in the process of being summoned

Harrowstorm Abominations are flesh colossi that can be summoned by the Witch Pike sacrifices at active Harrowstorms.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

The colossus swings its mace arm, dealing physical damage.
Sweep Shockwave
The shockwave from the force of the mace's swing. Deals physical damage.
The abomination slams the ground which launches rocks, dealing damage in the area of impact as well as where the rocks land.
The abomination lifts its arm then tries to pin the target to the ground, dealing damage and stunning. This attack can be blocked to stagger the abomination.
Miasma Pool
After Pin, the abomination stops moving and keeps its arm plunged into the ground, which leaves several pools of bubbling poison on the ground as indicated by a large, circular AoEs. Standing in a pool will inflict low to moderate poison damage over time.
Rancid Slam
The abomination makes slams the ground with force, dealing damage and leaving poison pools in its wake.
Rancid Residue
The AoE left behind by Rancid Slam. Deals moderate to major poison damage over time.
Stumble Forward
The abomination sweeps its arms forward multiple times in front of itself while slightly moving forward. Each sweep deals damage and staggers.